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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 3e4676052364061⋯.jpg (73.15 KB, 510x339, 170:113, mouth_covered.jpg)

6f31d1  No.303167

It's easy to be as edgy as possible anonymously behind a frog avatar. If we want to influence society, we need to teach each other how to say things in polite company. This not only makes the point at the time, it teaches onlookers the talking points to use in future convos. Post your best example of grooming normies.

Mine: The expression "feral blacks." I'm from Minneapolis, so we often refer back to the George Floyd riots. I make sure to refer to BLM as "the feral blacks burning down Lake St." I say this in very seriously neutral territory in front of normies and rarely does it raise an eye-brow. In fact, it gives convervative blacks an out, because they can say "that's not talking about me, I'm NOT a feral black. In fact, I hate the feral blacks even more, because it's OUR areas they burned/looted."

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0ac96b  No.303246


wow! you're from minnesota?..

that's actually very coincidental, because I thought the reason you were so boring is because you are an imageboard douchebucket, whose only friend is the computer that has brought you so much unhappiness and failure…

the type of awkward misfit who never got included in anything, never got asked to "be in the team", asked out on a date, or asked to tag along with buddies while they go out and party on the weekends…

nope you don't know how to fit in…

just like all other trendy image board douchebuckets, you seem to think you're creepy incarnation of 'CHATROOM CULTURE' makes you somehow 'elite', foolishly thinking that you guys are 'superior'…

you are on a higher level than the average person, and you look down your nose.. you are extremely unique…

that's why you bend over backwards and make a fool out of yourself desperately trying to use all the trendy chat room culture catchphrases, like NORMIE and CHAD, terrified that if you don't behave exactly like every other chat room culture douchebucket, repeating the exact same trend following catch phrases and posting pictures of a stupid frog, that you will not be accepted in the lonely little chat rooms you bounce back and forth between…

you're so desperate to finally 'fit in', that you allowed yourself to become a parody of a lonely life failure with no accomplishments under his belt, other than a clever quip or another predictable trendy meme that gets downloaded…

yep…. I figured "obviously the reason he's such a bland boring person with no life experience is because of the chat room "culture douchebucket", but I was wrong…

that's only half of the reason why you're such a loser…



I've never met anybody from Minnesota that had even the biggest semblance of a personality.. it's like everybody in Minnesota was born missing the part of the brain that is responsible for charisma.

tell me again how you think you're better than other people..

tell me how you're better than blacks or Mexicans or Jews..

tell me how you think simply being born White was all that was required for you to claim superiority

this is going to be hilarious

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0ac96b  No.303247

you 'chatroom culture's guys are so UNIQUE!!!

in fact, it's fair to say that you are all


it's like looking at a bunch of parrots squawking and repeating whatever they hear…




it's amazing that you don't have a girlfriend, considering how original and creative you are

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0ac96b  No.303248

there's a slight flaw to your premise.. you assume that everybody else is a timid coward who is afraid to say what he thinks directly in somebody's face.

half of that timid fear is because you're from Minnesota don'tcha know for Pete's sake

the other half is because you've lived your life sitting in front of a computer.. sure, you are forced to occasionally interact with society, but not really.. you somehow manage to avoid any real interaction, and even your insults are hidden in a childish camouflage of fearful politeness…

the main reason you don't have balls to tell somebody what you really think about them it's obvious :

because any 13-year-old black girl could beat your ass into the pavement without even breaking a sweat

you're a coward, and your passive aggressive like a woman don'tcha know for Pete's sake

me?…. I've never met anybody who accomplished anything by avoiding it or playing games to prevent himself from succeeding…

plus, I'm the type of guy who will tell you EXACTLY what I think about you in real life directly to your face.. and I'm fully aware how it's going to come across, because it's not going to be misinterpreted as a vague ambiguous statement or leave them wondering if maybe I was joking…

and if they want to beat my ass afterwards, it means they have a brain stem, because there's no way I could possibly do what I do and not have somebody want to beat my ass…

and that's okay because I'm not a badass by any means, far from it.. I'm just your average guy.. but I'm not afraid of fighting. not at all. I've been in lots of fights and I've had my ass kicked really good several times. and I've also put people in the hospital and I was convicted for aggravated assault when I beat the fuck out of a guy half my age and twice my size…

because the secret to winning a fight is realizing that both parties are going to lose… if you enter into it realizing you're probably either going to the hospital or to jail, then there's a much better chance that you're going to win…

you're just a timid little girl..

I like how you mentioned something about "if we want to influence society", which I found particularly laughable on more than one level…

firstly, exactly who is this WE you're talking about? because last time I checked, you are completely alone…

secondly, you've already influenced society…

we're already famiar with your ilk…

you've influenced us to avoid your type all costs, and ridicule you whenever possible..

I'm still waiting for you to describe how and why you are superior to wax and Mexicans and jews

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51ef79  No.303251


They're all INFERIOR TO YOU, aren't they?….

that's very original of you… much like your trendy chatroom culture vocabulary… totally original…

I'm guessing your AMAZINGLY UNIQUE CREATIVITY is one of the many supreme traits which make you superior…

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51ef79  No.303262

File: 928ecae9fdd950e⋯.png (2.57 MB, 2080x2913, 2080:2913, Picsart_22_05_23_01_18_35_….png)

Nobody Blames You For Being a Coward.

Your inability to defend yourself is a damn good reason to be afraid…

Nevertheless, even though you convince yourself that other people aren't intelligent enough to perceive your effeminate passive aggressive sissy tactics, it's fair to say you might be surprised just how quickly and brutally someone is going to be your face until you're unrecognizable one of these days…

it's your shitty little self-entiitled cowardly little passive aggressive sissyboy snobbish condesceding attitude that everybody dislikes about you, and you're going to be amazed how many people out there will not take your shit, not even for one millisecond, and these days there are beat the fuck out of you, then go on about their business, and you'll never see them again…

it's called a FIST FIGHT, and believe it or not, it's something that still happens out there in the real world…. outside of your 'safety zone' down at the end of mommy's hallway…

in fact, these days, it happens a lot more than in the good old days, when people like Jerry, Killeen & I were your age, and had to learn the realities of CONSEQUENCES..

so we learned to weigh our desire to make a point against our willingness to accept the likelihood of serious physical injury from a fist fight, and to be honest, after you've been in a lifetimes worth of unexpected violent scenarios, and you've had your ass kicked several times, to be honest with you, that's EXACTLY why im the type who, although I'm not a tough guy, WILL most likely say "go for it", because the one who throws the first 23 punches wins…

over and over and over and over…

that's the secret….

bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam

Over And over…


and those situations are spontaneous…

they happen FAST…

when you least expect it ..

lol you're in for quite a surprise when it happens

I think going to discover who's really Superior when they beat your fucking face and for looking at them the wrong way in a convenience store parking lot.. because you got it coming to you with your snobbish inexperienced self-proclaimed title of superiority

so nobody blames you for being

you have every reason to be afraid

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51ef79  No.303263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

being afraid is one of the only smart things you e done lately….

because although you milquetoast mild mannered Minnesota misfits are all mainly mediocre, and avoid confrontation, referring to remain a bland in significant spec in the distance fog, one of these days your little smile is false self-perception of superiority is pretty much guaranteed to be an open invitation for some random person to knock you unconscious..

in fact, it's safe to say that you in particular are mathematically extremely likely to end up having your ass kicked by someone who you thought was "inferior to you"… until you actually start making them to please stop hitting please please stop but they don't.

because you don't beg somebody please stop hitting you when you're having your ass kicked… I know that's what you want to do, but I'm just telling you in advance, it's not going to help…

like I said, it's not about throwing the first part

it's more like 23 or 24 punches DIRECTLY ABOVE YOUR EAR ON YOUR TEMPLE.. right in the same spot… over and over until they're on the ground, and then you still continue hitting them in that same spot until they get the message that if they stand up it's going to happen again…

yep.. it's fair to say that you've created a situation for yourself where you're going to learn firsthand whose Superior and who's the punching bag

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51ef79  No.303264

File: 0529bfe7fcfda1f⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1981, 1080:1981, Picsart_22_05_23_01_25_29_….png)

basically, you ain't shit…..


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51ef79  No.303265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you're the type of person who "couldn't handle" a rave…

I guarantee it….

you'd get all weird, and start acting weird, Andrew the entire thing for your friends who took you there and paid for your ticket…

you would just be uncomfortable around other human beings, because you're such a weird awkward uncomfortable guy…

by the way this is the biggest electric Daisy carnival live stream they've ever done, and you don't even realize you are nothing more than a mutated negro…

you're such a dumbass you go around thinking you're Superior to black people, but you're not even mediocre enough to realize you're actually a MUTATED NEGRO, with negro DNA in your blood

you're so inferiorated that you didn't even realize EVERY human being is a mutated negro…

it's true, dum dum….

there's actually NO SUCH THING AS "WHITE PEOPLE"…

That's just a slang term, not scientific at all, used by idiots to describe THE CAUCASIAN MUTATION OF NEGRO DNA….

so obviously you're not particularly Superior in the intellectual department…

because anybody can access that information, and you pretty much have to be a fucking idiot not to already know about it…

what are you, like 14?

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51ef79  No.303266



ooops speech to text typo, Mr. Superiority Dude…

my bad

what I said was

YOU are the type of guy who couldn't handle going to a rave, because you'd get all weird, and uncomfortable, and start acting weird, AND RUIN* the entire thing for your friends who took you there and paid for your ticket…


I noticed that you claim to be experienced in "grooming" people who have actually seen of vagina in real life before… The people you call "normies"…

it must be kind of humiliating to wake up and realize the pinnacles your life was trying to convince 2 or 3 complete strangers in a chat room that you are somehow in control, and actually play an important role, manipulating and controlling other human beings..

I smell a future penis sucker..

I'm predicting you're going to be a flamboyant homosexual when the dust settles

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