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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 6ccf6937f83e84d⋯.gif (3.06 MB, 600x338, 300:169, 1.gif)

48318b  No.304662


Links to buffalo shooting/memes

Ill start

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48318b  No.304665

File: 5f2863370ea0dfd⋯.webm (4.1 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, lol.webm)

not OC

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48318b  No.304666

File: 99204e3942fca7c⋯.webm (1.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, buffalo.webm)

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354db1  No.304794


this is the most retarded shit that one could ever do

>hey there is this evil conspiracy to destroy us all

>i am a rightful warrior for justice and fairness

>therefore I will do my best for our cause

>so let me storm this supermarket full of completely irrelevant non-armed civillians who are not doing me any harm and do not have the power to change anything and let me shoot them

>just because I am some sexually frustrated loser from the internet

I mean if he stormed the white house or the capitol and started shooting politicians he deems responsible for the situation I would understand it understand … NOT condone

However what these incel losers are doing is the most disgraceful shit one could do and the worst is that similar losers on the internet celebrate them as some kind of war heroes or something.

shooting unarmed civillians is not a sign of strength, it is weakness

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354db1  No.304796


but hey

what would one expect from a fash fag

they also bombarded irrelevant normies and civillians in London WWII instead of going after the Brittish air force infrastructure. They could have won the aerial battle over britain if they weren't such retarded subhuman trash who concentrate on killing unarmed civillians

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18fa81  No.304828


Very insightful post.

They were avoiding "collateral damage".

If you cripple the war machine, all of your plans fall apart.

Nothing has changed.

Now with Chinah in the game, the game can begin again.

As usual it's for all the marbles and this time, they'll

get it right.

Have you turned in your firearms at the buyback yet?

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18fa81  No.304830



>And this here

<is the crux

of the whole damn biscuit

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354db1  No.304916


the official narrative was that germany was bombing london normalfags because they wanted them to lose morale. so retarded. disgusting behavior only fires up your hatred for the enemy and they become even more motivated to annihilate you.

even a first year psychology student could have predicted that. and all the while the germany air force was busy harassing normalfags and destroying their houses the brits have been rearranging their air force and then went for a counter attack. the germans never recovered after that counter attack.


you destroy your enemy when he is weak

america had the chance to wipe the floor with china after they intervened in korea. general mcarthur wanted to go full nuclear against the red china too but was sabotaged by president truman in the end.

they could have destroyed the red menace once and for all and given control over china to either the KMT or Hong Kong and today china would be a country similar to japan. democratic, free market economy without organs harvesting and concentration camps for people the chicoms don't like and are afraid of.

however, now they are strong and you cannot do anything to them anymore. so you have to live with the problem now. and as the average chinese is a spineless governemnt bootlicker you cannot expect them to do a revolution and oust the commies from power either.

The biggest traitors in american history were

>president truman (korea)

>president nixon (dropping taiwan for korea)

>president clinton (the nuclear thing)

who sold out america out

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ab47af  No.304918


It is never too late anon. White ethnoglobe now.

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354db1  No.304925


no when you look at the chicoms, what they have done to china. a country with 5000 years of history, traditions and culture. these lunatics wanted to eradicate it all because it did not fit into their stupid doctrine.

we can thank the brittish that at least in hong kong there was a safe space where the traditions could have been cultivated and survived. now in the future how it will look we cannot know but we can hope the best at least

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