So I was reading some random book series lately, and realized all of them are heavily influenced by what my wife called "The Message", that is gender equity, left-wing-ish economics and so on.
The books range from obvious (like feminist talking points out in the open, for example Mistborn 4 mentioning a female protagonist of Mistborn 1 as being an example of strong woman that causes gender equality) to "Neutral" (like Lost Fleet series, no political talking points regarding gender, but the books display equal amounts of men and women in the military, and seemly people are excellent in following regulations of not having sex while in the military, since the books never deal with pregnancy or other factors that affect women in the military).
So I was hoping for some book recommendations that either are just realistic (ie: people follow RL gender roles and the subject is not talked about) or if the subject is actually brought up, it doesn't portray "The Message" as the only correct political view.
Some stuff I would like to see:
* Sci-fi or fantasy books where gender roles follow historical norms
* Books that make obvious that post-scarcity is not a thing, resources are limited and economical equality is actually impossible unless something actually crazy happens (like singularity and so on)
* Military or combat-focused books where women are NOT physically strong as men (they can still be present in combat, but shouldn't just go around winning fistfights with men all the time, or carrying around extremely heavy guns with heavy recoil and firing them unassisted).
Or for more extreme ones:
books where women are submissive but this is NOT a bad thing. (there are plenty of books where women are submissive but this is evil or was caused by an antagonist the protagonist must defeat)