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File: 8b71c2080ef160b⋯.png (95.64 KB, 596x877, 596:877, wornm.png)

225879  No.298788

what do you think about tranny infighting? individualist vs collectivist trannies and such

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0497aa  No.298789

we should encourage more of them to become individualists like this so trans ideology becomes easier to fight

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8178ef  No.298790


Not a bad idea, let's call it "wormburrowing" to honor the based tranny in the image.

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74baab  No.298806


Do nothing. Ignore them and stay the hell away from them. The idiots who literally mutilate their genitals are not only fucking themselves and asking for serious health problems within a decade or two, they are also doing it because they are starved of attention and any reaction they can get from people, no matter if it is negative, is a "win" for them. The biggest thing they will ever fear is being left alone to die from their stupidity and self-inflicted harm.

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24db88  No.298950


honestly ?……

the ONLY place where "trans" ever gets mentioned is IN HERE …


that's because no matter how much you creepy "imageboard culture" douchebuckets deny it, 98.5% of you are either already homosexual, or well on your way to admitting it soon…

you're pretty much ALL gay….

Effeminate, Sissified, Coddled, Sheltered, Awkward, Isolated, and homosexual….

HINT : as much as this will surprise you, in real life, people who never mention anything about transsexuals…

it's never discussed.. it's ever. nobody cares.. except you

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24db88  No.298951

it's simply never discussed…..

I've never had anybody mentioned transsexuals in passing conversation in real life

which would lead anybody to the next question :


why are you imageboard losers so fixated on transgender?

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a4af31  No.298968

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f3cb5e  No.298969


It's discussed by lots of parents who are pissed off at the public schools for promoting it. But here? I don't know why people here care about it so much. I've never seen a transgender in real life, fortunately.

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f3cb5e  No.298970


Ohhhh, wait a minute, I think I did see on, ONCE. I'm not sure what it was. But only once before, if my shot memory recalls correctly.

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