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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 9692ec1326e2855⋯.jpg (164.5 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, EuropeRefugees.jpg)

729cbf  No.302548

United Nations Announces And Celebrates “Replacement Migration” In Public Documents

RELATED: >>>/pnd/277393 ; >>>/pnd/276844 ; >>>/pnd/300032 ; >>>/pnd/295364 ; >>>/pnd/293809 ; >>>/pnd/276975

Over the next 50 years, the population of virtually all European countries, as well as Japan, will face severe population aging and decline. And the solution, says the United Nations, is “replacement migration.”

This is already occurring, of course, as migrants continue to flood into mostly white countries and replace their native populations. And according to the UN, this is something to be celebrated.

“The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration,” reads a document from the UN entitled, “Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?”

“Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.”

Criminal oligarchs need a steady stream of slaves to work their global plantations, hence the need for replacement migration.

Rather than encourage native populations to simply have more babies by fostering the social and economic conditions necessary for that to happen, the UN and its many tentacles are instead trying to erase whiteness from existence.

The UN’s “Population Division,” as it is called, “continuously monitors fertility, mortality and migration trends for all countries of the world, as a basis for producing the official United Nations population estimates and projections,” the report explains.

“Among the demographic trends revealed by those figures, two are particularly salient: population decline and population ageing.”

The UN is attempting to make the case that even more migrants need to be shipped in to white countries to fix the problem of an aging and declining population. Replacement migration, the globalist body maintains, is “needed to offset declines in the size of population and declines in the population of working age, as well as to offset the overall ageing of a population.”

The UN’s biggest concern, which is also the concern of the globalists, is that there will not be enough working-age people left to work the global economic plantation. The report states this clearly in the conclusion.


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729cbf  No.302599


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576274  No.302743

Have another news bump.

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a8d558  No.302761

File: f7c7fe4a31d6ea4⋯.jpg (200.63 KB, 1600x669, 1600:669, PicsArt_05_20_06_19_11.jpg)

Meanwhile, Sally and Tops Lel Guy (Fat Girl) are choosing NOT to procreate (thankfully), but still consider themselves "white supremacists".They have done NOTHING for the "white race"except be good examples of our lowest common denominator, the absolute niggers of the "white race" (a meaningless term if there ever was one.) Oh, and they whine and complain, sow division & hate, and they Blame — just like any other Leftist Progressive Retarded Nigger, because that's what they ARE.Niggers.And they think their skin color is not only white, they think that their skin color makes them "Superior" to "Others"!

What a fucking Joke! They are products of a Prussian-style Compulsory Public "Education" System that has failed to produce exceptional human beings for decades, and they supplemented their total lack of real-world knowledge with video games, Dicsord, and 4chan/pol/, where the rest of the angriest little boys hang out (and where it is They Have to Go Back.) They are lazy and have not learned to think for themselves. Still they presume to think that their ideology of hate is "Superior" to any other ideology, or lack thereof — but they are as wrong as any other Socialist.WRONG.NOT "SUPERIOR". Pretty clueless, really, but Supremely Megalomaniacal about it. It's sad to see, and even sadder to have to be around such a Loser Stance. That's why they get the shit they do around here.IT IS WAY PAST TIME FOR BOYS TO "GROW UP" AND ACT LIKE MEN.Johnny says you need to get laid, and while I agree, that would be a start, there's a lot more to maturation than sexual experience. They need to grow up on so many "other" ways too.

How Do I KNOW?

Because I need to "Grow Up" too.

The maturation process never ends; but it can be stunted. Take care that you do not stunt yours. It will not be "WORTH IT" in the long run…

Meanwhile, the uneducated poor are not only working their asses off (for the Slavers, but I digress), but they're fucking their way into the future too; as in they are, unlike Sally and Fat Girl, having actual sex — productive sex — the kind that results in non-aborted offspring.

None of that is happening among young white males, who have become emasculated beyond measure, and their hatred and anger makes it almost impossible to bed a real woman (as if there were any of those left anymore either!)


And we're all going along with it!


> inb4 we should all band together against such-and-such a group

That's the problem right fucking there, and if you're too blind to see it, PLEASE Don't Procreate.

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b82592  No.302766


White ethnoglobe is a requirement at this point.

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a8d558  No.302782

File: 01210c68b4393e1⋯.jpg (67.74 KB, 508x612, 127:153, PicsArt_05_20_07_30_31.jpg)


There is not one single word in your sentence that you know the meaning of, so I rest my case. I was right about (((You))).

(((You))) Are NOT "Supreme.

Anyone who thinks they are "Superior" is a LOSER, and they've already Lost.

Let that be a lesson to (((You))).

> inb4 some idiot presumes to think words have arbitrary meaning divorced from experience, and attempts to define terms, like some retarded "Neptune"

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8afad3  No.302858


Do you mean ethno as in European? If you do no thanks, I've had enough of faggot European politics infiltrating America. Not necessarily everyone in Europe or their cultures, but their socialist politics sucks and I'm really tired of the cronyism mentality of "we know what's best for you!". I just want America to be America again.

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8afad3  No.302859


I'd like every nation to just do their own thing, and be who they are, culturally and politically. That would help the mass migration problem. That's why I admire countries like India, they just fucking get it, they're not up everyone else's stinkholes unlike some other governments, and they respect national sovereignty. Glad they are growing a spine now too. As for America, I want America back. America was originally about freedom, independence, limited interventionism and limited government. We need that back before this nation collapses completely and we are forced back into it with consequences, tragic loss and diminished military might.

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ce6628  No.302990

File: 6ca29b7a4c08b71⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 3492x4656, 3:4, 20180213_135856_EFFECTS.jpg)

File: f14529bba05af1d⋯.jpg (5.04 MB, 4656x3492, 4:3, 20180213_143335.jpg)


That's because you've never actually been to India, which is mostly filthy as fuck, and the entire government us still set up very much like a British Crown Colony still to this day. EVERYTHING there reminds you of that fact; especially the cops, who will beat the fuck out of anyone, including a white man, for stupid shit like not walking fast enough.

They were also among the first to adopt compulsory biometric identification for all citizens, including saddhus, many of whom have moved beyond personhood. It's really as fucked spiritually as one can get. Forcing folks to identify with an ALL CAPITAL NAME and tying that identity to biometric data is MATERIALISTIC Beyond Necessity, and has no place in such a sacred place. I wish they would take better care of the spaces they choose to occupy. Only the temples are kept clean, and that is not just in the cities. Even way out in bumfuck up in the Himalayas the garbage is abundant, even in clear mountain streams. That is not the sign of a healthy social structure, IMHO, and it is so fucking EURO there it would make any freedom-lover ill.

Don't get caught with a weapon either! Or drugs. Or alcohol or meat in the wrong cities. You think hashish is.legal there? Fuck No! Is it readily available? Yes. So is jail. I didn't try one of those out though. I stayed mellow. I would suggest visiting India for 3 months before continuing to imagine you could live there. Go all over. I suggest Northwest India. Fuck the South.

But yeah, the Globalists have fucked EVERYWHERE over worldwide, and it's only getting worse. Good luck traveling at all soon!

> pics related from Shivaratri Day at Maa Ganga in Rishikesh

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ce6628  No.303090

File: 0dd00bc427d2c16⋯.jpg (755.92 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PicsArt_04_13_08_41_31.jpg)


Did I mention the corruption?

It's just a matter of course EVERYWHERE that local cops feel they can use the law to fleece the public. I grew up, like I said, in Asia, and bribing officials is just part of doing business over there, especially with the Chinese, who are so steeped in corruption, on every level, that it would take a thousand years to get them out of the habit.

Nope. We better fix our shit here, and not run off somewhere else in the hopes that it will he better. It rarely is. EVERYWHERE is both Better AND Worse in some ways then wherever you already find yourself at.

And that's the REAL Point — Finding Yourself. If you can'tLOOK WITHINand discover the Truth of your Innner Nature, it is highly unlikely you will EVER affect anything "Out There" in a meaningful way. You'll just get tossed about, like so much flotsam and jetsam.

> pic unrelated, but, you know…

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ce6628  No.303091

File: 6d73b75bb59e72c⋯.png (2.02 MB, 2289x2289, 1:1, PicsArt_08_07_06_40_56.png)


On another note…

I just thought of the faggot who, all those years ago, made an aluminum foil sombrero and wore it to a gay pride march. His choice to afix that little green ball to it was probably just an afterthought, and I doubt he could have ever imagined how that alumium foil sombrero with little green sphere on it would achieve such a level of immortality not often afforded to wadded up aluminum foil!I

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