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5a57ab  No.299643

applies equally to other public discourse on contentions subjects - where 1 side smuggles in the proposition that their moral intuition be made universal by state force.

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37d8a0  No.299744


I'm curious why you would invest so much time into (obviously) trying to make a somewhat detailed and complicated configuration, using the world's LOWEST QUALITY GRAPHICS PROGRAM

that's like trying to write a song with a pile of dog shit instead of a guitar

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37d8a0  No.299745


I would be more than happy to teach you which software you should be using and how to use it

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dff20c  No.299750

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6ec9b8  No.299753


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

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5a57ab  No.299791


downloaded the old version of MS Paint for nostalgia. What program do you recommend?

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6ec9b8  No.299804


>Not knowing the strong link between MS Paint and IB culture.

Tell me you don't belong here without telling me you don't belong here.

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