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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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aee75f  No.304549

The Weakness of the Right is they do not wage a COUNTER-CULTURAL WAR … they gave that ground up in the 60's – Just let us alone and let us keep our FILTHY LUCRE!


Cowardly curs!

Now they try to make a virtue of their LOSING TO THE CULTURAL WARRIORS ON THE LEFT … as though LOSING A WAR for your survival is virtuous!


The 'right wing' in America is not fighting to win … They are cowards! They don't fight to win because they have NO DEEPLY HELD MORAL VALUES … Just that easy!

IF you will 'compromise' on values … they are not values at all!

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6fa04f  No.304558

>culturial wars

>implying you can repair brain damaged commu-shits

this is waste of time. they are economically illiterate and it is pointless to teach them because they are cemented in their retarded belief. You remember? Time after time communism failed on the planet and they still don't care about it

>so what do we do then?


you build a business

you sell these lunatics rainbow flags and sex toys and 8$ pumpkin cappuchinos and 20$ avocado toasts.

then you proceed to reinvest the profits for your cause

this is what professionals have been doing compared to what sofa revoluzers are doing and going nowhere

You must understand that economic power is the only power that matters. Government is composed of incompetent shmucks and they can't get shit done without capitalists. this is why in the end the governments always bend over for the mega capitalists.

Instead of screeching at leftists you are better of finding out what kind of retarded fad they are now in and sell them this exact same shit. for profits. build a business. build power

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a44320  No.304572


No one in politics is fighting to win, left right or in between.

The Lobby controls everyone and everything in politics.

Congress does what it's told or it gets the anthrax again.

You are living in the Pickwickian democracy Huxley warned about.

The people are busy with "hamburgers and television" and can't be bothered to defend their very humanity let alone their government.

The new covid strains and monkey pox are arriving on your shores.

Now step up and take some more mRNA because the United Nations Pandemic Treaty has made it compulsory and incumbent upon the government to vaccinate every man woman and child on this planet.

Perhaps to transfect their gametes and oocytes, but that is just a paranoid conspiracy theory at the moment.

By the time such a preposterous theory may be proved or evidenced by empirical data, it will be too late to reverse any damage to the gene pool.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to a private back door party and we're going to do anal play with toys :)

Kind of like a Tupperware demonstration but instead of food storage it's lots of vibrating gizmos and whatnot :)))

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ce9f15  No.304576

File: 321820f1f5bf7ad⋯.png (343.32 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, BGDC.png)

File: 23217b4269f756e⋯.jpg (145.19 KB, 1080x1015, 216:203, FO_V_RsVIAMzBVj.jpg)

File: 04b257d917ac6d7⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 236x214, 118:107, FRhtLa2XIAICNFv.jpg)

File: caf8ce2f8fe6636⋯.jpg (35.17 KB, 547x680, 547:680, FS4zU23XEAEPSaV.jpg)

File: 173f37a3eafeb9b⋯.jpg (166.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, op_1280x720.jpg)


Cry more.

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