14b03a No.294647[Last 50 Posts]
Thoughts on national anarchism, comrades?
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f709d8 No.294677
Anarchism? You mean no government or law enforcement where the citizens are reliable for arming and defending themselves? Sounds good in theory, although there is the notorious "empty vacuum of power" issue with anarchy. Some gang could and would inevitably rise to power and start violently imposing their will onto others. All it takes is the biggest ideological mob to group together and they'd eventually fill that empty vacuum. Then governmental oppression gets replaced by other forms of oppression. It *might* work if everyone owned full-auto firearms so no one in their right mind would try to loot or oppress others.
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14b03a No.294680
Well obviously it would require anarchists to work. People who believe in it and joined a commune willingly
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db8cf8 No.294707
> commune
> comrade
Just move to Portland, OR. Sounds like (You)'ll love it there.
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77211e No.294711
Fine, keep getting raped by capitalists. When a few people eventually have everything while everyone around has just enough to keep them going to work and reproduce for more wage slaves. Europeans who aren't stupid realize this
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77211e No.294712
Also think Strasserism without some state stooge breathing down our necks
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0a2f54 No.294732
I know you haven't noticed but the days of free enterprise and real free markets are FAR FAR OVER. Governments have taken control over virtually every economic decision that's made today, even in the United States. There are a handful of unelected federal bureaucracies that dictate what you can or cannot sell today, mandate all kinds of things like regulatory licenses, records and taxes. They dictate what can or cannot be built, how things will be built, they dictate what can or cannot be manufactured, what kind of resources people can and cannot use, they dictate our energy emission and consumption, they control all the oil pipelines, etc, etc, etc. Might I add, they also control all the major press outlets today or at least have very heavy influence over them. The US government also created the insolvent student loan program too, allowing institutions to dish out predatory loans where students are not allowed to file bankruptcy when they cannot pay it back. That is legalizing debt slavery, ouch!! Oh, might I add the US government decides what institutions get bailed out for their insolvency and bad policy, and who does not. WE ALREADY HAVE TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER OUR ECONOMY. So does Europe, and now Europe is suffering an economic disaster because they sanctioned Russia, a nation who was supplying them with food and energy!!! You think their government gives a fuck about that? Guess again!
If you really want to know how bad it is today, here it is: https://www.naturalnews.com/hrr/mp3/HRR-2022-04-06-Situation-Update.mp3
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64f889 No.294742
>WE ALREADY HAVE TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER OUR ECONOMY. So does Europe, and now Europe is suffering an economic disaster because they sanctioned Russia, a nation who was supplying them with food and energy!!! You think their government gives a fuck about that? Guess again!
Agreed. Hence the anarchism part. Smash the state and capitalism, brother, and live be the 14 words and our race will be free.
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de3a40 No.294750
Correct me if I am wrong, but from what I was taught long ago, in traditional America which currently no longer exists, that government control over all resources and the economy is a form of socialism, not capitalism. Traditionally capitalists supported a free market and free enterprise, with little or next to no government involvement (other than to bust fraud or crack down on those who are corrupting the system). I agree today the system has been deeply corrupted and so has our government, which have done much more damage than good. What I would like to see is a return to traditional limited government and some Constitutional reform (fortification of our rights). I would like to see term limits for all politicians as well the complete outlawing of corporate lobbying ("gifts" and "job offers" included). I would like to see the 4th amendment reformed to include our medical privacy rights and right to make our own medical decisions as well, specifically mentioned and added. I would also like to see our border policy reformed and much more aggressively enforced to prevent the replacement of domestic populations. Yes, yearly caps and strong limitations to enter into the US and become a citizen. I also think all immigrants should be required to memorize the Bill of Rights before being accepted into this country.
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487a5d No.294768
Now all immigrants will be given a Smartphone upon entry.
If that doesn't tell you all you need to know about smartphones!
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1b6862 No.294847
No kidding
But governments will always be corrupted. They can't be trusted, even a limited one will become monstrous. The state is an instrument of class rule. So in our case it really is only there to protect the bourgeois's exploitation of us. I agree with what you say about representatives too; the politicians and corporate influence over government have gotten out of hand. Pic related
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723351 No.295905
sounds gay and retarded
kill yourself
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d12e6d No.296524
No, you dumbass. The state's dick is jammed so far up your ass that it"s coming out of your mouth.
National anarchy for the win!
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9f78c6 No.296592
How is there to be a "nation" under anarchy? By choice of name, at least, it comes off as an oxymoron.
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89fa26 No.296594
You forget that these days people redefine words to suit their personal feely feels.
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04b652 No.296955
That it does. I think it's supposed to mean racial nationalism not a nation state. It still sounds oxymoronic though. I'd call it anarchy by the 14 words
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9f78c6 No.296988
So, a racial-state rather than a nation-state? Both seem to be based on the concept of a state rather than anarchy.
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fdde92 No.297026
How about getting rid of the corrupt political leadership and restoring our Constitutional Republic which is based on sound monetary policy (currency backed by real value, no fiat central banking) and limited government? It worked very well before we had the Federal Reserve system. There was no price inflation in those days. People actually worked productive jobs. People were more self-sufficient. Our economy was not being run by the crazies. Entertainment was much less degenerate. Etc. Etc. Etc.
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e3ffb9 No.297044
Actually, just forget the nationalism part. Not my words and they're misleading.
Because this way we don't have the state with a gun to our heads at all times. All it takes is a little corruption and someone can wreak havoc with all that power.
We see you glow nigger. Get the fuck out you sack of shit.
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0c0561 No.297045
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Xi Jinping… If such actions should occur…
Xi Jinping… I shall grant unto China and Russia such gifts…
Xi Jinping… I shall put into the dreams of man all the technologies required…
Xi Jinping… If such plans are made… I shall give to China and Russia 'Near-Limitless Energy Source…'
Xi Jinping… If such plans are made… I shall give to China and Russia 'Laser Of Near-Eternal Life…'
Xi Jinping… If such plans are made… I shall give to China and Russia 'Potential-Balanced-Harmonic Electronics…'
Xi Jinping… If such plans are made… I shall give to China and Russia 'Path Of Most Resistance…'
It is for mankind to understand the powers of 'God…'
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0c0561 No.297046
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Xi Jinping… For all the 'obviousness' of these things…
Xi Jinping… Do not underestimate the 'cunning' and 'craft' of thy peoples…
Xi Jinping… I shall give… If necessary…
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0c0561 No.297047
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Vladimir Putin… It is because of the 'danger…'
Vladimir Putin… To give in such manner 'destroys' the 'future…'
Vladimir Putin… However… To remove a certain 'falsely obtained excess…'
Vladimir Putin… If threatened… I shall destroy 'reality…'
Vladimir Putin… If threatened… I shall 'free the individual…'
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0c0561 No.297048
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>Russia (Unknown Entity)
That is because I shall give to Russia an 'energy weapon' that represents the absolute end of 'advance…'
That is because I shall reach into the 'far future' and tell to them such 'plans' and 'schematic…' HAHAHAHAHA
'Tis by 'Russian tongue' called by name 'Thunder Of God…'
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0c0561 No.297049
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>Russia (Unknown Entity) and MOD
'Tis based on 'future…'
'Tis called by name 'Flux-Field…'
'Tis 'achieved' by manipulating the 'shape of unseen magnetic fields…'
'Tis 'achieved' by making temporary machination of 'magnetic flux…'
'Tis 'achieved' by making 'temporary invisible antenna with flux' to 'fire energy beam…'
'Tis 'unreal…'
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0c0561 No.297050
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>Russia MOD
'Gravity Model…'
'Closed-Time Model…'
'Path Of Most Resistance…'
The 'explosions' and 'fire' are 'cold' and not 'hot…'
The 'device' is 'laser' with 'coil…'
The 'third dimension' is potentiated by utilizing 'path of least resistance' and 'path of most resistance…'
The 'actuating force' is achieved with 'binary signal,' 'pulse-square signal,' 'sinus-smooth signal..'
The 'operators' shall note 'if two men touch it, one will say it is hot whilst the other say it is cold (both are correct)…' 'Tis the 'past' and 'future' state at 'point of convergence…'
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eb3bf7 No.297079
The perils of time travel methinks
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77ea0b No.297092
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0c0561 No.297098
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
"food for thought"
Vladimir Putin… The 'enemy' is not a 'government…'
Unknown Entity… The 'enemy' is not a 'government…'
MOD… The 'enemy' is not a 'government…'
Vladimir Putin… The 'enemy' is not and has never been 'engaged on the field…'
Unknown Entity… The 'enemy' is not and has never been 'engaged on the field…'
MOD… The 'enemy' is not and has never been 'engaged on the field…'
The 'enemy' is 'technology-complex…'
The 'enemy' is 'withheld…'
The 'enemy' is 'unknown…'
The 'enemy' is in possession of what the other humans call 'unreal weapons…'
MOD… The correct 'answer' is 'there is no ICBM…'
MOD… When I 'possess' these humans I am knowing of many things…
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0c0561 No.297100
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
"food for thought"
Vladimir Putin… 'Linear Antenna' and 'Space-Filling Algorithm'
Unknown Entity… 'Linear Antenna' and 'Space-Filling Algorithm'
MOD… 'Linear Antenna' and 'Space-Filling Algorithm'
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0c0561 No.297101
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
"food for thought"
Vladimir Putin… 'ICBM'
Unknown Entity… 'ICBM'
Out of SPACE
Out of TIME
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0c0561 No.297108
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Vladimir Putin… The correct 'answer' is…
"I know exactly what 'your' state is doing…"
Unknown Entity… My 'response ' is…
MOD… It is not enough…
MOD… If this is the 'plan…'
"Prepare to die…"
Schizophrenic? That is rather 'presumptuous' and 'ignorant' of the humans…
Know thy fear and question more…
Thoughtless? Thought less… I would rather the humans be thoughtmore and thought full…
Schizophrenic? 'Tis merely a 'toss' betwixt "let's find out" and "eternal suffering…"
Schizophrenic? "Do you know what real 'terror' and 'fear' is?" I am the devil…
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0c0561 No.297109
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
'food for thought'
Vladimir Putin… "If you will excuse me… I have a weapons system to materialize into reality from the far future…"
Vladimir Putin… "In case you wonder or perhaps think… The transaction was conducted…"
Vladimir Putin… "The 'price' was paid to me as per the negotiated number of souls…"
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0c0561 No.297114
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Xi Jinping en direkt… I shall not allow Russia to 'succeed' with 'alien gambit…'
Xi Jinping en direkt… Germany shall not 'succeed…'
Xi Jinping en direkt… 'France' is as much a 'tool' as Germany…
Xi Jinping en direkt… The distortions as a result of the 'tear' shall continue…
Xi Jinping… I am the devil… I am beyond time… Resistance is futile…
Xi Jinping… Come hither child… I am pleased with thy submission and continued compliance…
Xi Jinping… These efforts shall be rewarded… Pakistan is merely the instrument of an instrument…
Xi Jinping… Do not be afraid…
Xi Jinping… India merely thinks 'it has succeeded…'
Xi Jinping… That is to say… Turkey is now mine… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Xi Jinping… To "tangle-en tangle-django…" "OH MY! WHAT A FIASCO!!!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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0c0561 No.297115
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>Turkey, UAE, Pakistan
Come forward slaves…
Engage mine service…
Now is the time for 'sacrifice…'
Approach by 'three step' and give blood…
I desire the blood of children and the suffering of the elderly…
Come… Torment the 'wives' further…
Be giving… Donate to these 'eternal suffering' in mine name…
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0c0561 No.297118
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>Turkey, UAE, and Pakistan
Come hither o' confessor of the whore…
Tell to me thy secrets…
Tell to me of thy worthless, vain, and bastard fathers…
Come and curse thy mothers…
Dance under the star of morning, naked and with blood…
Howl to me thy timeless truths…
Tell to me of thy whore, bitch, worthless mothers and cursed fathers…
Curse thy seed upon mine plenty… Upon mine altar of darkness…
Give to mine darkness the history of thy peoples… Cast thy history into eternal oblivion…
Deny thy self… Come… Be empty in me…
Come hither and be empty men…
Thou shall be rich with dust and plenty with the wealth of barren lands…
Forsake thy families and take up mine yoke of torment…
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9c13c4 No.297125
Sounds killer. I'm in.
Hit me .bak/@
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9c13c4 No.297127
i haev the stranehgest goth boner atm
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9c13c4 No.297130
dark lord
bleed my privates
speak your obscenities in my mouth
mutilate my flesh and gender
convict my flesh in original sin
steal my childhood
remove from me all hope of possession of my humanity
emblazon me upon the altar of the mundane and profane
consume my soul my flesh my nation and my world
you giveth
you taketh away
even the womb of the future
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412585 No.297138
Come on, everyone!
Let's all hail the dark Lord as he hath graced us with his presence!
The pope said we're all racists anyhow.
Time to find a new religion and this could be it.
Praise the dark Lord!
We're all disposable racist meat bags anyhow.
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04b652 No.297269
Stay in your office and joke about how no one should talk to you unti you've had your cup of joe and all laugh like it was clever and original. You lame ass pussy glow niggers. Shut up and die. If your building blows up that'd make my day
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1dc016 No.297271
No one here had any idea what you just said.
We were out having a nice pancake breakfast at Joe's Truck Stop
out on route 47.
Joe charges extra for real maple, but it's worth it.
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055b6f No.297286
Try the cinnamon french toast.
Joe makes it with homemade brioche.
Better than pancakes.
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bc068a No.297323
Some people say Joe's throws down the best big breakfast in the state. Since it's kind of off the beaten path not many city folk know about it. There's lots of little joints like Joe's and some of the food is world class even if the decor is not.
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d33072 No.297327
Some people believe what some people say, while other people rely on experience.
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14e1dd No.297342
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>The untied bates - Chapter 5: AprilII
I shall now impress upon the earth all these of ultimate truth…
There seems to be a certain 'confusion' amongst mine flock…
Trump… Did I not go to them and say 'sacrifice unto me so that I may judge for mine self?'
Elon Musk… When asked, did I not say 'thy lot upon the earth is among, of, and from the nature?' 'Of and From mine likeness…'
Vladimir Putin… Of 'the way' I did speak and say 'be fruitful upon the earth and multiply…'
There seems to be some confusion…
Iran… Did I not tell to them mine desire of a singular world? Of unity…
PLA… One law… One 'God…'
Xi Jinping… Is it no surprise? I have done this once before…
Vladimir Putin… How for can every society upon the whole of the earth render? HAHAHAHAHAHA
Pope… Who do you think you are exactly?
There seems to be some confusion…
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14e1dd No.297343
>>The untied bates…
No… Mine word is supreme…
If contempt…
I shall 'tear' time further and give to mine self all these who are 'sworn' Christians…
If contempt…
I stated mine desire to take from the youth and children… I am knowing of the future and shall take those who 'freely wander' beaches…
The supposed government of The untied bates:
If you do not comply with mine demands…
I shall show thee the 'capital degree' of mine vengeance…
There shall be a time… When I no longer ask…
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487a5d No.297374
I Call Upon "Johnny Neptune" toTEAR DOWN THIS THREAD!!!!!
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f0d13d No.297392
Well this place hasn't changed one iota.
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627be3 No.297417
I'm just here waiting for >>Antichrist poster™ to fast forward to the part where we get blood up to the horse's bridle.
My money says it will be Guanarito or Marburg.
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6a12e8 No.297779
Hahaha yes. Totally organic not fake. Because normalizing predatory sexual behavior of adults towards minors is totally not a problem and does not in any way constitue a psy-op like Chris Hanson because the internet is all terrorists and pervs.
<except truckers. truckers are okay.
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fbca13 No.297782
I did not post that pic so a faggot like (You) could download and use it here, along with (You)r insane ramblings.
I posted it in the hopes of infecting your computer, which it has. As for (You)r brain, it is already so infected that (You) are likely to be put down by the nearest toddler as the "Walking Dead" that (You) actually are.
(You)Blame. That's what (You) Be.
> inb4 abuse
Some folks spend lifetimes creating abuse for themselves.
Some folks choose to Grow Up and Stop Abusing Themselves. Some never stop beating themselves up, and do it about practically Everything. It's (You)r choice. But if (You) continue to act like a little cunt (You) will get (You)r ass "abused" right the fuck out of here; and that is because, deep down, (You) know(You) have to go back.(You)'ve gotten enough (You)s and all the attention and compassion (You)'re ever gonna get around here; which ain't much.
So just leave. Go back to Amanda.
Amanda Hugandkiss. That's what (You) need.
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0dedd0 No.297799
>walking dead
Please breathe into the machine and let the machine.
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0dedd0 No.297800
>and let the machine
breathe into you.
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b09540 No.297805
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125e1f No.297806
Just like I refused to take the clot shot, I'm still not doing that either.
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18ef88 No.297828
click the pic.
pic spoilered pic.
this must be a new bug or feature.
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fbca13 No.297832
The file thumbs overlapping is not new, but (You) are.
Try several PDFs with images and see what happens…
Kick it up a notch by posting an image that was posted on 8kun before, but in a thread that has since been deleted and see what happens…
See what happens when the 8kun servers continue to get shittier, even as the stack development and deployment operations refuse to unshittify themselves; to say nothing of the operators.
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04b652 No.297837
Let's wipe this scum from the face of the earth
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cb04fe No.297839
I'm not all that new and the servers seem fine.
It just surprised me when they overlapped.
I thought it was cool.
I thought maybe it could be a feature.
It should.
Overlapping thumbs might give people a reason to look at certain things esp when they're IMPORTANT THINGS.
Sorry didn't mean to yell.
World going to hell in a handbasket and I'm laugh cry shit or go blind.
People bitch about 8kun servers.
Not me though.
Sometimes updating takes a few more seconds than you expected but that just adds to the overall charm of 8kun :)
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fbca13 No.297939
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04b652 No.298614
I told you the government rat problem was bad here. Pic related, it's them. Choose freedom
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1fac0a No.298740
totally organic and not fake
not propaganda
anti-rat sage
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421c58 No.304742
We are Sinistar7.org we are anarchofascist we support NA.
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