I speak for all of the card carrying members of /pnd/ when I say we don't want the board operator to be allowed in here anymore, because he's not like us. he's not intelligent. he's not cool. he's not funny. he's not witty. he's not a man. he's an embarrassing, inferior, boring, lazy, stupid, worthless, unemployed sack of white trash dog shit.
he's an embarrassment for us. he's in a lot of trouble, legally speaking, but now he's under the watchful eye of the administration here.
he makes us look bad. to an outsider, it would appear at first glance that this board is for angry latent homosexuals with no accomplishments under their belt, and no prospects for the future.
that's not who we are on this board.
so while the administration completes their investigation into the recent problems that have occurred on this board, and makes their decision on who is going to replace him, I encourage everybody to continue putting him on "ignore", because a simple tap of a button is all that's required to make him vanish from our collective consciousness.
nothing bothers a loud mouth attention seeker more than being ignored, so keep up the good work with the filter button, and let's take this opportunity to all work together and make this board better than ever before.
we welcome the new board operator with open arms, and completely disavowed any allegiance with the previous idiot.