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416149  No.304726

1- Baby assassination is not "abortion". Abortion is a sort of euphemism for assassinating babies, so stop using it. If "abortion" of babies is equivalent to assassinating babies because "abortion" means "abortion of life", then it would still be a baby assassination, because "abortion of life" is a figure of language for assassination.

2- Leftists attach either a negative or positive emotional charge to words so that they can associate what they endorse with positive emotions and what they do not endorse with negative emotions. For example, they may pick the words "fundamental", "radical", and "discrimination", and then attach a negative emotional charge to them by speaking these words with a negative tone, and then pretend that people should stop being "fundamentalists", "radicals", etc…

3- Leftism was designed to use a language that lacks meaning and is contradictory so that the people may figure out that the rationalizing factor behind leftism is not what it says neither its discourse but its spirit, and proving a leftist is contradictory is a way that the leftist uses to prove his supposed superiority and sanctimoniousness by implying what the leftist says cannot be subjected to logics and is above logics

4- "Racism" is a word that leftists have attached a negative emotional charge to it. It could be "Religiousism", "Headism", "Faceism", "Chestism", "Ideologism", "Handism", "Bicepsism", "Thightism", "Armism", "Legsism", "Hamstringsism", etc

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416149  No.304727

5- The word "Politically incorrect" is leftist. Stop using it. That's because "politically incorrect" implies that correctness is bounded by the political sphere, which is a materialistic sphere, therefore you are subjecting correctness to materialistic relations of power, and therefore that the political sphere is like a god that determines what is correct or not. The correct would be "incorrectness applied to politics". That also applied to terms such as "social justice", "social responsibility", "environmental responsibility", etc. Even though, what is identified as "politically incorrect" is not "incorrectness applied to politics"; it is rather "correctness applied to politics" in the major part, therefore by calling yourself "politically incorrect" you are well-poisoning your image and the image of truth-seekers

6- The word "terrorism" is a leftist word. That's because "terrorism" implies "that thing which causes terror". However, it is not a thing that causes terror, but it is one oneself that experiences terror when reacting to something, therefore the word "terrorism" inverts that relation and pretends that the thing called "terrorist" is what causes terror, and not the person who experiences terror that experiences terror when reacting to that thing. Therefore there's a leftist inversion there, similar to the inversion leftists have that they think it is not a person who does something but it is the person that is influenced by an external thing, and therefore it is the blame of society that the person did something.

That being said, there could be the word "Lovism", which means something one reacts with the emotion of love, "Happyism", which is something one reacts with the emotion of happiness, "Merryism", "Gratefulism", "Nostalgiaism", "Prideism", etc…

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416149  No.304728

7- The correct term to use is not "unvaccinated", because it has a negative connotation. The correct term is "vaccine free" because the word "free" recalls to freedom, and the notion of freedom is faced with positivity by people

8- The goal of truth-seekers should not "Resist" the globohomo but fight and destroy globohomo, so stop pretending that "Resisting Globohomo" is a goal if you do that. Resisting implies that globohomo should exist because it is impossible to resist something that doesn't exist

9- Shills use abbreviations because they are derogatory e.g AltRight, WigNat, "Eco" for "Ecological", "Fash" for "Fascism"

10- Shills want to turn movements edgy because they want to isolate movements from society. "Edgy" represents being on the margins of a society

11- "Alt" means "alternative". "Alternative" recalls to a sense of being subaltern to something mainstream and in the margins of a society, therefore something outcast. Therefore shills use that word in order to attempt to isolate and marginalize communities. Therefore stop calling you "alt-right" if you do it. If you view yourself as belonging to the "alt-right", then naturally you are going to attempt to preserve such an identity of being "alt-right", therefore you will attempt to always become "alternative" and never become mainstream, therefore the tendency is that you will become isolated from society as a member of the "alt-right" ideology

12- Self-improvement such as Redpills are important. You should make Redpilled essays and seek to Redpill people. The shills want to call the Redpill movement and the Incel movement as "far-right", "extremist", "terrorist", etc, as forms of intimidation, because they do not want people to self-improve themselves; they want people to stay in a sort of cult towards fragility, that is what leftism is. They call everything they do not like as "far-right", "extremist", "White supremacist", and "terrorist" as forms of intimidation. The shills will attempt to call everything the truth seekers endorse and their symbols and their references by these labels, because they want the truth seekers to be bereft of movements, ideas, symbols, representatives, references, etc…

13- Whenever leftists say words such as "democracy", "tolerance", etc, it means "democracy in THEIR molds", "tolerance in THEIR molds", so "democracy" for them can actually signify a Satanic theocracy tyranny. That's because for the leftist reality is "relative" and everything is subjective, because the leftist makes the leftist oneself like a god, pretty much like how the Genesis book speaks about one eating of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil and becoming like a god. There's also the fact that the associations with reality appear to be lost in schizophrenia, but that's for another topic

14- Make essays yourself. Gather information, study them, write your knowledge about a subject in a text, organize your knowledge, then deliver it to the truth seeker community so as to enrich the community and produce constructive discussions and learn from the members of the truth seeker community. Writing and reading are important skills you shall develop. Expressiveness is something you should develop. Seek to learn new words to expand your vocabulary.

15- Make communities yourself, whether in real life or on the internet. There is no need to bother about feds and glowies as long as you are not going to commit anything illegal, and the feds and glowies likely have access to your electronic devices, therefore there's not too much need to worry about the possibility that creating a community may make feds and glowies may spy you. Shills, feds, and glowies use the fear of shills, feds, and glowies as a way to avoid people making communities.

However, you should take certain security measures.

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f891d9  No.304793


have you tried the brown pill yet m80?

I heard it is the toughest pill to swallow

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2ed309  No.305185

>5- The word "Politically incorrect" is leftist. Stop using it. That's because "politically incorrect" implies that correctness is bounded by the political sphere, which is a materialistic sphere, therefore you are subjecting correctness to materialistic relations of power, and therefore that the political sphere is like a god that determines what is correct or not. The correct would be "incorrectness applied to politics". That also applied to terms such as "social justice", "social responsibility", "environmental responsibility", etc. Even though, what is identified as "politically incorrect" is not "incorrectness applied to politics"; it is rather "correctness applied to politics" in the major part, therefore by calling yourself "politically incorrect" you are well-poisoning your image and the image of truth-seekers

Sorry I am too low-iq to understand this one. Please elaborate and simplify.

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bb94ee  No.305187


Not him but I think that means common sense is never found in politics. People who have common sense already know politics is abused and exploited to divide and conquer populations rather than provide legit solutions IRL.

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390017  No.305188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Rand Paul… Ye do not need 'weapons oversight…'


Rand Paul… I am going to use those assets against Erdogan in the Turkish 'Civil War…'

Rand Paul… Any attempt to hide the government aboard NATO vessels in the sea shall be futile…

Rand Paul… I will find Erdogan and kill him…

Rand Paul… I here for declare a Nexus upon NATO…

Rand Paul… As previously stated… The recitation of the 'Kingdom of Russ' shall 'in turn' and equally 'out turn…'

Rand Paul… How for can I, the devil, be knowing of Turkish guilt?

Rand Paul… I can see the future…

Rand Paul… "I watched closely as a man was burned alive and shot… He continued to breathe after a second in the brain…"

Rand Paul… 'Tis a war of 'Old Vs. Young…'

Rand Paul… 'Good luck…'

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bb94ee  No.305189


>The correct term to use is not "unvaccinated", because it has a negative connotation. The correct term is "vaccine free" because the word "free" recalls to freedom, and the notion of freedom is faced with positivity by people.

The correct term would be naturally immune or herd immunity. Sure you might catch some virus, but if your immune system can fight it off and survive it, you become naturally immune to that virus.

>You should make Redpilled essays and seek to Redpill people.

Redpill is just a stupid term made up from a stupid movie. Yes, the Matrix was juvenile stupid. I'd call people out by ideology. If they are truly tolerant of others then call them tolerant. If they are totalitarian and like seeing others lose freedom or their livelihoods, call them despotic. It fits just fine. No beating around the bush.

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bb94ee  No.305191


>Whenever leftists say words such as "democracy", "tolerance", etc, it means "democracy in THEIR molds",

The most ironic part about America is we were NOT created as a democracy, unlike Europe. America is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic where no majority can rule a minority just because they are majority. Individual rights are supposed to be sacred and protected above all else, and that is what made America so great and prosperous in the first place. Everything we see being destroyed today is due to totalitarianism infiltrating this nation.

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bb94ee  No.305192


>Make communities yourself, whether in real life or on the internet. There is no need to bother about feds and glowies as long as you are not going to commit anything illegal

Pretty much THIS. Keep a cool head, do your own thing, keep prepping for SHTF, maintain vigilance and know your enemies and how they intend subverting or entrapping you and you'll do fine. Maintaining close ties with family and trusted friends is the utmost important thing you can do IRL. This will help you inherit wealth, learn new knowledge, learn new skills, coordinate with like minded people and have access to help when in need. All outside the screens and devices of glowies, IRL face-to-face is the most healthy way of communication.

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bca616  No.305233



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