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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: e22fbf4d192ff99⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 750x911, 750:911, art_390290.jpg)

72f568  No.299531

It's said that Alexander slept with Homer's 'Iliad' under his pillow.

He considered the great heroes in these masterful epics to be peers, brothers, kin.. and believed himself to be of their lineage.

He seemed to view their courage, competence, their feats of greatness, as a friendly challenge - and took up this challenge, with every ounce of his being.

The great men of past eras who strove for glory and honor are often misunderstood, in our age, as being predominantly fueled by selfish motives. A broader picture view might suggest the polar opposite - such men rarely 'enjoyed' the decadent and hedonistic luxury and ease of life experienced by their opposite type, but instead chose lives of sporting hardship, struggle, and the active overcoming of obstacles.. in exchange for leaving a lasting imprint on the fabric of reality, serving to energize and inspire and provide a living example to all who might come after.

Without the living memory of heroes and great men as examples in all spheres - from the martial to the spiritual to the philosophical, and all in between - we risk normalizing and falling into mediocrity, laziness, and cowardice.. becoming a tired, dreary, unexceptional people, living for superficial pleasures, and thus doomed to be ruled by shopkeeps and merchants, and the self-serving administrators and politicians they inevitably come to so control. We risk manifesting a horizon free from lofty mountains, their peaks in rarefied air reaching up to the heavens, and instead experiencing a landscape of nothing but undifferentiated flatness. Dull, uninteresting, devoid of motivating or inspirational power.. and in a very real sense, dead.

Alexander was a mountain peak.. an example that nothing is impossible, to him who can simply come to *know* that nothing is impossible.


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49c08c  No.299536


I am surprised you are here.

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72f568  No.299547

File: efb9372e3010bf2⋯.jpg (18.75 KB, 720x716, 180:179, 247803891_3018100408457180….jpg)


i'm not asha logos, i just want to elevate board discourse beyond all the mundane political nonsense that people et distracted by. Why do we need a hundred threads telling us abortion is bad and libtards are boonkers, yuh..we figured that out a while ago, that's why we're here, now let's focus on something noble and high minded lest we become the activists we hate

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a66ee5  No.299552


He is a pretty amazing person. I agree about the high minded stuff. I think he used to come here when it was 8chan.

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72f568  No.299597

File: 3007fcbb344a35d⋯.jpg (76.07 KB, 600x753, 200:251, jews_5800.jpg)


not surprised. i'm very interested in the Khazar stuff he mention around the hour mark. It's all new info to me. do you know if he has a discord or something?

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ba4002  No.299599

File: e00f0da0ca30eb5⋯.jpg (43.89 KB, 770x737, 70:67, bolsenaro_ukraine_quote_ze….jpg)


He has TPP on Element (you can access that through his comments on YT; if you have been on /pol/ for a while it had a precursor called Searchenary which had some pretty questionable connections to the CIA but I have no proof that TPP has those same connections, it is just formatted the same way).

I was there for a while on Element and then I left. I still recommend it btw there are good people there as well…but as always, there is jewish infiltration which I have no tolerance for at all. I can handle it 'in public space' but not in a space that is supposed to be a safe haven for Europeans (the only thing I actually care about or love). I did find it very inspirational for the time I was there but if the jews touch something, they kill it; so I left to avoid watching that happen again and because I would just get into fights with them and I didn't want to ruin his little kingdom by warring with our mortal enemy. I was a guest there.

Yeah, the whole 'khazarian' thing…lmao…the jews believed their would never be any 'price' extracted for their khazarian support network, but there is a time to pay the piper and it is about to get real for the jew in a way they have never seen before in their lives and will never, ever see again (most likely because none of them will live through it). Now that 'jew' and 'khazarian' is synonymous in the worlds eyes, what would they need the jews for? Hahaha…enter the Dajjal King Zelensky the clown.

This is always the problem with letting foreigners dictate 'good' and 'evil' to you. When you can dictate 'good' for the whole planet (use them as hand puppets to serve your own interests) you better be fucking sure that no one can, in turn, use your own ideology against you. Lmfao…the jews were outfoxed by better foxes, the khazarian mafia.

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8dbc71  No.299601

File: 4554d6aae195707⋯.jpg (50.32 KB, 1092x996, 91:83, circus_ball.jpg)


Love that clownworld 'circus ball' subtle imagery in that Bolsonaro pic. mfw Clownworld goes mainstream. Circus music is playing in my mind in the background…

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5536e2  No.299605



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093018  No.299802


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097596  No.300122


Asha Logos is wrong insofar as he gives a single solitary fuck about saving "The White Race" including but not limited to "The Kike Religion" that has turned "The White Race" into what it is today: total fucking trash. He seems like a nice fellow, and I don't begrudge his general impulse, but when he starts boomerpoasting on Gab, it can get a bit nauseating. I wish him well. If he's reading this, the offer remains open.

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af160a  No.300123


He boomer posts on Gab? That is going to have to be looked into…

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f3b0f2  No.300131

sup asha, get back on gab faggot. also i might be visiting you in washington soon, everyone who can does know you bro, give me your favorite stalker flower.

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f3b0f2  No.300132


I do this in regard to the degeneracy of habituation with disregard to it's source my fren. Have some wholesome, and live.

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f3b0f2  No.300133

File: f9c72a8e0673956⋯.jpg (226.01 KB, 1515x1000, 303:200, nice.jpg)

Poulsbo, WA 98370

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f3b0f2  No.300134

File: afa980724122a1e⋯.jpg (63.36 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, fuukinjek.jpg)

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672739  No.300144


…and people correct my grammar.

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