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File: a9576eabd92d30c⋯.png (195.6 KB, 640x546, 320:273, 8e77fa83d9c5422e.png)

c02679  No.300147

Folks we are ruled by corrupt demons that Hate us all … Why (insert issue)? They hate you! They do not care about you at all. Why? They have other options – like dual citizenship. And they are going full press to destroy you. They hate you. Elegant. Simple. Truth. https://www.bitchute.com/video/5ab4nscTRtLh/

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ffd7d6  No.300149

Rags to riches members of Congress.

Only the Lobby can provide those "special" investment opportunities.

But only for those willing to become devoid of conscience and integrity.

Only those willing to surrender their own and anyone else's humanity on the altar of pure profligate, profane treason.

Blood money.

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a770cc  No.300150

"The State of the Union address is one of the largest collections of psychopaths ever organized under one roof. Every one of them is regularly engaged in the backstabbing political arena of bribes, usurpation of powers, slimy deals, Constitution shredding laws, pork-barrel appropriations for cronies, and contributors and the sanctioners of murder and mayhem around the world.

Then comes the president. With a well-practiced, straight face, he tells lie after lie as if he actually believed what he was saying were true; his cadence interrupted only by the applause from the gallery of psychopaths when he tells a really big one. They all know that none of the president's promises will come true - that it's all political subterfuge - but they give repeated standing ovations for his convoluted proclamations."

–Hari Heath

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4b79d8  No.300323

File: 992a4a53de55803⋯.png (354.15 KB, 1266x1080, 211:180, Picsart_22_05_14_23_16_40_….png)


I am a member of the elite upper crust of society, and I can assure you that we don't "hate everyone"… pretty much, it's just YOU…

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4b79d8  No.300324



hahahahaha !!!

so, you're just NOW figuring this out?

you're "brilliant"

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821623  No.300325


Go be a cocksucker elsewhere.

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eefcca  No.300327


>I am a member of the elite upper crust of society

Nigger, would you share the secret? How can you become an elite when you spend all day spamming 8kun?

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