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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: f7ef21e3e4260e9⋯.jpg (195.59 KB, 600x880, 15:22, 1652917923310.jpg)

4826b9  No.302378

Being the unjabbed chad that I am, I'm wondering what the threat level is for banging jabbed women? Am I gonna get VAIDS, bros?

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bb60fd  No.302432


Zero Percent Chance(You) need to worry about anyone ever wanting to fuck (You).

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bb60fd  No.302433

File: 92d96142bcc4e66⋯.jpg (44.61 KB, 422x500, 211:250, Zero_Percent_Chance.jpg)

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8d85e3  No.302532

you Americans are so inept, unaware that you are behaving exactly the way a guilty person behaves, while you are being selectively locked on by a team of specialists who are very familiar with the behavior of guilty parties.

no wonder so many of you end up in prison. you are not intelligent enough to see yourself from the outside looking in, so of course you continue the behavior, and once you end up in a prison cell, you spend the next 25 years telling the other prisoners how you got set up.

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8d85e3  No.302534

File: 0d8ea10ac4e07d2⋯.jpg (545.61 KB, 1124x1279, 1124:1279, 20220519_153029.jpg)

isn't it adorable how certain men have an aversion to women engaging in oral or anal sex? especially when those exact same men end up supplying oral and anal sex to other men?

certain people seek attention by making a fool out of themselves, flailing their arms around wildly, and making as much noise as possible.

yet the emptiness continues, the void never being filled, and the expected failure becoming more and more of a reality with every word. you have been taken care of in a way that you will never forget, and we all had a good time watching it occur.

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8d85e3  No.302535


his name isn't Jerry, and we usually don't support him when he does this to people, but in your case everybody here stands behind him in his decision to put you in your spot.

I normally wouldn't say this, but we are all going to get a good laugh out of this when the process reaches its inevitable conclusion.

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8d85e3  No.302537


last night I saw the thread where he tricked you into giving him a photograph of your eyes. I think that was one of his notorious test runs, to test out your gullibility. that's usually what he does before pushing people to their breaking point. you showed him that you are the easiest of targets, so what did you expect was going to happen? did you actually think you had finally made a friend?

nobody likes you, and you finally bumped into the wrong person.

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8d85e3  No.302539

everybody in here has you set on ignore. every time you try coming from a different angle, you are going to automatically be set on ignore again. nobody's reading anything you type other than the people who intend on putting you in handcuffs and giving your mother the financial break she's waited for since you were 18.

at this point, you are about to become invisible again, because I only made you visible for a mere moment, so I could remind you that everybody is laughing at you.

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8d85e3  No.302541

goodbye Mr invisible nobody. none of us are interested in anything you have to say. we don't need any stupid people in here, so we're all making you invisible.

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8d85e3  No.302543


you will most definitely see us, but none of us will see you. and that's the way it's going to remain until they finally knock on your mother's front door.

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8d85e3  No.302547


perhaps you didn't read the part where I said goodbye mister invisible nobody, you are not here. none of us reads your vapid content, because your fecklessness created a new reality in which nobody can see you.

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8d85e3  No.302549

and now he becomes invisible again. back to normal life in pnd

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8d85e3  No.302553

he doesn't know we've all agreed to make him invisible. so we decided to let him know that none of us can see his words because we want to watch him throw another hissy-fit kicking and screaming begging for attention, as each of us makes him invisible again and again.

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5552ef  No.302558

The pointless puppet is funniest when we yank the string one time to make him dance, then abandon him in the darkness. this process is probably the most pertinent point in his paramount punishment, providing practical pertinence to our painful persecution.

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