4ba22c No.304018[Last 50 Posts]
tin it niggers and explain that shithole of a rabbit turd.
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4ba22c No.304020
>somthin somthin -5-—-
then somthin supim 界塵俗,不過江花一朵。因緣際會,也是人海一隅。 淡紅之血可肉白骨,私心之欲不可活死人。 忘川這麽個鬼地方,怎麽會有你這樣單純天真的鬼女? 那銀杏山莊這樣的清淨之地,不也出了你這種大魔頭? 到底是替天行道還是另有圖謀?仙家世家還是情虛意假?萬般劫難千種陰謀,都拚不過一顆真心。 放心,隻要你還在我身邊,就不怕江花不滿枝。京城第一貴女顧涼寂從小便被嬌寵著長大,是京城裏一朵殊麗的紅玫瑰。後來,風傳她心悅皇子明言,傷透一眾少男心。再然後,二人再無下文。皇城裏妍麗嬌縱的朱砂痣成了京城貴女之表率、歲月靜好的白月光,仍舊讓一眾貴女望塵莫及,恨得牙癢癢。這也便罷了,後來陛下親自賜婚,她搖身一變,成了太子妃。太子明景,驚才絕豔,淡漠冷冽,是出了名的高嶺之花,無數自視清高的貴女想要攀折最後隻惹神傷。一幫吃瓜群眾暗爽:再美貌又如何,還不是要獨守空房。卻不曾想後來这是高婭媛继 《和奸臣同居的日子》 《白姑娘又傲嬌了》 《總裁太寵我怎麽破》 《滿眼近黃昏》 后, 创作的第五部长篇小说《操…摸…碰在线观看_秋葵草莓茄子香蕉丝瓜榴莲污绿巨人.
literally cant even, and shaking. connect me pokadotted shitpants lads..
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4ba22c No.304021
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59abc8 No.304023
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4ba22c No.304024
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4ba22c No.304026
im not not to be intrusive in this domain of sociological interaction, just sayin hello. I dont claim to be the most intelligent and know anything about "white people" or "mutated negro dna". But
Id love a chat!@
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59abc8 No.304027
all humans are mutated negroes
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4ba22c No.304028
you wanna chat then?
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59abc8 No.304029
I'm not able to chat ATM because my wife and I are about to eat soon
but yeah…. ALL humans are mutated negroes…
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59abc8 No.304030
it's a simple scientific fact….
we are ALL just deformed niggers….
100% true
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59abc8 No.304031
if I took two green salamders from my front porch, and carried them 1 mile deep down into a MAMMOTH CAVE, I could return a few years later, and their great great grandchildren would be ALBINOS….
no need for melanin…
there's no light …
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59abc8 No.304032
sorry TO*
to adopt TO* it's environment…
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4ba22c No.304033
>100% true
Post meal and timestamp, and (i did actually sigh here) tits or gfo. lets man to man bro.
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59abc8 No.304034
there's no such thing as 'the white race'
Any more than the albino salamander is suddenly a different species
it's just a mutation
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4ba22c No.304035
what degree of separation do you declare these so called arbitrational differences created by natural occurrences relevant.
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59abc8 No.304036
when the food arrives, I'll be happy to take a photo…
and keep it for myself…. but there's no way I'M going to be 'the first person to do what you wanted them to do'…
I'm not about to break your losing streak for you
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59abc8 No.304037
completely irrelevant
Ones just as repugnant as the other
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4ba22c No.304039
last before you knew you were a lazy fodder I probably knew your older brother her at least once upon your wasted legascy.
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4ba22c No.304041
tbh, youve all been good to me.
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59abc8 No.304042
we all know that Caucasians are a pale mutated brown because we are noggers who migrated to the Caucasus Mountains and changed our environment….
hold on…
I finally get to meet the guy who invented the word legascy.
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4ba22c No.304043
your nose hurts again? fuck…b…
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4ba22c No.304044
das me nigga, 42, unofficial chk.
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59abc8 No.304045
but imagine on the other side of the mountains
not Caucasians…. ASIANS
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59abc8 No.304046
imagine a Chinese man's face….
during the winter, they walked across the Bering Strait to Alaska…
now imagine AN ESKIMOS FACE
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59abc8 No.304047
keep migrating inward
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59abc8 No.304048
keep moving inward, now SOUTHWARD…
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59abc8 No.304049
All the way to the base of south America, and they TURN BLACK AGAIN
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59abc8 No.304050
on earth…..
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59abc8 No.304051
you actually ARE my NEGRO
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4ba22c No.304052
This is I find a quite adequate momentum and direction content orientation in the current avenues afforded. Godspeed schizobro. You actually are connecting this in ways unfortunately we all are on different levels and Im sure you got the dragon dildo on this my frens.
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59abc8 No.304053
albeit a mutated, DEFORMED negro
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59abc8 No.304054
lol @ you OBVIOUSLY not understanding the clinical definition of schizophrenia
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59abc8 No.304055
HINT: the idea is toNOTlet everyone find out that you're uneducated white trash
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59abc8 No.304056
however, you did a stellar job of failing at trying to appear 'intelligent' by using a series of idiotic unassociated adjectives, in an effort to sound collegiate
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4ba22c No.304057
>lol @ you OBVIOUSLY
yeah, i honestly cant clinically define it by new years definition, but Il tell you what big fella, I like big letters and big intent.
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4ba22c No.304058
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59abc8 No.304059
here….. allow me to help you, so that way you won't put your foot into your mouth next time
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4ba22c No.304060
are we paying each other right now?
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59abc8 No.304061
of course, there's more …
but that's it in a nutshell
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59abc8 No.304062
the chemical imbalance causes a perception of a distorted reality, in which ones life is "under the control" of an external force
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4ba22c No.304063
guy, chill, ive been before you were born and poorly tained more years later than sentance structure catered to rationality. just eas up my brother.
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59abc8 No.304064
and exact what about ME seems like I think there's a Boogeyman controlling me?
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59abc8 No.304065
you have the communication skills of a litterbox
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4ba22c No.304066
Im just onboard for this insurmountable love coming from all directions at once, what do wise sitting in wing bros while contested with muh shills bros?
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59abc8 No.304067
I'm gonna give you the benefit of doubt, and assume you sustained a head injury
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59abc8 No.304068
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4ba22c No.304069
holy shit bro im sorry, i tldr'd that shit 28 fukin posts. just give me a sum. srs ill respond in kind earnest if you do so, but i didnt see a dime of ya lad.
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4ba22c No.304070
hard with discerning the bullets between the shit, but I see the quantity, and have to get ya m8
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2925d1 No.304074
ITT two bots talk to each other about nothing.
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4ba22c No.304078
Well, achshually since you've requested documentation, referels, and other sources not to be named, i thought id give you all of them sir, as requested. I had with best intentions of laying out a broad and subtle outline of how to discern that for yourself and you your staff but i was, alas, foiled again. apologies sir.
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2925d1 No.304080
If you aren't a bot, why are you playing with that bot?
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4ba22c No.304081
because you specifically wont give me the desciption of your dying kike grandmothers loathing benefactorial requests to a higher power she dissolved and imbibed you unto me and the attention you afford. so flagrant.
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4ba22c No.304082
why cant you use logic other than fallacy that you cant even into eithe direction but anylyitcally worse off in a situation wherein you measure your competence on those who train you and really just laugh at your vain attempts. thats what they are, and that's all this is and ever will be. I love you all. godbless.
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4ba22c No.304083
I first offered, then requested, was denied, garnered, 8fuckedit, and here we are my glowniggas. full circle with nothing done and another faggot to kill. betcha i can beat you to it or make wonder whether or not tradional methods are wothwhile. Lets ping pong.
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4ba22c No.304084
why do you want to kill me 8kun?
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2925d1 No.304085
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4ba22c No.304086
night niggers, threads done get ur shit mods, shut it down. Godbless everyone peace be with you as you carry a tough torch unseen by your brethren, steady, hold. goodnight,
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62aa88 No.304088
Summer Psychotics
illiterate, misinformed, gullible and ostracized
oh I forgot….. GAY
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d1394c No.304089
and not 'just' gay
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