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My name is Nate Higgers

File: ef79d25cc493db9⋯.jpeg (81.27 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, 235E6E6_049E0.jpeg)

d6df43  No.294773

Every House Democrat Voted AGAINST Stopping the Government ‘Monitoring And Prosecuting’ Unvaccinated Americans.


What the hell is wrong with these people? Why do they hate nearly half of America so much? Why do they support totalitarianism? Why do they support criminalizing innocent people who refuse dangerous clot shots, to which dangers were recently exposed by declassified FDA documents? These people must be demonically possessed, something is not right with their brains. They expect America should be modeled like China's form of government, literally. They are insane. Go ahead and spy on us all you want, but we have the right to, and will, defend ourselves against this kind of tyranny if need ever be. Take your clot shots and shove it already. If you need a fourth 'vaccine' then it's obvious the last three clot shots never did a single thing to prevent covid, did they? What a racket! God is watching you monsters. Historians are too.

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