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ab9ce3  No.304306

Firearm firms see huge spike in sales and stock price after Texas school massacre as buyers fear crackdown on ownership following Biden saying 'the Second Amendment is NOT sacred'

* Gun sales have rocketed and firearm firms have seen a spike in share prices after the deadly Texas mass shooting

* Sturm, Ruger & Company, the largest publicly traded gunmaker in the US by market cap, soared 5.47 per cent to $67.27 as of 5pm ET

* It comes just days after President Joe Biden blasted the Second Amendment, said it was 'not sacred' and called for Americans to 'stand up to the gun lobby'


>It is believed buyers are keen to arm themselves for self defense purposes and amid fears of a crackdown on buying weapons.

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83a8a4  No.304308


>spends entire life savings and kid's college fund arming up out of fear of gun grab

>US Government drone drops sleepy gas on your house and agents walk in and take all your guns while you dream

Waste of fuckin' money. Guns will not protect you from the government.

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091aeb  No.304312

This always happens. Always will. When you threaten people they get upset and they take counter measures. And if anything comes of any of it it will all end up in the courts for a year or two as usual.

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508039  No.304316


>life savings

>sleepy gas

o i m laffin.

glowsticks are grasping at straws on this one.

the second amendment is the only thing on this earth preventing the implementation of the gulag system in america.

joe would have all protestant sod busters breaking rocks or medically tortured or death marched.

do you doubt it?

WEF is ready for big changes! joe is a card carrying member.


very low effort post you made there glowmaster.

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83a8a4  No.304319


You are fucking retarded beyond saving. I hope you're legally able to purchase a firearm so you can kill yourself quickly.

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53593b  No.304346



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83a8a4  No.304351


Do you, for one nanosecond, believe that if the government wanted to take your guns that they couldn't?

Answer the question. Yes or no. Do you believe that?

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53593b  No.304353


I believe you should go back to halfchan before you hurt yourself or someone else.

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83a8a4  No.304354


>can't answer the question

FBI confirmed.

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eff3ea  No.304396


>do you believe

What I believe doesn't matter.

Have fun trying to confiscate firearms from 80 million lawful and law abiding firearms owners and their families.

The AR argument has been debunked.

A good, dependable rifle is a good dependable rifle no matter what it looks like.

Full auto is already extremely well regulated and almost impossible to get licensure for.

Which leaves us with the high capacity magazine issue.

In the event of a wartime invasion of the US, it might be appropriate for high capacity magazines to be available for civil defense.

That's about it. That's where we are.

This is common sense.

But the gun grabbers hell bent on repealing the 2nd amendment will find ways to use the media to present ever more convoluted arguments and ever more convoluted "events" to further their personal agendas of turning the USA into a vassal state, owned by appointed, unelected, so called "Global" government.


Lol. No.

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