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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 6ab99ffc471351c⋯.jpg (211.39 KB, 720x1142, 360:571, Screenshot_20220530_121422….jpg)

c29b04  No.304640

If you don't love Jews and do as MikeJudgeDredd on /r/newfoundland says you are evil and should burn in hell. Just remember MikeJudgeDredd is God himself.

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058d55  No.304642

Everyone dreads the r/moderators.

Who let the muzzies into newfoundland?

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c29b04  No.304651

File: 57b706f0750cd37⋯.png (23.25 KB, 542x319, 542:319, sector88_net_welcome_anarc….png)


I don't even care anymore Canada sucks newfoundland sucks world sucks life sucks I'm killing myself anyways. Sinistar7.org was my last shot to try and fix things and such. I'm done with life

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c29b04  No.304654


Reddit is discussing doxing o9a, pol and ns members ro kill them and haven't got banned for it

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058d55  No.304655


Reddit is depressing. Get off reddit to enjoy greater mental health.

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fe4523  No.304663

Here's one of the spic mods: 562-774-8272

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f3c1db  No.304669


Sorry, kid, but Islam is anti-racist, anti-fascist, globalist, and does not tolerate any form of ethnic superiority.

"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another." Qur'an 49:13

The Constitution of Medina. Article 17 says “No Jew shall be wronged for being a Jew.”.

"There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a non-Arab over an Arab, and no superiority of a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person, except on the basis of personal piety and righteousness." - Prophet Muhammad

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ef07ca  No.304717


So this is why Anton Long promoted it only as Jihadist killing Jews but said it was still de-evolutionary.

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08f588  No.304792


>be member of cult of violence from a bizarre internet forum known for violence

>post retarded and childish crap glorifying violence and racism

>hello peace loving people

>i am also a peace loving person

>can I join you

it was his own fault.


he is absolutely correct.

Sufi islam strongly and vehemently disapproves any type of violence.

If the edgelord had spent 5 minutes researching thoroughly what he was interested in, he would have found out that he does not belong into that club and never will be accepted.


see you tomorrow faggot

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c29b04  No.304810


Go kiss your boyfriend "Wendy"

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08f588  No.304811


go impale yourself on an elephant tusk

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