"Conspiracy Theory" NO MORE.
France Adopts Digital Social Credit Score System
Some people called it a conspiracy theory. It hasn’t even gone a week since the French presidential election, and already they have now announced a new digital ID for citizens.
It all ties in to the new cashless society that the Davos WEF crowd are now pushing. They want everything to become digital, and that includes your wallet. But to be able to do that, you first need to have a digital ID. Essentially it is the first step.
Now in Sweden, some people have already jumped ahead several steps, and are getting microchip implants in their hand to use for payments. And some even uploaded their covid passports on it (and covid passports in Sweden were tied to your digital ID).
And you guessed it, Sweden already has a credit card that will ban you from further purchases if you hit your carbon limit. The future is already here, and it’s not pretty.
When everything is digital, it is so much easier for governments to track and control everything that people do. Just imagine the STASI. They had to do all of their tracking manually. Just imagine if they had access to modern technology and everyone had to have digital ID. They would love it.
And as Florian Philippot mentioned, the next step will be a Chinese style social credit system. Perhaps you get some extra points if you eat less meat and more bugs… Or you get minus points if you drive too much with your car.
It all comes down to Communism. The Great Reset is just another word for Global Communism.