>incels in disguise
I would not put them all in that category
There are a few who genuinely have cool lives going on. hobbies, work, projects stuff like that.
With incels you just have the situation that they want to belong somewhere so they pick the fagtow group and claim to be 2cool4sex
about the mgtows not having children and all. some people are better off not being parents. some people are simply cursed with shit genetics. some people are scarred by life. some people are simply not suited to be a parent. with the mgtow movement the biggest problem is their obsession about women while they claim otherwise. instead of discussing cool hobbies or business, they discuss how their ex wives fucked them over.
>nobody havin kids anymore
wrong. No normal responsible and sane people will have them anymore. because responsible people create children when they feel like they are financially secured. after they have fixed up their financial situation. built up ressources and a nest for the littles.
Now you wouldn't want your children to grow up in poverty, right . . . . but surprise low IQ people don't care. Because they have always been in poverty they know nothing better.
So you will have the white trash methhead phenotypes become those who procreate most eventually while the educated and responsible people, who would be good parents will live in their shoeboxes in big cities and waste all their money on rent, tax and starbux cappuchinos
Oh and before I forget:
government read: YOU are going to pay for these heavenly gifts