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My name is Nate Higgers

File: ccd0aa9dae4bf29⋯.jpg (111.14 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, farright.jpg)

063773  No.299182

Hi y'all could y'all send me the reasons why y'all decided to go down this rabbit hole. I'm writing a report on the rise of right wing extremism in the states. Pics/Manifestos are encouraged. Send to my email caelan.neece@ttu.edu thanks y'all

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aef4b0  No.299188

File: b7f6b5cf18332dd⋯.jpg (40.15 KB, 650x340, 65:34, Portland_.jpg)


You'd be better off writing a report on something that's actually REAL, like Left-Wing Extremism based on Marxist principles of Centralized Control over a Slave Population by an "Elite" Few.

Left-Wing Extremism in the guise of "Woke" Ideology has spread division and hatred all around you, is destroying civilization and society itself, is a more important subject than anything else, is more dangerous than anything else, and will affect everything on this planet far more than anything "else" for a millenia.

So wasting your time writing a report on things that don't even exist (except in the minds of a handful of autists) seems like a huge waste of time, when there is such a much bigger picture staring you in the face, if only you'd stop drinking the Socialist Kool Aid, and actuallyWAKE UPinstead of going "Woke"!

Also, you must have bumped your head if you thought you'd get anything but spam on your obviously pozzed .edu email address!

Protip: You're doing it all wrong.

Are you afraid to interact on the issues here? Or is it just easier to lapse into epithets, like "extremist", and you find you rather like that toddler-stance of name-calling and occasional fæces-hurling, rather than communicate about any REAL' topics (not involving your feefees about the use of certain words — words you might consider as "violence", as "hate speech", meaning you'd let your feefees get in the way of letting someone "else" make a fool of themselves, in favor of you making a fool out of yourself, by being unable to handle a conversation where you are not in control of the speech of "others" — or did I get you all wrong? Or did I lose you somewhere in that sentence?)

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

It sounds like you want to write a report.

So, get on with it!

There's nothing anyone can do or say here, or on your pozzed .edu email address, that will probably change much of what you're planning on writing anyway. You've already come to the conclusion that it is "Others" who have gone down the "extremism rabbit hole", not yourself, so there's really not a lot more that can be said except "Lurk Moar" andLOOK WITHIN.

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102fce  No.299190

File: 93e8997eb441c11⋯.jpg (823.88 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, PicsArt_06_13_07_48_14.jpg)

File: 617e58c6f91c1b0⋯.jpg (658.41 KB, 2560x1280, 2:1, PicsArt_06_23_11_05_13.jpg)

File: ba005a2ddaac722⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1982x2643, 1982:2643, PicsArt_06_03_09_53_08.jpg)

File: 490087d2a36229a⋯.jpg (82.08 KB, 499x333, 499:333, PicsArt_06_07_10_51_03.jpg)

File: 11b3cb4b8cee219⋯.jpg (160.28 KB, 900x495, 20:11, PicsArt_03_30_09_07_30.jpg)


> assumes that everyone here is some sort of "right-wing-extremist" or has fallen down some sort of "rabbit-hole"

Why these assumptions? Not everyone around here even values psuedonymity any more!

Control over the speech, and even the thoughts, of "others", has never been more popular.

And there are many ways to achieve that "Control". Many ways indeed. You wanna just be a cog in a machine? Ya wanna do the work of the Slavers for them, and help Enslave your fellow man? You wanna help spread misery, divisiveness, hatred & pain? Well, you're in good company. There's all that and more here… mental illness galore — but that ain't rare nowhere!

> inb4 white trash


More childish epithets, less unity and awareness among the Slave Class, amirite?

Nope. You'll find what you're looking for wherever you are. It's kind of a maxim. The REAL Question isWhat Are (You) Looking For, OP?

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102fce  No.299234


Hitler dubs confirmed for time-wasting effort to redpill obvious glowshit.

Nice poke in the eye tho!

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d63cb0  No.299235


This place is not right wing extremist, unlike 8chan's /pol/ #1. And #2 I don't think you know what extremism even is. If you think calling out criminal conspiracy is "extremest" well then fuck off useful idiot.

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d63cb0  No.299236


1000x THIS.

Is it extremist for Americans to want to be left alone and live their lives how they want? Is it extremist for Americans to support their Constitutional rights? Is it extremist for Americans to call out corruption and criminal conspiracy when they witness it? Is it extremist for Americans to support populist candidates that put American interests first? Is it extremist for Americans to have the right to self-defense? Is it extremist for Americans to form their own opinions and critically think for themselves? Is it extremist for Americans to prepare for harder times, to become preppers? Those who say "YES" would then have to agree that America is an extremist country.

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d63cb0  No.299237



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