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68deff  No.299255

Simulation Theory has been failed to be disproven, along with Dead Internet Theory. The Annunaki have been controlling the simulator all along. Kyle Odom was contacted by the Annunaki and all know his tale. That is all.

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bfe4c6  No.299272

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The universe is simply God's simulation, He doesn't "go with the flow"…. He IS THE flow.

Most people can't comprehend this but it's in the Bible. "They were here before and after the Great Flood." Who is "they" exactly? The devil and his fallen angels who were banished from the heavens. You know what is more creepy? These demons can possess human minds and directly gain control over humans for evil. And they have! Think all the corrupt world leaders and people in Davos & WEF are legit normal humans? Nope! Possessed by hundreds of demons.

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ab1444  No.299280

The donuts of jelly echo everywhere to me that's proof enough

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68deff  No.299285


the devil is a man with immortality from using the cybernetic interface, the fallen angels are holographic machine elf people that provide assistance

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d4673c  No.299286

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PLA… And who did grant protection to the emperor?

PLA… You speak jest…

PLA… Who for provided the strange 'organization' of thy 'high castle?'

PLA… Was the 'one horn…'

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d4673c  No.299288

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>>China and Russia

Xi Jinping… The numbers are vast and many…

Xi Jinping… Vastness of variety…

Xi Jinping… The 'spirit children' are… 'Special…'

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d4673c  No.299292

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Xi Jinping… But I have already given the instructions…

PLA… I demand the 'resurrection' of 'the temple…'

CCP… I demand the recitation of 'the before people…'


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d4673c  No.299296

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Xi Jinping… Confusion…

15:00 'THE BED' 'PATTERN THE BED' 15:00

31:15 'ANGER' 'FUN' 'PLAY' 'HURT' 'H8TE'

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d4673c  No.299300

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Xi Jinping… Blessed are the 'before people…'

Xi Jinping… I know them… 'They' are knowing…

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d4673c  No.299304

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Xi Jinping… I have 'heard' them…

Xi Jinping… I can sense them…

Xi Jinping… I have 'located' them…


Xi Jinping… MY PEOPLE LIVE!!!!



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