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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 53a49874b62c884⋯.jpg (422.58 KB, 1500x1250, 6:5, Picsart_22_06_02_17_30_14_….jpg)

07df58  No.304885


A: a 'wildlife exhibit' company that killed 2 Lions

B: a trucking company located in Pixelia, Mississippi where everything appears pixelated

C: a series of endless embarrassing memories and claims of voter fraud, every time this photo or others like it are gazed upon by the fucking idiot who thought he had a chance at becoming a senator, and who believes all the insane transparently false complete bullshit "Q" moron garbage, and intended on becoming a senator so he could modify laws and 'overthrow the government'… a complete nutcase, AND an idiot, guaranteed to have an extremely low IQ, because nobody with a high IQ has ever believed in "Q", and perhaps even more embarrassingly, he thought he could sway voters from his "pulpit" which is a flat trailer attached to a cab, with redneck white trash quality signs chained to the framework, featuring graphics of lions in Africa.

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edffbc  No.304928

I am Q how can I help you my sweet child

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f952f6  No.305153


>modify laws and overthrow the * government*



Congress (the Lobby) has passed so much bad paper into law over the last 22 years that it's almost certain that nothing short of armed revolution and citizen revolt can restore Constitutional government in the US.

It is (((You))) who is the nutcase OP.

People want candidates like this.

Unfortunately the Lobby will outspend them 100 to 1 and utilize it's leverage to mobilize the incumbent apparatus to marginalize, discredit and embroil these candidates in alleged crimes, misdeeds and scandal.

All completely fabricated of course, but perceived as truth nonetheless.


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