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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 708ee49111496e4⋯.jpg (8.72 KB, 270x187, 270:187, download_9_.jpg)

2fcc28  No.299110

This is the map of Iran.

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58ccac  No.299112

We have operators in Moscow ready to end the Putin regime. We've turned many in the FSB, Russian state media syndicate, and in heavy industry, transportation, the military, and energy sectors across Russia.

May 9th is going to be spectacular for Russia.

When a flagship goes down, we are there.

When a general is killed or injured, that was with our expertise and guidance.

When a false flag is thwarted, we advised.

It's laughable how compromised the Russians are. Not sure if Vlad understands that we are everywhere, we run everything, and we like a little challenge now and then.

Walk softly and carry a big stick. Nothing gets by us that we didn't approve.

The United States is and shall remain the world's foremost global hegemony.

And remember kids our oligarchy can beat up your oligarchy.

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a59ebf  No.299113

File: 8f339662582fa12⋯.jpg (13.26 KB, 270x187, 270:187, Nice_Thumb.jpg)

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9740e6  No.299178





show a little decorum anonypuss.

series oh really.

that word is very offensive.

neegans is a non offensive word that

makes reference to a disenfranchised african american

community hit as hard as any "cracker".

the CFR is a trojan horse.

middle class stumbling like

twice baked potatoes

in an invisible oven

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