>There is no such thing as an 'alternative lifestyle'.
Tell that to the guys in special ops who hunker down in the perimeters, in the weeds, and just watch an objective for weeks at a time and maintain perfect radio silence on 800 calories a day.
Pretty fuckin' alternative lifestyle right there m9.
Go light the grill, tap the keg and put out the potato salad.
And quit posting this shit here.
Westboro Baptist has a website.
Go there. Stay there.
See… God, magical in all ways, allows United States servicemen to perish in war because God hates fags. (Westboro theology)
Well actually Moses hates them because he needs lots of babies to populate his nation which as history shows is going to fail anyways.
Because God can't into geography and Israel failed to maintain a state of military readiness sufficient to conquer the Levant and the land mass to the north and east.
And when I say east I mean all the way to India.
If Israel was going to be the head and not the tail they'd have sacked Babylon before Babylon sacked them.
I've known women who have room shaking orgasms from anal penetration. I know this because it was me doing the penetrating.
Just delete your post. It's crap.