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File: 4e103aef3498040⋯.jpg (259.73 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, Anna_P_with_guns.jpg)

a19b2a  No.304239

RELATED: >>>/freedomzine/17740

81.4 million Americans own a gun. That's 100,000 more people than voted for Biden.

44% of Americans live in a household that has a gun.

Only 42% of Americans identify as a Democrat.

We're Americans. We own guns. Not everyone, but just enough to make criminals think twice. That is why crime is so high in gun-free zones such as Chicago, New York and Baltimore.

Ben Shapiro tweeted, "The Texas shooter violated a multiplicity of gun laws. The suggestion that more gun laws would have prevented this act of unspeakable evil is unsupported, and the implication that those who oppose such laws are somehow in favor of mass shootings is morally reprehensible."

American schools are gun-free zones.

Likewise, Joel M. Petlin tweeted, "Did you ever notice that the people who are most in favor of new gun laws after a tragedy are often the most vocal in opposition to the police who have to enforce the law, and the criminal justice system, where the violators of the law need to be tried, convicted and incarcerated."

In his remarks, Biden pointed out that it has been 10 years since the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. In between, there was the Parkland, Florida, massacre. These tragedies are awful but Biden's call to enact "common sense gun laws" is empty rhetoric. He and his party know nothing about guns. They talk about ghost guns. They want to put ID numbers on bullets. They believe the Constitution only covers muskets.

The idea that the gun lobby is a small cabal of greedy profiteers is nonsense. The lobby numbers 81 million and they vote.

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867baa  No.304241

File: bac8857ea2e6e5a⋯.jpg (767.01 KB, 2803x1869, 2803:1869, Buy_Wenny_an_M_P_Shield_Pl….jpg)

I'll definitely contribute to both threads in a number of hours, maybe by morning. Super busy. Back to work…

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a4f320  No.304248

A country without citizens owning guns would not be America. If you get rid of citizens owning guns you essentially are getting rid of America. Guns are literally American culture and a way of life. You can't have "America" without guns, just that simple. It would be like removing good wine and food from France. You just can't have France without good wine and good food, it's a cultural issue.

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f6f98b  No.304859

actual factual news bumparoo

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