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8080b8  No.299231

SERVER CHANGE, India server started having problems. You are now on notiniceland.com (Brazil)

Something big is going on. Half of the world is not able to access this site but it is running fine. Maybe someone got mad at my post about evil vs intelligence… boo hoo.

Where does evil come from? Evil usually comes from a lack of intelligence.


The correct question is "Where does goodness come from"? Goodness comes from being above the animals far enough in intelligence to realize that evil is counterproductive and leads to destruction. And the crime stats show it. All you have to do is go over the crime stats and then look at the average IQ's of whatever group the stats apply to and there will be a direct and proportionate correlation. The more intelligent the people, the lower the crime stats. It's as simple as that… almost.

There is just one small detail that throws a wrench in the works. It is this:

The more intelligent a society is overall, the more likely it is to be kind to people, often times too kind, and this allows those who actually are naturally evil despite having intelligence to rise to the top. In this case, evil gets managed by intelligence, an intelligence which knows there is goodness to take advantage of, and when evil uses the good in people to accomplish it's objectives, the end result is likely to be a worse outcome than whatever outcome the least intelligent group would accomplish. And there are plenty of examples.

1. The high tech war machine.

2. The Corona vax.

3. The development of advanced propaganda.

4. The birth of full blown tyranny that is inescapable. It takes intelligence to set that up.

5. The introduction of GMO tech corrupting the biosphere.

And there is a tribe that is inherently evil that is leveraging the intelligence of very good people in it's perceived favor, with skill and aplomb, a tribe that has made it a policy to play on the good will and sympathy from intelligent people, (example - with a "holocaust") to make people feel sorry enough for them to damn near be willing to lay down and die out of sympathy. Actually, many people have. And that is what got us to where we are. If this leverage of "good will" leads to a nuclear war it will be a far worse outcome than a mundane intelligence could ever deliver. In their arrogance, the tribe brags about having an average IQ of 107 - 110. And they are leading the world into the most stupid possible outcome of all, - the corruption of DNA and an impending nuclear wasteland. The result of simply being evil at their root will lead to an outcome that trumps the worst stupidity of all.


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8080b8  No.299233

Since everyone on /pnd/ LOVES Jim Stone's updates so much, I decided I'll dedicate a thread to his comments!


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8080b8  No.299238


JIM STONE COMMENTS: A new type of drone has been developed by China that can hunt people in dense foliage. It can go through trees and underbrush better than a bird can. It does it with cameras and a powerful processor rather than GPS and sensors, it does not need GPS to return home because it can see where it is and knows how to go back just by looking. I never thought this would happen and that it would always be possible to avoid drones in the woods. That's not true anymore: https://www.the-sun.com/news/5278366/video-shows-chinese-super-drones-hunting-humans/

MY COMMENT: This post is pure dread. It looks like in the dystopia future where governments control EVERYTHING they'll simply begin to kill anyone they deem "undesirable" or "unfit" to live. Since nearly NO ONE is stopping the systemic corruption these days, I expect these new drones will be used against civilians around the globe in due time. SO MASS MURDER INC. IT IS.

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7b3fbf  No.299312

bumping true news

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2df91e  No.299332

File: 6958178673003c5⋯.webm (5.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Spelling_Bee.webm)

>Evil usually comes from a lack of intelligence

You didn't clarify what evil is. I understand your sentiment, but if it is sincerely your own, can you see your typing in an idiot or evil mans eye? How about your career, those you surround yourself by day to day for a sentiment to be shared with those you don't know, to those equally unknown and lament on both sides of your post? Sounds like..

You're in hell. The law of the land and life has and always been in the homeostatic nature of our transfinitive demarcation on our plane's density, "kill or be killed". Toil, eat, shit, die is all we are and ever do to the other we are defined by, but have as a whole, in an intelligent position with awareness of circumstance, tended to neglect sustainably or remedially. Anyone here ever realized the only way to beat a jew is to become the jew. Fact is coemergence and interdependence are universal principals, that of which broadly we are not accustomed to, not only in educational and lived familiarity, but what its subsequent implications entail. Here's the thing, We could fix it all right now, but frankly you're all too retarded or self absorbed.

>tldr,……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… how many dots to the center of my testicles, nigerote fagusteus?


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