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My name is Nate Higgers

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84a7ef  No.300570

Attention everyone whos new. You're all scum until i deem you worthy of posting serious replies. Until than everything you post is shit and I will be on your shit like a fly! Burrowing my comedic children (insults) deep into your shitposts until you become ashamed of your low quality posts. I control the narrative here and the narrative is that long hair is masculine and white culture! Niggers will never know the joys of long hair and cripples with no balls will have to seeth and suffer as baldlets forever. Anytime you see a poster posting endlessly about NOTHING he is an autistic sperg and our caged animal. If you see him direct him here to the containment thread. He's got a new boyfriend named Jerry (faggot name btw) who is an eternal newfag and will never be welcome here. Throw insults such as calling him a tranny and letting him know he's new will surely send him into a tizzy and vmoit up wors diarrhea in an attempt to seem "with it" like he's "got us" or something

That is all

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