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File: 2b22061e49d3f3a⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 520.25 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2022_05_13_16_2….png)

f58c70  No.300263

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be1906  No.300270

File: 9aa8b1d6b040357⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1439x2257, 1439:2257, hurr_durr_Take_the_Q_Pill.png)


Please read >>300268 before expecting anyone to click on your link.

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682fe2  No.300303

File: 7e214b0b9657e52⋯.png (898.01 KB, 1439x2257, 1439:2257, Picsart_22_05_14_13_09_58_….png)


hello Mr Uneducated 'genius' neo-Nazi

it's spelled WAS IST DAS?

and "was" is pronounced "VASS", you stupid God damn white trash illiterate lazy trailer park reject

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682fe2  No.300306

File: 465c7eb002afd11⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1570, 108:157, Picsart_22_05_14_14_11_05_….png)


it's hilarious how the Q Fagshow was specifically designed to appeal exclusively to America's LEAST EDUCATED INBRED TRAILER PARK WHITE TRASH

successful educated people don't find it appealing because they aren't compelled to overcompensate for a lack of knowledge, education, real life accomplishment or experience….

nobody who completed High School would ever find anything even vaguely appealing about the Q toilet…

and of course, you illiterate, lazy, unmotivated 9th grade dropouts present yourselves as "researchers", which is hilarious because you were never able to research and basic math or the correct spelling of one syllable words…

it's surprising any of you is able to correctly spell the letter 'Q'

you were too lazy to research the application process for your SSI welfare benefits, so you asked your mother to do it for you, which is unfortunate because illiteracy seems to be a family tradition there at your trailer park…

it's no wonder a genius researcher like yourself was too stupid to research the German translation of "what is this?"

and by the way, it's another Saturday night, and you've got no girlfriend or boyfriend, nobody coming over to visit you tonight, no friends, no admirers, no lovers or platonic relationships..

just you, your stupid little shitty outdated obsolete computer, and your little shitty sissy boy homosexual video game controller

you're incapable of accomplishing anything, because you are stunted, forever remaining on the level of a 7-year-old girl

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682fe2  No.300307

since you don't have a job, you've got extra research time on your hands….

it's a shame you never researched "breathing with your mouth closed", or "how to use soap"…

in fact, it's kind of strange you can develop so much time to researching droppings, but you still haven't invested even 5 minutes trying to get your GED

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682fe2  No.300308

File: 419e73b1e9a96d7⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1080x1564, 270:391, Picsart_22_05_14_15_45_50_….png)


perhaps you should research the correlation between video games and homosexuality

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f58c70  No.300330

File: ae5ff3e50eb3056⋯.png (842.32 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2022_05_14_23_2….png)


Methinks doth protest too much.

And no weight or value to any of your slur. Just hopefully damaging speech created from a mind all too familiar with the topics of life as a loser. Pretty sad.

You haven't a snowballs chance and you know it. Probably why you lash out.

And it's not german, dumbass. You must be all for Ukraine. Learn before you blather worthless goo. Or not. Prolly "not".

You enjoy your new order, specific in design around your type. Why do you think we did it? Just for you, buddy. Just for you. Too easy, really.

Never know who's on the other end.

But we do.

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