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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: f38cd466de81ec1⋯.png (2.65 KB, 150x100, 3:2, Flag_of_Ukraine_with_coat_….png)

e420b4  No.299109

It doesnt matter what happens in the war,putin has lost the game.

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b4bcbf  No.299114

You retards all cry about the deep state but the deep state is the only thing preventing Putin from pushing your shit back into your lily white faggot ass.

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6b1bec  No.299116

File: 96d5232c2a4bc90⋯.png (26.12 KB, 150x100, 3:2, PicsArt_05_05_05_46_53.png)

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6b1bec  No.299117

File: 52d44574a7f7b95⋯.jpg (354.8 KB, 1440x2612, 360:653, PicsArt_10_23_10_50_25.jpg)


Does this one need more Kool Aid?

Maybe an Injection would work better.

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fea43e  No.299128

File: 8dbaee3f8e92f48⋯.png (611.22 KB, 1621x1080, 1621:1080, Picsart_22_05_05_11_40_51_….png)

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1c663e  No.299181

What is the point of this stupid war again? All thats been lost is white human life in Russia and Ukraine, Russia has yet to even remotely conquer Ukraine either making this war look effectively pointless from Russia's point of view since it was supposed to be le steamroll.

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87ea35  No.299197


>what's the point

To make you forget about the truckers in Ottawa.

That is the point.

To show you how a government must exercise it's monopoly on the use of violence.

If Biden had balls like Putin, he'd be using the US military to annex Texas and California and turn them into "sanctuary states".

He could also wax a lot of depolorables in the process.

But Joe doesn't have balls like that yet.

Wait for the next white on black act of televised police brutality and the brainwashed mobs will get the ball rolling.

Then and only then will Joe deploy force.

Joe will take over the governments of "racist states" with USMC.

He must do as Putin has done before him or else Joe is a pussy.

Don't be a pussy Joe.

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8b433f  No.299202

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89e2e4  No.299204

some russians think that ukrine is a playground like syria.absolout stupidity.

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5d8f9a  No.299226


No, sorry, but the reality is the war continues and details matter, not your political bias or feelings.

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5d8f9a  No.299227


The United States government has provided intelligence about Russian units that has allowed Ukrainians to target and kill many of the Russian generals who have died in action in the Ukraine war, according to senior American officials. Ukrainian officials said they have killed approximately 12 generals on the front lines, a number that has astonished military analysts: https://dnyuz.com/2022/05/04/u-s-intelligence-is-helping-ukraine-kill-russian-generals-officials-say/

Hundreds of Ukrainians are being trained on howitzers, drones, radars, and armored vehicles provided by the US: https://news.antiwar.com/2022/05/04/us-ramps-up-training-of-ukrainian-troops/

Germany will help replace the heavy weapons equipment the Czech Republic provides to Ukraine during its war effort with Russia, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has confirmed during a joint press conference in Berlin: https://rmx.news/czech-republic/germany-will-help-czechia-replace-heavy-weapons-provided-to-ukraine/

The Russian armed forces arrested Canadian General Trevor Cadieu in Mariupol on the night of 2-3 May 2022. He is currently in Moscow awaiting to stand trial. General Trevor Kadier was apparently not on a mission for his government, but was in charge of biolaboratory No. 1, with 18 staff working under his command. The National Pulse reported that Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden, and Christopher Heinz, John Kerry’s son-in-law, had organized subcontracting arrangements for Ukrainian research laboratories through their firm Rosemont Capital, on behalf of the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA): https://www.voltairenet.org/article216731.html

Kremlin comments on situation at Azovstal plant: https://www.rt.com/russia/554960-peskov-russian-forces-storming-azovstal/

Putin Bows To Zionism, Apologizes to Bennett for Lavrov’s Hitler Comments: https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-705985

Orban says EU plan to ban Russian oil an 'atomic bomb' on Hungary's economy: https://www.euronews.com/2022/05/06/ukraine-war-un-in-new-attempt-to-evacuation-civilians-from-mariupol-hellscapes

Finland Braces For Russian Gas Cut-Off Ahead Of NATO Decision: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/Finland-Braces-For-Russian-Gas-Cut-Off-Ahead-Of-NATO-Decision.html

China may be looking to tighten its rare earth export control laws, and that could make supply even scarcer. The United States is racing to ramp up domestic rare earth supply to help ease its dependence on Chinese resources: https://oilprice.com/Metals/Commodities/Rare-Earths-Supply-Is-About-To-Get-Much-Tighte.html

Food shortages reached record high in April as inflation continues to skyrocket: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-05-food-shortages-record-high-april-inflation-skyrockets.html

The U.S. secretly spent more than $224 million, we now know, on biological weapons research programs in Ukraine, which began at least as far back as 2005. These funds were used to equip and upgrade around 30 biolabs controlled by Ukraine’s defense, health, and agricultural ministries: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-05-pentagon-spent-224million-bioweapons-programs-ukraine.html

Russian forces continued ineffectual offensive operations in southern Kharkiv, Donetsk, and Luhansk oblasts without securing any significant territorial gains in the past 24 hours. Ukrainian officials and military officers confirmed that Russian forces have breached the Azovstal facility itself and confirmed that Ukrainian forces are losing ground. Russian forces will likely capture the facility in the coming days. Ukrainian offensive operations around Kharkiv likely intend to push Russian forces out of artillery range of Kharkiv city, force Russian units to redeploy from the Izyum axis, and potentially threaten Russian lines of communication. Russian forces conducted limited offensive operations toward Zaporizhia City but did not conduct any attacks in Kherson and Mykolaiv oblasts in the last 24 hours. Ukrainian forces claimed to recapture additional territory west of Kherson: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-campaign-assessment-may-5

On May 5, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Ka-52 attack helicopters of the Russian military’s aviation had destroyed a command center and several armored vehicles of Kiev forces in the framework of the ongoing special military operation in Ukraine: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-ka-52-helicopters-destroy-command-center-armored-vehicles-of-kiev-forces/

On May 5, fighting on the territory of the Azovstal facilities in Mariupol continued. According to Ukrainian Azov militants besieged in the plant, Russian forces brought into the territory of Azovstal and bloody clashes resumed: https://southfront.org/azovstal-on-fire-hostilities-resumed/

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5d8f9a  No.299228


Wrong. Russia has been angry for some time over NATO expansion around their borders. When Ukraine's government decided they too wanted to join NATO as well become a nuclear power that is when Russia decided to invade. There are many other rumors and information coming out about biological weapons in Ukraine as well. Although Russia has yet to provide all the documentation they claim to have. We'll have to wait and see where that goes. Russia also claimed Ukraine was preparing to attack their country with these biological weapons. Who knows if that's actually true…. we'll find out sooner or later.

Also note that Ukraine has been in a civil war for some time. Their civil war was over deep political division, much like we see in the US but much worse and has led to a lot more death. Putin also took advantage of that division, thus why some Ukrainian militia side with the Russians in this war. It's a very sad situation and the US - of all nations - should take note and learn from this.

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5d8f9a  No.299229


So you want mass murder and civil war? You do realize this would bring about a massive economic collapse and the end of your comfy lifestyle, right? You should talk to some Ukrainians about this idea, see what they have to say.

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2e7bd9  No.299246


FULL UTF-8 OF RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR LOG 5/6/2022: https://paste.pop-planet.info/view/raw/a841c6e4

India deals a blow to Western ‘democracy’ narrative: https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202205/1264888.shtml

Incompetence or the realities of war? Turmoil for Canadian-led foreign battalion in Ukraine: https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/turmoil-for-norman-brigade-canadian-led-foreign-battalion-in-ukraine

Buckle Up For A Crashing Economy And More Inflation: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/buckle-crashing-economy-and-more-inflation

The eastern part of Germany will face petrol shortages if the EU adopts an embargo on Russian oil, Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck warned in a TV interview on Wednesday: https://www.rt.com/business/555022-germany-petrol-shortages-russia-oil/

ANONYMOUS COMMENTS: The Ukrainians have been establishing tens of kilometers of trenches and fortifications in Donbas (marked with the blue castles in the image) since 2014. How much time will the Russians need to penetrate such heavily defended entrenchments ? If you were wondering why things are moving slowly, this is why. They have 1 million active military personnel, the 150k soldiers they have deployed are doing a good job considering, but I think they should deploy more soldiers: https://i.4cdn.org/pol/1651844622372.jpg

It appears another Russian ship has been struck by a missile:

Artillery units of the Russian Federation destroyed six command posts of Ukrainian troops, three ammunition depots, 26 Ukrainian artillery batteries and 187 enemy strongholds and concentrations of forces and equipment…As a result of the strikes, up to 280 nationalists and 41 units of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed: https://ria.ru/20220506/natsionalisty-1787147222.html

The Russian military continues to strike high-value military targets in Ukraine with the advanced 9K720 Iskander system. On May 6, the Ministry of Defense of Russia released footage of a recent pinpoint strike with an Iskander-K cruise missile on a military facility in an unspecified part of Ukraine. The strike was coordinated with a drone: https://southfront.org/russian-iskander-cruise-missile-wipes-out-military-facility-in-ukraine-video/

As a result of a special operation, the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has taken 11 Russian snipers prisoner in Kharkiv Region: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3476675-ssu-takes-11-russian-snipers-prisoner-in-kharkiv-region.html

British Defense Intelligence map of Russia-Ukraine war today: https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFSE4Y2jWUAIE1Q4.jpg

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af4234  No.299248


>So you want

I don't want that. Others do.

I have learned after the 4 years of constant lies told by the congress about Russian collusion, peepeegate and Trump wandering the halls of the whitehouse at night in a bathrobe in a daze etc–

I have learned what we want doesn't matter.

They won't even honor our vote.

Brexit was a vote. (null)

Trump was a vote. (null)

They negated the will of the people by lying about Trump nonstop for 4 years in essence nullifying our vote.

The Lobby has completely taken over the country.

From the legislature, to the courts, the military, healthcare, all of it.

Don't forget to pay the cable bill.

They're kinda strapped for cash and they really need the money to make the magic that keeps us all dumb as stumps.

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2e7bd9  No.299249


Finally, a human in here!

Yah, I don't pay for TV service. The (mostly old) shows I do enjoy watching are on DVD box sets, but only before I decide to crash out for the evening. You are pretty much correct though. Those who hold power pretty much don't give a shit what we think. Therefore there likely is no good long-term outcome, chaos will reign and so will defection, tyranny and wars.

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2e7bd9  No.299250

File: 8b17df16f5992b3⋯.jpg (341.92 KB, 828x799, 828:799, true_warning.jpg)



Pic highly related, glad I saved it.

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5f4d23  No.299252

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5f4d23  No.299254

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076789  No.299266


The problem with the world is not enough good people get involved in politics. If they did, we would see some changes. As long as we do nothing we share part of the blame honestly.

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73fe54  No.299299


Pentagon Denies Helping Ukraine Sink Moskva After Series Of Intel-Sharing Reports: https://www.zerohedge.com/military/pentagon-denies-helping-ukraine-sink-moskva-after-series-intel-sharing-reports

▲ MY COMMENT: I think this is partly true. It's NOT the Pentagon that is stupid enough to try to start a war with Russia, I almost 100% guarantee it's the CIA or some other spook agency working with Mossad, who have Davos-Bilderberg-WEF connections, that is trying to provoke war!!! Remember, they need a big hard "Great Reset" to come out of the MANUFACTURED economic collapse back ontop of the levers of power again! They know once the economy collapses due to THEIR fiscal insolvency, if we still have our say, they will be OUT of positions of power and never trusted again!!! If it takes nuclear war to remain in power, they just said to the world "so be it!" Inb4 I'm called a "kook", just try to prove me wrong!!!! You heard this here FIRST on >>>/freedomzine/ !!! For more exclusive "MY COMMENT" UPDATES on the war, follow >>>/freedomzine/

Food shortages are NOT the fault of the Ukraine-Russia war, the destruction of the Western supply chain is a deliberate inside job: https://allnewspipeline.com/Massive_Coverup_In_Progress_As_More_Food_Processing_Plants_Hit.php

In times of war, governments planned to use food scarcity as a weapon: https://criticalunity.org/news/nwo/population/1435-kissinger-s-1974-plan-for-food-control-genocide

While Russian war is waged against Ukraine, Governments are waging war against us: https://www.americanpartisan.org/2022/05/we-are-at-war-already-by-scipio/

Ireland is Discussing Abolishing Personal Property Rights To House Ukraine's Migrants: https://www.theorganicprepper.com/ireland/

There is nothing you cannot eventually understand in terms of geopolitics as long as you accept the fact that international conflicts are generally engineered and are always designed to benefit a particular group of establishment power brokers and financial elites. If you are one of those people who assumes all of these events are merely “random and unfortunate coincidences” then you’ll remain in the dark for the rest of your life – and you will never grasp why terrible things are happening to you as the world falls apart. You will go to an early grave because you were unprepared while still thinking you were the smartest person in the room: https://alt-market.us/economic-world-war-who-benefits-and-how-much-time-is-left/

Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine—and its recent decision to halt natural gas exports to Poland and Bulgaria—have provoked searching debates surrounding Europe’s energy dependence on Russia, economic and political vulnerabilities, European climate goals, and policy options to ensure secure and affordable access to energy. How quickly can Europe (and especially Germany) reduce existing energy imports from Russia and at what cost? To what extent can the United States help? How might Moscow respond to such efforts? These are only a few of the critical questions: https://nationalinterest.org/feature/europe%E2%80%99s-energy-crisis-and-war-ukraine-202141

Fierce positional battles continue in the Kharkiv region. Amid the counter offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) near the capital of the region, Russian forces advance in the areas of Izyum and Liman. On May 6, mass explosions thundered the northwestern outskirts of Kharkiv. Residents reported shelling on the village of Zhukovsky and the Severnaya Saltovka region of the city: https://southfront.org/battles-in-kharkiv-region-gains-of-ukrainian-army/

In the Kharkiv region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have regained control over the settlements of Oleksandrivka, Fedorivka, Ukrainka, Shestakove, Peremoha, and part of the village of Cherkaski Tyshky: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3476831-ukrainian-army-retakes-control-of-several-settlements-in-kharkiv-region.html

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2dc0c1  No.299325


"The question is not how to get good people to rule; the question is how to stop the powerful from doing as much damage as they can to us."

–Karl Popper

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fa0104  No.299440

Im the topic creator.

some say the reason of attacking ukrine is stoping nato to expand,well,becuse of the attack more countries(like finland and sweden) want to be in nato.another failuer for russians and another show of their stupidity.

and another thing russian comrades,with your speed in moving forward in ukrine,it will takes decades to conquer it or even reach moscow.and untill that time,you are out of everything(now you are as well)

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260ed0  No.299443


MIRROR ONE: http://paste.amplify.pt/view/raw/0b682c6f

MIRROR TWO: https://paste.lightcast.com/view/raw/521aad29

I have been archiving a lot of what is going on in Ukraine as well how this war impacts different nations and economic stability. Sources include Ukrainian and Russian news sites, European news sites, American news sites a few foreign articles (translated), both mainstream and alternative news sources, a few blogs, as well as expert sources like South Front and the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

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260ed0  No.299444

File: 628ea5837a95747⋯.png (870.63 KB, 718x531, 718:531, THEY_SAY_I_M_CRAZY.PNG)


Thing is, if Russia were to be directly attacked, as in the bombing of Moscow, I do think at that point Putin would be stupid not to start a nuclear war at that point, and it would be entirely possible he would. It's an insane risk, one that could lead to hundreds of millions killed from a nuclear war.

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d191da  No.299452

File: 9e0d10383e295d1⋯.jpg (213.15 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, nut.jpg)

Russians are crushing it I don't know what you guys are talking about.

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c6266a  No.299918

you are fucking retarded. putin will win no matter what.

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