Here is a list of words that are pretty much "subjective", meaning they are pretty weak as factual descriptive elements of language, which you can use to attempt to "add an effect" to things through framing effect:
For example, if you want people to regard some event with awe, you call it a "scandal"; if you want people to regard something with discredit, you call something "ridiculous"; if you people to not make judgements of value about something, complain that doing so is "discriminatory" with an underlying assumption being "discriminatory" is bad, like using a certain voice tone to convey that notion.
The "alt-right" should use words in their favor and not limit themselves in their vocabulary usage just because the evil individuals tend to use words in a certain way. What evil individuals want is to monopolize certain words with a positive emotional charge attached to them for them and leave the words with a negative emotional charge attached to them to the "alt-right" so that they may appear to be "the bad boys". The "alt-right" should also consider using the same terms as the evil individuals so that there may be no "monopoly" or "privileged speech" by the side of these evil individuals. Here is a list of words the "alt-right" can consider using, like, for example, for the mere sake of demagogy (other than the list above):
"diversity", "equality", "compassion", "equity", "embrace", "inclusiveness", "representativeness", "love", "resilience", "non-conforming", "non-binary","LGBT","LGBTQ","LGBTQ","LGBTQ+", "embolden","solidarity","person of color","latinx","BIPOC","minority", "fact check","youth","sustainable","zero carbon","zero emissions","empathy","tolerance","reciprocity","democracy","kindness","struggle","affirmative action","empower", ("gender pronouns"), "binary", "educate yourself","impassioned","disseminate","overrepresented","misogyny","sexism","ableism","xenophobia","islamophobia","homophobia","antissemitism","silence is violence","deplatform", "hatred", "bigot", "defund","boycott","systematic","systemic","microaggression","privilege","heteronormativity","heteropatriarchy","patriarchy","unconscious bias","intersectionality","classism","ageism","fatophobia","hate","dismantle","oppressed","marginalized","underrepresented","appropriation","colonialism","pervasive","problematic","construct","climate change","deconstruct","normative","gendered","normalize","folks","hegemony","superstructure", "social construct"
Just beware: Using the same language as evil doesn't mean one has to aby by the standards of evil, such as in terms of ideology. In fact, one can compel evil individuals to aby to one's standards through the usage of emotional language, because emotional language compels individuals to either "put themselves in one's shoes" or to not comprehend what is pretended to be conveyed through it.