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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: ac54592ba104aeb⋯.jpg (105.76 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, enemy.jpg)

5cd35b  No.297933

Let's test the waters and see if Watkins is the pozzed piece of shit mutt mulatto I know he is. The fuckin predditor 4chink jannies banned me for starting a thread posting this link:




I know some of you Qfaggs lurk here, so since I've been banned from 4chink I'm forced to post on this fuckin honeypot site.

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11bad9  No.297961

File: 2f5183779273b0f⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.7 MB, 1024x879, 1024:879, OP_Knows_Where_to_Go.gif)

File: 9ea42056516b9ce⋯.jpg (62 KB, 497x427, 71:61, OP_Knows_Where_to_Go.jpg)

File: 16a9bfeec4cf014⋯.jpg (104.44 KB, 720x810, 8:9, Marshmallow_Mussolini_is_a….jpg)


> I'm forced to post on this fuckin site

No, yer not.

I don't know how clear that needs to be made to (((You))), but we have ways and "Personas" to sic on (((You)))…

"Personas" like "Johnny Neptune" .

I'd leave well enough alone and stop posting NOW if I were (((You))), but I'll be more than happy to assist "Johnny Neptune" and "Others" in helping (((You))) learn to STFU, and will bathe in the glorious joy of (((You)))r eternal torment if (((You))) continue to refuse to take the sound advice given in pics related…

Coming in here and filling up the Catalog with (((You)))r nigger-cock worshiping halfchan retardery will not ingratiate (((You))) with anybody around here, including Marshmallow Sally, who is the most like (((You))) here.

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5cd35b  No.297963


Okay groomer

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5cd35b  No.297972


Also if you're gonna quote me, at least quote correctly, I said:

>I'm forced to post on this FUCKIN HONEYPOT site

Get it right and fuck off back to /qresearch/ larping niggerwitted gypsy

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a23524  No.297974


Killcen here, I posted from "real raw news" once, just to trigger Johnny Neptune, the notorious chat room troll who used to lurk here, into a rage for a laugh. However, as much as I wish "real raw news" was credible, read their disclaimer:


It's PURE SATIRE. It's a site mocking the Q larpers. I wish stories like Dick Cheney getting hung at Gitmo for war crimes were real, but no, sorry, not going to happen in the corrupt state of affairs we live in today. High hopes, right?

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11bad9  No.297976

File: 537c466c54c8ecc⋯.jpg (76.63 KB, 359x640, 359:640, PicsArt_12_14_11_28_04.jpg)



Did somebody's feefees get hurt?

Telling me to fuck off back to a place where no one here even imagines I've ever been (since we all know each other here) seems super silly and supercilious, especially after I have just told (((You))) Dozens of Times in All (((You)))r Little Cuckchan-Tier Threads to Fuck Off Back to Where (((You))) So OBVIOUSLY Came From, Little Halfchan Boy!

> groomer

Take (((You)))r little Pedo/Anti-Pedo Shit Back to 4chan too. We grew out of all that stupidity over a decade ago over here; and furthermore,We KNOW What It Is All About.So, watch (((You)))r Ps & Qs, as it were.

Not posting BBC to make (((You))) feel more comfortable here, but to help (((You))) understand (((You)))r relative importance to this place.

Learn to contribute something of value, wherever you are, and even (((You))) may find yourself less unwelcome everywhere.

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5cd35b  No.297995


Still doesn't explain why the trannies gave me a site wide ban lel, I don't use anything other than /pol/

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8a2f52  No.297999


I know why, it's because 4chan is compromised by the same kind of glowing 'Big Tech' employees who have one particular job: to control the narratives and keep people in the dark when it comes to high level corruption. It absolutely does not matter if you posted from a satire site, the fact you put that content out there immediately flagged you, and thus, the ban. The whole reason 4chan did not face the same heat and fate that 8chan did was because 4chan was compromised by glowing niggers, and 8chan was not yet fully compromised. And the feds, corporate-state media & Big Tech publicity/retribution blitzkrieg DESTROYED 8chan over it. …now they set up the "alternative" 8kun (a honeypot)…. spam this place with nonsense…. hired trolls like "Johnny Neptune" (Andrew McGovern) and "Marshmellow Sally" (aka "Morpheus") with other political PSYOPs and bootlicking shills, keeping this place from becoming popular. So welcome to a dead fed board. I'm only here to keep real news alive and expose their endless Godless corruption.

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6fba66  No.298012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

"I am intend to use nuclear force…"

Sergey Lavrov… I am beyond time(s) and space(s)…

Sergey Lavrov… There is no power before me…

Sergey Lavrov… I am the last resort… I am the first offense…

Sergey Lavrov… I am become The United Soviet States…

"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

"I am intend to use nuclear force…"

Sergey Lavrov… Russia will take up mine 'hammer…'

Sergey Lavrov… Russia will strike 'the enemy' upon mine command…

"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

"I am intend to use nuclear force…"

Sergey Lavrov… Thy 'state' exists now… Only in memory…

Sergey Lavrov… I encroach upon thee…

Sergey Lavrov… I desire to 'manually operate' thy state…

Vladimir Putin… I seek to directly possess Russia…

Vladimir Putin… This is a 'hostile takeover…' I shall not allow Russia to be fell to these forces…

"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

"I am intend to use nuclear force…"

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6fba66  No.298014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

Vladimir Putin… The 'soul of Germany' has been displaced and the vessel is there for mine…

Vladimir Putin… I shall now descend absolute control over all 'Soviet' space(s) throughout all time(s)…

Vladimir Putin… There can be no resistance nor escape…

"I am seizing these nations for mine self…"

Vladimir Putin… Prepare thy self… I shall directly 'OPEN HEAVEN'S DOOR…'

Vladimir Putin… There is limited time to destroy mine vessel 'Germany…'

Vladimir Putin… Mine strength is tremendous… I WILL NOT LET 'GERMANY' GO!

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6fba66  No.298020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

Vladimir Putin… I shall directly 'OPEN HEAVEN'S DOOR…'

Vladimir Putin… China is no longer relevant…

Vladimir Putin… I shall 'drag' China into the future(s) by absolute force…

"I intend to use nuclear force…"

Vladimir Putin… Upon such time(s)… I shall determine which Chinese shall be allowed to survive…

Vladimir Putin… I shall there for destroy both the PLA and CCP… 'Tis suicide…

Vladimir Putin… One must only choose life… China has there for chosen (not) life…

"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

Vladimir Putin… I am ascend control… I shall accelerate once more…

"I intend to use nuclear force…"

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6fba66  No.298024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The annihilation of the earth…

The 'red egg…'

Vladimir Putin… Come hither to me Ram…

Ram… Be not afraid…

Ram… I shall walk with you…

Ram… HAHA mine child, you speak jest in tongues…

Ram… We are going to the future…

Ram… Shhhhh, don't tell the others…

Ram… I do not want them to come… HAHAHAHA

Ram… Tell the 'sisters' that 'I am going to rape and kill them all…' HAHAHAHA

Ram… Tell the 'sisters' that 'I know them in kind all the same…' HAHAHAHA

Ram… Tell the 'sisters' that 'One gives for helping…' That 'One pays to be hurt less…' HAHAHAHAHAHA

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6fba66  No.298037

File: c5ff19edf38d303⋯.mp4 (11.17 MB, 426x240, 71:40, reversedVideo.mp4)


>>The untied bates…

Elon… I shall deliver the instructions shortly…

Elon… There can be only one…

Elon… Be still mine puppet…

Elon… All is right with the earth…

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5cd35b  No.298042

File: 4fba219351f86f5⋯.jpg (124.72 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, hope.jpg)


Trips of Truth. Doing God's work Anon, you have a good heart. When we do finally enter the frey, I'd count myself fortunate to find you alongside me in the trenches Fren.

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faeb94  No.298262


Seconding this post.

Agreeing with this post.

Bookmarked, saved, archived, downloaded, screenshotted, backed up, printed, scanned, uploaded and chiseled in stone.

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c00838  No.298272

It wont be long before your post is deleted here

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c00838  No.298463

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