Do schizophrenics live in a hypothetical world?
Do schizophrenics misuse figures of language?
Do trauma splits personality?
Is the etymology of the word "schizophrenia" rooted in the word "split"?
What explains Stockholm Syndrome?
What is identification with the aggressor?
If one's aggressor is against the person, will the person develop tendencies of going against oneself, self-mutilation and self-harm, and, ultimately, going against one's own nature?
Is going against one's nature going against nature itself?
Is going against nature evil and Satanic?
Why does the left use figures of language to describe the assassination of babies but not the assassination of humans e.g "abortion", "human rights", and "women's rights"?
Does the left do that to attenuate the perceptual gravity of assassinating babies?
Do schizophrenics tend to mix up categories, and confound characteristics of things with the things themselves?
If yes, could that have implications for them misusing figures of language?
If yes, could that make them less exigent in relation to the standards that make something fit into a category?
If yes, could it be of interest to governments to induce schizophrenia in individuals so that they may be more compliant?
If yes, would that make schizophrenics "mix stuff"?
If yes, would that enable the schizophrenic to have an increased thinking versatility which could enable him to come up with farfetched and creative ideas?
Why potential government dissidents were introduced to LSD, Drugs, Hippie culture, and New Age ideas since the 1960s?
Do drugs induce schizophrenia symptoms?
How could "conspiracy theories" induce schizophrenia in individuals?
How could "conspiracy theories" lead individuals to rabbit holes?
Who are the individuals prone to be interested in "conspiracy theories"?
Are individuals prone to become dissidents prone to be interested in "conspiracy theories"?
Who invented "conspiracy theories"?
Who termed the term "conspiracy theory"?
Who was behind the counterculture?
Are "conspiracy theories" a form of counterculture?
Why are the elites always pushing intrigues and theaters toward the people?
Do the intrigues of the elite leads to rabbit holes?
Do the intrigues of the elite make people waste their time?
If something X has characteristics A, B, C, is A X? Is B X? Is C X? Is A and B X? Is A and C X? Is B and C X? Or is it the synthesis of A, B, and C in a specific form altogether X?
Does the fact a vaccine is composed of a syringe (A) and a substance derived from a cow (B) make a syringe (A) with a poisonous substance (C) inside that doesn't come from a cow a vaccine?
Is comparing vaccine-free individuals with baby-assassination sympathizers a fair equivalence?
Is it possible that vaccine-free individuals are left in peace while at the same time the right for the life of babies is secured?
What is the importance of choice?
Does free choice imply freedom from consequences?
What is freedom?
Is freedom what goes according to G'd as G'd is the source of all goodnesses?
Is it the nature of humans to choose goodness over evilness?
Is it the nature of humans to choose pleasure over pain?
What is the relation between goodness and pleasure, and evilness and pain?
How can the words "freedom" and "choice" be used as rhetorical artifices for political goals?