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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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050270  No.303178

The black supremacist accused of shooting 29 people last month, Frank James, has been befriended by rapper R Kelly while in jail, who is imprisoned for sex trafficking Strangely no hate crime charges appear to have been filed despite James stating hatred for whites and Jews.

Black supremacist accused of shooting 29 people last month, Frank James, befriended by rapper R Kelly while in jail. Strangely no hate crime charges appear to have been filed despite James stating hatred for whites and Jews.

Black supremacist accused of shooting 29 people last month, Frank James, befriended by rapper R Kelly while in jail. Strangely no hate crime charges appear to have been filed despite James stating hatred for whites and Jews.





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2d0ada  No.303197


>white supremacist shoots up people

>black supremacist shoots up people

<media tries to fuel race wars with hyperbole

<politicians call for gun control and increasing red flag laws, gun bans

Like fucking clockwork. This is why mass shootings will simply be ignored from now on, feds. We know exactly how you operate. It's not a secret anymore.

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