>do you believe
What I believe doesn't matter.
Have fun trying to confiscate firearms from 80 million lawful and law abiding firearms owners and their families.
The AR argument has been debunked.
A good, dependable rifle is a good dependable rifle no matter what it looks like.
Full auto is already extremely well regulated and almost impossible to get licensure for.
Which leaves us with the high capacity magazine issue.
In the event of a wartime invasion of the US, it might be appropriate for high capacity magazines to be available for civil defense.
That's about it. That's where we are.
This is common sense.
But the gun grabbers hell bent on repealing the 2nd amendment will find ways to use the media to present ever more convoluted arguments and ever more convoluted "events" to further their personal agendas of turning the USA into a vassal state, owned by appointed, unelected, so called "Global" government.
Lol. No.