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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: b64acb2101f372d⋯.png (184.23 KB, 1137x848, 1137:848, retards.png)

56e523  No.303808[Last 50 Posts]

Help me raid r/FourthWaveWomen on Plebbit by spamming antifeminist offensive posts on the subreddit. They are toxic satan loving feminists that hate Christianity and hate cis straight men. Raid their subreddit and post hentai and gore in there.


I can't raid cuz they permabanned me a week ago cuz i called them retarded whores and telling them to hang themselves (also they a women only sub cuz they insecure sjws).

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56e523  No.303820

raid now or i will dox everyone on this board

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e48a20  No.303843

File: cbde89baeff2b15⋯.jpg (371.33 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, mgs5_how_to_easily_extract….jpg)

Holy shit I didn't think based anons doing raids even exists anymore

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56e523  No.303857

File: 1bee0f4ab63c0c6⋯.png (89.82 KB, 1894x373, 1894:373, ban.png)

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a2ad87  No.303943


the first thing anybody notices about notices about you is the fact thatYOU LITERALLY STRUGGLE TO CONSTRUCT A COHERENT SENTENCEbecause apparentlyYOU'VE ALWAYS HAD A LEARNING DISABILITYwhich would explain how you managed to somehow become an adult maleWHO CAN BARELY SPELLand quite literally hasTHE COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF A BRAIN INJURED SPIDER MONKEY

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a2ad87  No.303944


dox Deez nuts like you usually do…

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a2ad87  No.303945


the other day you were pretending to be superior by suggesting a woman who got murdered "deserved it because she was stupid"…

that was yesterday in fact….

and here you are doing it again, with a completely different contrived reason this time….

you don't have a job

you don't have a girlfriend

you can't pay your bills

so you mooch on Mommy

and women aren't attracted to mooches

you'll never have a girlfriend

you'll never have a wife

you'll never have children

and as long as the government continues to give you $26 a day in welfare money, you'll never have a job

and now you know why you aren't Superior to anything or anybody

now you know why there's piles of dog shit out there who are far more intelligent and Superior than you

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a2ad87  No.303946


lol @you being SUCH A LOSER, that you allowed yourself to get permabanned

then, as if that's not already humiliating and embarrassing enough…. YOU ARE BEGGING RANDOM STRANGERS TO FINISH WHAT YOU COULDNT HANDLE

you're THE biggest loser ever


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a2ad87  No.303947

File: 2c0ec7cee176cbd⋯.png (107.16 KB, 2300x453, 2300:453, Picsart_22_05_25_17_40_22_….png)

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56e523  No.303948


im literally a minor

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56e523  No.303949


imagine using mspaint

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a2ad87  No.303950


I don't give a fuck what you are.. you're a fucking loser

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a2ad87  No.303951


imagine not being able to read a file name and realizing somebody used PicsArt, you stupid sack of shit…

a minor who hates women already?

didn't you mean to say 'homosexual minor'?

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a2ad87  No.303952


so you claim to be a minor, in an empty chat room that clearly states it does not allow minors

and you are creating threads asking for random strangers to help you lash out at women

this isn't the first one you've created saying you got Permabanbed from one of these same stupid faggot things you're doing…

so this is what you do with your time? you make a fool out of yourself and get banned, then you come in here and beg people to finish your stupid little project?


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a2ad87  No.303953

so your 'projects' all involve lashing out at women?

gee, there's nothing even remotely gay about that, is there?

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56e523  No.303954


>lash out at women

women and feminists are not the same. hating feminists is not the same as hating women.

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a2ad87  No.303955


I guess it never occurred to you that other people already know why you resent women?

or did you actually think nobody would realize the reason you're angry?

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a2ad87  No.303956


you're fooling yourself but you're not fooling me

because you can try a little tap dance routine all night long if you'd like, but you're never going to be able to separate your resentment towards women from your resentment towards feminism

sorry douche ball

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a2ad87  No.303957


yesterday it was some woman who got murdered and you said she deserved it for being a stupid bitch who went out doors or something

yeah.. tell me again how you don't resent women

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a2ad87  No.303958


tell me again how you don't resent women, only feminism…

and how that woman deserved to get murdered because in your opinion she was stupid

and tell me again.. you've got a totally healthy emotionally stable perspective on females

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a2ad87  No.303959


again you're not fooling me. so don't even waste your time. you want other people to help you lash out at women

in a thread on some other website

a thread in which you were lashing out at women

so they showed you who's in control

you don't have any control over your own projects

so you come here and beg people to please handle what you couldn't handle correctly

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a2ad87  No.303960


I'd imagine getting quite a bit of experience being banned by women…

it's not justthreadsthat women are permabanning you from…

apparently, you resent women for a reason

but it's not because a girlfriend cheated on you, that's for sure….

you've never had a girlfriend

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a2ad87  No.303961

it looks like you've been permabanned from women interacting with you

that's mine most educated guess.. I've never seen a guy who fixates on feminism and wants to last out at women who wasn't a homosexual or a loser with the ladies.. either way, same thing basically

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a2ad87  No.303962

sorry about speech to text typo I'm kind of in the middle of something right now. making coffee and dealing with some particularly belligerent and exotic indica that seems to want to fight back

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56e523  No.303963


her death caused a big feminism.

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a2ad87  No.303964


"caused a big feminism" isn't correct grammar

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56e523  No.303965

>More than half of the world's population identify as feminists - in India alone, over 80 percent of respondents very much or somewhat agreed that they defined themselves as feminists.

>Characteristic Share of respondents who agree

>France 65%

>Spain 63%

>Sweden 61%

>United States 61%


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56e523  No.303966


the work of the devil

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a2ad87  No.303967


I don't give a fuck what it caused with other people…

especially if it's something like feminism…

I'm not talking about that

because I'm talking about


which was a condescending remark about how she deserved it because she went outdoors or some bullshit like that

so don't tell me that you aren't resentful towards women

don't tell me that this is about feminism

this is about YOU being unsuccessful with women

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a2ad87  No.303968




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a2ad87  No.303969


boy oh boy.. I bet you believe in God too right?

don't tell me..

you think Jesus actually existed?

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a2ad87  No.303970


AGAIN: this has nothing to do with your opinions on feminism this is about your overall resentment towards women in general.. THIS IS ABOUT YOUR INABILITY TO HIDE YOUR REPRESSED ANGER AND RESENTMENT TOWARDS WOMEN

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a2ad87  No.303971

the fact that you really don't know anything about the woman who was murdered, other than some superficial cursory information..

you didn't know her in real life…

but you applied your own template to the situation, just like a Rorschach test…

and it was a condescending judgmental negative castigation against her character and intelligence

you are aware that you're a homosexual, right?

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a2ad87  No.303972


as soon as I realized that you're a christian.. that was it.. that's all I needed to hear…

you're definitely a homosexual whether you'll admit it or not

and since we see that you're a passive aggressive little bitch, because only passive aggressive little sissy bitches beg other people to please harass women, because they fumbled the ball… of course a passive aggressive sissy boy like you doesn't have the balls to simply admit that he's a homosexual

so you're going to deny it instead

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a2ad87  No.303973

I've never met a male who resented females that wasn't gay….

but even more importantly, I've never met a Christian who wasn't a FAGGOT…

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56e523  No.303974


Go hang yourself you stupid Atheist

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56e523  No.303975

Atheists are scum degenerates

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56e523  No.303976


faggots and trannies disgust me

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a2ad87  No.303977

and I'm NOT joking ….

only a FAGGOT would believe there's a boogie man hiding in the clouds who's reading everybody's mind

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a2ad87  No.303978





they really are… it turns out Christians are the least educated people on the entire planet

and also the most judgmental

basically they're all just like you

stupid as shit

and always putting other people down

because they realize they are inferior

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a2ad87  No.303979


see, you'd HAVE TO be an idiot to build a life's belief system like Christianity, without even having the intelligence to ask for a little bit of proof beforehand

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a2ad87  No.303980


isn't that ironic? a man who actually believes there's a "sasquatch in the clouds who's reading his mind" has the audacity to call somebody else's stupid!!!

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a2ad87  No.303981


so I guess it never crossed your mind that maybe you should require even one teeny tiny little shred of evidence before you invested your entire life into a fairy tale?

so basically you're admitting that you are one of the stupidest people who ever lived?

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56e523  No.303982


Lmao look an Atheist

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56e523  No.303983


Atheism is a waste of time. Imagine believing in nothing.

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56e523  No.303984

Most Atheists are degenerate globohomos who support femisatanism and other stupid movements.

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56e523  No.303985

Atheists are scumbags who hate traditional Christian values and believe that we evolved from stupid apes.

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a2ad87  No.303986





why are you calling me an atheist?

I never said I was an atheist…

by the way I guess you're unfamiliar with Horus?

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a2ad87  No.303987





Horus was the son of God… his mother was a virgin who got pregnant by a miracle of God

he performed miracles in his life, and he had 12 close buddies who hung out with him everywhere he went

they killed him.. but he resurrected three days later from a cave that was blocked with a big boulder

it's the exact same story,BUT PEOPLE WERE TELLING THIS STORY 8,000 YEARS AGO

of course you're not intellectual enough to actually have studied theology, nor do you know anything about history…

so you're not the type of guy who's smart enough to realize HORUS is the original story

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a2ad87  No.303988





it's true….. the exact same story you were told about a mythological fairy tale named Jesus?

it was being told 6,000 years before Jesus wasn't really born…

but they called him HORUS ….

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a2ad87  No.303989





I realize right now you're thinking to yourself, "what the fuck? he's got to be kidding, right?"

but I'm not kidding at all…

in fact, that's just the beginning of the story

because HORUS was just a fairy tale…

mythology… for stupid people…

even 6,000 years before Jesus was never born

there were people just as stupid as you

and there were others after HORUS…

in fact, this same story was repeated over and over and over again by different cultures

as thousands of years slowly ticked by, different cultures told the same fairy tale, handing the story down, and passing it off as "truth"…

and with each culture or different color of skin or whatever, the main character changed, and not surprisingly, suddenly he was the same color or culture as the person telling the story










but you were unaware of this

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a2ad87  No.303990

the reason you didn't know "how Christianity came to be" is because you are stupid

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a2ad87  No.303991

you are so stupid, that you believed in the Jesus story without requiring any proof whatsoever

and even more embarrassingly, you've never studied theology, so you were completely oblivious to the fact that Jesus is nothing more than the 16th retelling of the exact same fairy tale as Horus…

you're an idiot

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56e523  No.303992

File: 6a402e4cffc4a44⋯.png (469.18 KB, 761x768, 761:768, this.png)


>boogie man hiding in the clouds

>sasquatch in the clouds who's reading his mind

You literally use Atheist terms

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a2ad87  No.303993


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a2ad87  No.303994


lol you managed to find other people as intelligent as me?

good work!!!

by the way, your entire life occurs facing a computer monitor

it's amazing what a loser you are

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a2ad87  No.303995


the exact same fairy tale

beginning 8,000 years ago

not 2,000


the exact same fucking story

the son of god

the virgin mother

the miracles

the persecution

the resurrection


but you didn't realize this

because learning is not your specialty

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56e523  No.303996

File: 15086bc5e5973c0⋯.png (456.18 KB, 1193x695, 1193:695, tree_jew_drawing.png)


How can you explain Kikes then? Judaism was born around 6000 years ago (not 8000). 2022 years ago, Jesus was born (he was probably not a semite) and his Kike followers became Early Christians as well as whites in the Roman Empire.

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a2ad87  No.303997



thanks for proving me right

you're doing my work for me

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a2ad87  No.303998


I can explain kikes easily….

okay, here goes:

unlike you they are generally smart as shit, funny as hell, charismatic and successful with women, and relied on for logical stable-minded decisions, in particular regarding business and finances, because unlike you, they have a proven track record of success….

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a2ad87  No.303999


oh… hold on….

you meant "how do I debunk your stupid idiotic religious beliefs?"

I already did, you stupid fucking pile of shit white trash loser with the ladies

I just tore your entire bullshit Jesus story to shreds

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a2ad87  No.304000




I'm taking her out to dinner, so enjoy your little chat room culture and idiotic belief in the most recent incantation of Horus

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56e523  No.304001

File: 205699fa57c64f7⋯.jpg (206.62 KB, 1024x864, 32:27, d7pi6c5_edf9ba51_85ae_45c9….jpg)


Atheist: we believe everything came from nothing for no reason created by nothing but still exists so we are going to convert everyone to Atheism and make them moral-less degenerates.

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56e523  No.304002

File: 659c50649eb415a⋯.png (734.58 KB, 644x687, 644:687, Atrasheist.png)

Literal Atheist mindset be like

>"kill all men"

>"take the vax"

>"globohomo lgbt is good"

>"false rape accusations are justified"

>"women are oppressed"

>"it's ok to kill unborn children and fornicate while getting drunk"

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56e523  No.304003


you wish you had a wife lmao

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da39c2  No.304004

File: f8017cdbd4fd5ed⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 4.3 MB, 849x1024, 849:1024, PicsArt_05_25_04_47_20.gif)

File: 74ad3577a457ad7⋯.jpg (760.01 KB, 2085x2512, 2085:2512, PicsArt_05_25_04_45_17.jpg)

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a2ad87  No.304005




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a2ad87  No.304006


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a2ad87  No.304007


it's the MOON ROCKS… the indica dipped in hash oil, then rolled in kief

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a2ad87  No.304008

it's excellent

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a2ad87  No.304009


I'm taking Wendy to a new place that's received great reviews

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a2ad87  No.304010

she's smoking some moon rocks and I'm having a single malt scotch before we go eat

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a2ad87  No.304011

you've tried moon rocks?

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da39c2  No.304012

File: 5745cb852e3bbba⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1439x1434, 1439:1434, My_THOTs.png)

File: 74b6cf652664f68⋯.jpg (175.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3_Faves.jpg)


Ahh. That's what it looked like.

I'm actually 4 days without any.

I mean, I have it. Just taking a break.

Longest I've gone in many months, actually. May not go back for awhile. It's really not conducive to getting shit done. I used my recent sickness I'm still recovering from as a good excuse to stop the THC intake for awhile.

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a2ad87  No.304013



it's fucking nice as shit

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a2ad87  No.304014


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a2ad87  No.304015

it's PERFECT, in so may ways

right up my alley

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a2ad87  No.304016

Wendy's SO stoned that now she's saying let's order in hahahahahahaha

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a2ad87  No.304017

haha classic . .

she says she can't go out in public right now too stoned

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