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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 345448e26b9b17d⋯.jpeg (118.91 KB, 750x136, 375:68, 845A1DD2_4D68_4982_9A0E_6….jpeg)

b12e9b  No.299450

You'll die in 6mo.

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b12e9b  No.299451

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ab9d90  No.299454

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2e56c5  No.299461


don't waste your time with 'Em Flaggots…

and please take your meds

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9a05d7  No.299483

>>299450 (another glow nigger LIES through his teeth)

Nope. Biden shut America's oil pipelines down (not just the Keystone XL but others too). Europe is sanctioning their own biggest sources for oil & gas (Russia) which Europe need to start buying oil & gas from America. With oil & gas pipelines shut down in America, we can't get enough to Europe, let alone ourselves.

CONCLUSION: 100% Planned supply chain breakdown. All manufactured fake gay globalist Davos Bilderberg WEF crisis to bring about their "Great Reset" and you glow niggers know it, you can't hide it, you lie. We hate you. Fuck off and die.

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8a5b92  No.299486


You said that 6 months ago. You lied then. You're lying now.

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03a3e7  No.299523


Jidf I am dissapoint.

You'll die in 4mo.

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8a5b92  No.299524


You keep making predictions that never come true. Ever. You just kick the can down the road and hope nobody remembers. Sorry, kid, but I always remember and you're always wrong.

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6738a4  No.299581


Jidf you aren't that bright.

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1bc878  No.299596


This is a strange response. I just said you're going to die in a few months. Why are you mad that you're too dumb to survive?

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8a5b92  No.299600


Bright enough to know you hop IPs in a desperate attempt to create false consensus while continuing to lie to everyone you see. Nobody will ever believe you.

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abf85b  No.299602


Totally agree. How people can not see that this is the planned demolition of Civilization is beyond me.

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abf85b  No.299603


Everyone dies.

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825591  No.299612


The IP hop is from the server, FYI. I have commented and then commented a few seconds later and received a totally new IP no fault of my own.

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38da65  No.299627


You'll die at last. All of you. It's wonderful.

Chan sites have room temperature iq and can't see the obvious collapse of oil inventory.


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38da65  No.299628


Well done jidf.

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bc9012  No.299630


Yes we do notice the collapse and it was all done by design, but you refuse to lurk more and do any research into this manufactured economic collapse which has been reported on time after time after time!

USA Watchdog w/Martin Armstrong; Insane Globalists Are Collapsing The World Economy: https://rumble.com/vwjmwl-insane-globalists-collapsing-world-economy-martin-armstrong.html

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bc9012  No.299631

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22d84d  No.299637

File: 935ffe55f49d93d⋯.jpg (94.97 KB, 1125x584, 1125:584, final_battle_LOTR.jpg)



Such a kike.

Don't you know 'set' that you are doomed already…

There you sit, thinking you can 'do something' to demonstrate and save your life 'by your actions, rather than dying because of who you are? The dead Judge you and you still don't understand. You have to GO BACK!


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800941  No.299639

File: 6f69764583a2602⋯.jpeg (51.38 KB, 594x332, 297:166, 41F1860D_8475_404D_BAC0_D….jpeg)


You'll die at last. It's wonderful.

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1c3343  No.299930

File: 48193c5c9c158b4⋯.jpg (17.91 KB, 432x454, 216:227, glowhard.jpg)


Your gymnastics are compelling, unlike your terminology which is a discrepancy I've noticed flourish in the younger genertion of recruits. I've been taken of note to have at a pen to enumerate, enunciate and elaborate, and finally ejaculate expeditiously on these matters. Take me to your leader.

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8badeb  No.299939

File: 9790d69912ad1b5⋯.jpg (134.45 KB, 599x843, 599:843, 1646776813132.jpg)


Well nothing glows as much as the WEF my friend, as they have over 120 political leaders in their back pockets and have corrupted numerous governments.

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1c3343  No.299947

File: f1a6af81df7aa91⋯.mp4 (11.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Julius_Striecher.mp4)

wef is not the problem dipshit, reading comprehension as shows is the actual.

Your focus on externialities that you indirectly or subconsciously contribute enough to, to know you're not a form of cattle to yourself is sufficient to a degree, but how about your clan of friends, fam, country, neighbors, the faggot world you would have a shit about or on, as well do I?

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1c3343  No.299951


Once more. The ideal is the material, a precedence. Continuum come.

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1c3343  No.299955

File: 739395b77372850⋯.webm (4.3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, chales_edward_coughlin.webm)

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