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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 04e427287187aad⋯.jpg (50.26 KB, 806x292, 403:146, Capture.JPG)

bccb30  No.300095

From The Washington Examiner:

The nationwide shortage of baby formula that has sent mothers desperately rushing from store to store has evaded one lucky group: illegal immigrants detained by Border Patrol.

According to videos posted by a Florida lawmaker, the Biden administration has been shipping “pallets” of baby formula to migrant holding facilities.

“They are sending pallets, pallets of baby formula to the border,” said Republican Rep. Kat Cammack in one of two online postings yesterday. “Meanwhile, in our own district at home, we cannot find baby formula,” she added, holding a photo of empty shelves where the formula would be.

America Last really is so on-brand for this admin.


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45a22b  No.300105

You know what is NOT being shipped to the border? White women's breasts. You know why this is important?


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bccb30  No.300116

File: 51806b018506a9d⋯.jpeg (60.68 KB, 720x956, 180:239, PBB836cDMZZn.jpeg)

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b724fb  No.300119

File: 97cba480d541a64⋯.jpg (214.75 KB, 2400x2400, 1:1, karo_corn_syrup.jpg)


Karo corn syrup?

Because fuck teeth and fuck organ function from infancy onwards, right? Drink this toxic poison to grow big and strong, White infant…

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e0bfd9  No.300153


But why use evaporated milk and then add water? Literally reversing the process of evaporation. Why the fuck don't people just buy ordinary cow's milk and use that???

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a0f91c  No.300160


>sending contaminated recalled baby formula to migrant camps

>this is a bad thing

lol, republicans are fucking dumb.

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fe00ce  No.300196


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91247a  No.300198

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fefb5c  No.300202


video pic girl :


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71ff91  No.300203

Turns out you can get all the baby formula you need right now if you simply switch from USA to Canada on Amazon. I am sure they will close this loop once they realize they left if open.

This is just one more attempt to break the USA just like food prices.

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70431c  No.300204

I wish I could find those Jim Stone photos of the mexican market he was in and the price difference between the USA and Mexico.

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7111e7  No.300209

File: 0421ca3c9276589⋯.jpg (190.76 KB, 999x624, 333:208, Thai_street_food_5.jpg)


Uh huh.. And the prices of food in Thailand and India are much more affordable too! (Not that there aren't other reasons for not living in those places!) What do those places have in common? They don't have middle-men each getting their cut as the food gets less and less nutritious and less authentic the closer it gets to market. It's Peer to Peer, Farmer's Markets on EVERY street corner.

No place is not selling street food! And where the really good shit is, everybody gathers 'round. People don't just take what they can get, they take the best of what they can get, for what they can afford (and many of them can't afford much. Like I said, there are trade-offs to living in those countries.)

The reason I mention all this, having spent more than a dozen years in Asian countries, is that the United States of America is well on its way to becoming a Third World Shithole right now, if we continue to let the powers-that-be institute their Slave Policies. Our only hope is in the People. (Most people will not "make it".)

Farmer's Markets Are IMPORTANT.

Don't You DARE Let Them Take Away Our Ability to BE Intimate With Our Food Sources!

You have not lived until you have had REAL Food! I've eaten food all over the world; and my entire family, including my own children, have concurred that Thailand has the best food in the world. But that will change, as processed foods continue to become ever more popular worldwide. Soon EVERYWHERE will have as shitty food as anywhere "else".

> inb4 "Soylent Green"

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91247a  No.300212


>They don't have middle-men each getting their cut as the food gets less and less nutritious and less authentic the closer it gets to market. It's Peer to Peer, Farmer's Markets on EVERY street corner.

I swear to Christ, if I did not live in rural Missouri with my family and did not have it as good as I do I swear I'd move the fuck out of the USSA by now into a country like India and liquidate my USD savings over there for a small home, good food and maybe a drunk Indian hooker just for the fuck of it. :)

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f8e0df  No.300214


>maybe a drunk Indian hooker just for the fuck of it.

On that race traitor note…bon voyage. arrivederci. Enjoy some tropical incurable STD on the way out (of life).

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43cd47  No.300215


That food looks tasty. Too tasty.

I don't know what they are but they are visually very appealing.

Some fast food marketing executive will probably get wind of it and they'll be showing up on the menu at a local drive thru fast food chain. They'll be mass produced with GMO and the usual additives, adjuncts and dough conditioners and flash frozen in a sprawling modern plant. I can imagine like 10 million per day of these, being flash frozen and shipped out to drive thru retail point of purchase locations around the world. And that's just the rollout.

If the test marketing goes well, they'll be flash freezing 50 million per day. If there's a dipping sauce involved it will double the year end profits.

And it'll happen all from one little picture on the OTI.

Moral of the story: don't post the good things.

Stick with trolling and shitposting.

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72e5a2  No.300224


10/10 would eat.

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a0f91c  No.300240


They're just steamed dumplings, probably filled with pad kra pao. Yes, it is fucking delicious and, yes, you can already find it in the frozen food aisle in any "better than walmart" grocer's.

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1ed8be  No.300286


Because the evaporation process makes it much more easily digestible. The protein is semi denatured.

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0a8cd0  No.300289


Same goes for the unsweetened corn syrup.

It contributes to an overall glycemic profile that more closely resembles human breast milk.

A one week old infant would have a hard time digesting say chocolate ice cream.

Sugar spikes are not good for infants.

Teeny tiny little pancreas needs time to get up to speed.

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cccaff  No.300386


This is a legit post. Before prepackaged baby formula became a convenience product market share, people made formula like this at home.

Before evaporated milk, scalded milk diluted with water was used.

Keep prepping and promoting self sufficiency.

Also have fun trying to explain to the young one's what people had to do before disposable diapers became a fixture in the convenience product market.

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f2ae15  No.300408

In a situation where dairy is not available, boiled oats or rice will produce a liquid suitable for a formula base.

The addition of a small amount of vegetable oil and a very small amount of sugar will be suitable for feeding an infant.

Make sure to filter the liquid before bottling.

Soy and nut milk can also be used as a base.

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1e0400  No.300557

bumping total news

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09383c  No.301294

Switch your plates, disguise the car, get a driver and a full tank of gas, and go shoot random street kikes in New York, random street niggers in California, random beaners in Texas. The more silent the better. Breeders and children, theyre pests and predators. One session, guerrilla, thats it. Drive far, return car to normal. 40% of homicides are unsolved

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a0f91c  No.301308


After all the apoplectic fits and crying and bawwing about immigrants getting formula, it turns out those were pallets of dried milk, not


Suddenly the MAGA/alt-right/anti-America crowd is silent because admitting you were wrong or made a mistake is worse than death.

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6a8d93  No.301438

File: 13c37554aa19ab4⋯.png (132.8 KB, 720x1353, 240:451, iaPWByEdMgHSiES1.png)

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269088  No.301463

File: bcb769357041821⋯.png (125.16 KB, 773x882, 773:882, 1600831468717_replacement_….png)

File: 289db19ef101b7f⋯.png (526.33 KB, 1000x2125, 8:17, 1582270263769_replacement_….png)

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041ea9  No.301911


Don't mention black-on-black violence, or to stop doing whatever they're doing, or to join society, can't have the niggers getting wise. Accelerate by omission. They see these debates on mainstream sites and 4chan. There's plenty of alternative material to use.

We need the niggers to keep chimping-out and killing their own for population control and more data against them.

Going back to africa is second to needing them exterminated.

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3366d3  No.301939

No surprise there. Camus described exactly what would happen in 'Le Grand Remplacement' in 2012 already. Read 'Strange Death of Europe' by Murray or 'Ghostwriting for QAnon' by Chan. All detail Great Replacement and what will happen next.

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bc9c41  No.301998

File: c0dfbc0b869df7d⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 3.28 MB, 795x1024, 795:1024, My_Hat_is_Off_to_the_Elite….gif)

File: d9dd5e40dc29a8b⋯.jpg (808.5 KB, 2000x2576, 125:161, My_Hat_is_Off_to_the_Elite….jpg)


> My-Hat-is-Off-to-the-Elite-Formula.jpg

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3136da  No.302661

File: b73bf4cc330536f⋯.jpg (47.61 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, 1652643297773_glowniggers_….jpg)

File: 74338570ac5268b⋯.png (66.47 KB, 411x633, 137:211, 1638758706260_FBI_glownigg….png)

File: c8ad7400ec4fb18⋯.jpg (79.29 KB, 1064x1018, 532:509, 1652927599771_glowniggers_….jpg)

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e86e6a  No.302983

One race: The Human race. Makes genocide easier.

Sure, in casual conversation, the animal can be referred to as a human.

"Sub-species" makes extermination less easy.

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