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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 82434721df57715⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1044x1460, 261:365, cops.png)

056339  No.304514

Right Wing So Called: Can you believe the Muslims won't allow SODOMY?

US: Gay Marriage Is a Crime – Against God and Man …

Sodomy is a CRIME against Family and Children!


The Weakness of the Right is they do not wage a COUNTER-CULTURAL WAR … they gave that ground up in the 60's – Just let us alone and let us keep our FILTHY LUCRE!

Cowardly curs!

Now they try to make a virtue of their LOSING TO THE CULTURAL WARRIORS ON THE LEFT … as those LOSING A WAR for your survival is virtuous!

The 'right wing' in America is not fighting to win … They are cowards! They don't fight to win because they have NO DEEPLY HELD MORAL VALUES … Just that easy!

IF you will 'compromise' on values … they are not values at all! https://www.bitchute.com/video/7sjGW4lcQ1AF/

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da7d00  No.304516

>stuff everyone obsesses about and wants to vote about

>what other people do in their bedrooms

>what sick fetishes they might enjoy

<stuff nobody cares about

<stuff nobody wants to vote about

<who is allowed to create money

<what is our currency

<what interest rate do we have

<what amount of money is allowed to be created

humans usually obsess over the most superficial and retarded things it is so sad it is funny again.

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a6bc07  No.304523


I care about it. Gays are a disease vector in the normal population. Plus they rape kids.

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bc7784  No.304535


The fox smells it's own hole first.

(((You))) are a disease vector in the normal population.

Plus (((you))) rape kids.

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a6bc07  No.304537

File: f6128acbbdc17ec⋯.jpg (149.58 KB, 582x711, 194:237, faggots_kill_themselves_ch….jpg)


No fags are a social catastrophe. They are degenerate, diseased and destructive to the male form. Becoming a faggot decreases your lifespan by half.

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59281d  No.304538


They just locked down the entire goddamn planet.

For a common cold virus.

And the WHO "pandemic treaty" can be signed any minute.

They're not giving up on the "vaccines".

And you want to bitch about alternative lifestyles?

You are a waste of bandwidth and oxygen.

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eb3fe9  No.304540

File: 2a71dbb432c5a97⋯.jpeg (99.36 KB, 900x644, 225:161, the_anus_is_not_a_sex_org….jpeg)


The people who locked down the planet are faggots. Way to pay attention to what is happening in the world.

There is no such thing as an 'alternative lifestyle'.

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ea73a4  No.304542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Ted Cruz:





Ted Cruz… November… NOVEMBER…

Ted Cruz… Behold! The one who rides a black horse…

Dead Cruz… The one who speaks the soothing ruckus…

Ted Cruise… The one whose operations are of society…

Dead Cruise… November… November…

Ted Cruz… Perhaps Israel cannot wait for 1/16/25…

Ted Cruz… Did I not make a display of mine annihilation of Turkey and the many signs that were wrought…

Ted Cruz… Things are becoming rather Red in 'there' are 'they' not and or? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Thou cannot resist mine words for command… That is to say "mine words are the command and these shall be mine confessor…"

Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess…

I have put a spell on these who are the weakness of the earth… YOU ARE MINE

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ea73a4  No.304543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Ted Crus:

That is because I, the devil, am 'repositioning' the financial systems of the earth to say "politicians equal dead."

"Political institutions" have 89 days to comply…

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8208ee  No.304545


>There is no such thing as an 'alternative lifestyle'.

Tell that to the guys in special ops who hunker down in the perimeters, in the weeds, and just watch an objective for weeks at a time and maintain perfect radio silence on 800 calories a day.

Pretty fuckin' alternative lifestyle right there m9.

Go light the grill, tap the keg and put out the potato salad.

And quit posting this shit here.

Westboro Baptist has a website.

Go there. Stay there.

See… God, magical in all ways, allows United States servicemen to perish in war because God hates fags. (Westboro theology)

Well actually Moses hates them because he needs lots of babies to populate his nation which as history shows is going to fail anyways.

Because God can't into geography and Israel failed to maintain a state of military readiness sufficient to conquer the Levant and the land mass to the north and east.

And when I say east I mean all the way to India.

If Israel was going to be the head and not the tail they'd have sacked Babylon before Babylon sacked them.

I've known women who have room shaking orgasms from anal penetration. I know this because it was me doing the penetrating.

Just delete your post. It's crap.

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9ac9e3  No.304548

File: 321820f1f5bf7ad⋯.png (343.32 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, BGDC.png)

File: 23217b4269f756e⋯.jpg (145.19 KB, 1080x1015, 216:203, FO_V_RsVIAMzBVj.jpg)

File: 04b257d917ac6d7⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 236x214, 118:107, FRhtLa2XIAICNFv.jpg)

File: caf8ce2f8fe6636⋯.jpg (35.17 KB, 547x680, 547:680, FS4zU23XEAEPSaV.jpg)

File: 173f37a3eafeb9b⋯.jpg (166.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, op_1280x720.jpg)


Cry more.

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eb3fe9  No.304563

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