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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: c482cb51bddfdb2⋯.png (110.85 KB, 1029x612, 343:204, shooters_14.PNG)

1b3f2e  No.303618

American mass shooters are sleepers and/or groomed by Israel. The vast majority of shooters have been Jews. I suspect this is one way the Jewish State controls our politicians.

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db10c0  No.303660


you're leaving out the part about Israeli psyop teams secretly manipulated you into playing video games when you were a kid, which created a situation where you never really learned to be cool, and you definitely never learned how to fit into society, and then they finally entered into the final stage of their maniacal plan, where as you became an adult, they forced you into continuing to live with your mother…

and here you sit… proof positive of how clever those God damn Israelis are

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db10c0  No.303662


the Israelis are so good at what they do, that you never even realized there was secretly an entire team of Jews assigned to you, making sure you failed along each step of the way…

but you don't feel bad because it's not your fault

they also had an Israeli team of experts signed to every woman on Earth, literally 35 billion Jewish secret agents, seven secret agents assigned to each and every individual woman on the planet…

they cleverly groomed the women into laughing at you.

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1b3f2e  No.304072



>oy vey what about viddya tho?!

Get a load of this JIDF Israeli shill

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1dfa77  No.304073


He has clearly forgotten that all that 'free online data' was actually loaded into AI programs to train them how humans make decisions. Nothing is ever free.

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1566bc  No.304193


Do people really still forget that? Reminder that Internet2 makes bandwidth effectively free for universities and other such tax-cheat organizations and they just suck down anything and everything from the internet, compile it in to corpora, and use it for all manner of training, research, and development.

You personally probably would not have the bandwidth to download every tweet that has ever been tweeted. The loicense agreement is that you can download all the tweets you want, but you can't share them with others. So only if you have infinite free bandwidth can you enter the club of players with a gigantic corpus of every tweet ever to play with. Haha losers :D

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1dfa77  No.304247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tweets won't murder me later (I don't use twiturd). All that gaming data is being used right now to liquidate the men of Ukraine. Pay careful attention to everything he says here…I don't know if it gets much more grim than this one.

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5c6e8d  No.304250


Johnny should buy Wendy something that shoots .380, it's a good self defense round for a gal who conceals and carries and has less recoil than the 9mm.

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5c6e8d  No.304252


Sorry, I for the second time today commented to the wrong fucking thread. My head must be all messed up today. Maybe all the whiskey is catching up to me.


Thanks for the war info, btw.

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1b3f2e  No.304260

File: e33f2cc51cf6459⋯.jpg (85.35 KB, 722x672, 361:336, shooters_19.jpg)

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b56349  No.304261


>Democrats wipe the floor with Republicans in 2020 in one of the largest voter turn outs in history

<hurrrr everyone knows dems can't win in 2022 hurrrr durrrr i b tarded hurrrr

I hate every single one of you.

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1b3f2e  No.304267

File: 735d0c67b13b21f⋯.png (359.94 KB, 1290x810, 43:27, shooters_18.png)


just ignore the Right VS. Left false dichotomy in the screenshot. Point is these shooters are groomed by Israel and Russia, then the police are made to stand down by double agents within law enforcement.

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b607e0  No.304277


Fuck the recoil! Johnny should take Wendy to the range and practice practice practice!

.44 Bulldog.

A variety of rounds to choose from.

Any one of them will have enough stopping power.

One and done.

If you have no other choice, and you have to flex, flex hard.

One and done.

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a8afc1  No.304278

File: da6caabf8bc1e5d⋯.jpg (27.76 KB, 474x366, 79:61, 50_cal_revolver.jpg)

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1b3f2e  No.304282



Neptroon and company seem a little worried :) Don't like how it's going for the Jewish State and Diaspora? Nothing can save (((you))).

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1b3f2e  No.304377

File: db2ab4d91e6f7b6⋯.jpg (130.56 KB, 794x1024, 397:512, shooters_24.jpg)

File: da21edb2bb78ab9⋯.png (56.41 KB, 857x380, 857:380, _arrendondo_.PNG)

I'm sure this is a coincidence and Israel, working with Russia, isn't orchestrating mass shootings in America to scare our politicians into subservience.

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