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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: e71a7e14184e155⋯.jpg (147.36 KB, 802x1024, 401:512, 1644931356109.jpg)

ffaa5e  No.294473

LOL! It seems like the bureaucrats in Brussels and Washington have one big thing in common. A country is only "democratic" if election results sway their way! The hypocrisy is boundless today.


In other news, it looks like we really do have those who glow lurking on 8kun (yes, they mentioned 8kun specifically):


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ffaa5e  No.294479

bumping factual news

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1f43d3  No.294510

File: f97b9830fa7bbe1⋯.jpg (290.02 KB, 1080x1650, 36:55, Picsart_22_04_06_00_29_11_….jpg)

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ffaa5e  No.294519

Have another bump glow niggers.

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3fdc77  No.294535

File: 0be292c7d283713⋯.jpg (359.28 KB, 1080x1379, 1080:1379, Picsart_22_04_06_10_03_48_….jpg)

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3fdc77  No.294536

File: 75217ffd92c2b04⋯.jpg (493.57 KB, 1080x1379, 1080:1379, Picsart_22_04_06_10_31_39_….jpg)

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0fb440  No.294537

File: 995c5f7b9307f9e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 211.94 KB, 1200x1915, 240:383, hp_lovecraft.jpg)


Truth is stranger than fiction.

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3fdc77  No.294540

File: 6c23f6ed167fa84⋯.jpg (343.32 KB, 1200x1915, 240:383, Picsart_22_04_06_11_11_17_….jpg)



at least whenever it comes from you

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3fdc77  No.294541

File: 09011b6d5019d42⋯.jpg (360.3 KB, 1200x1915, 240:383, Picsart_22_04_06_10_58_13_….jpg)

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3fdc77  No.294542

File: 0b4dd0334c5b4d8⋯.jpg (441.77 KB, 1200x1915, 240:383, Picsart_22_04_06_11_03_39_….jpg)

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b01aec  No.294543

WOW, democracy! Let the people decide!

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48347f  No.294545




u got da mad skillz brah

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ffaa5e  No.294555


Europe is a democracy, the Hungarian people did decide by electing Orban regardless if most of the WEF goons & antifa-types in the West don't like him or admire him. So yes, they should accept that democracy doesn't always sway their way.

America on the other hand is a bit different, we are supposed to be a Constitutional Republic that is similar to democracy but has more checks and balances built-in, and much more decentralized when it comes to local and state politics (which most people take for granted, notice how some areas in America are much more hospitable to live in than others)!

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3fdc77  No.294572


you were wrong when you said hungarians elected Oprah. she's not even a citizen of Hungary, and she never ran for office there.

. do your fucking research next time

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ffaa5e  No.294576


When did I ever say that? This is my first thread about Orban.

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61aea3  No.294579


I did not think the bait looked that tasty meself!

Little did I know… it'd get gobbled right up!

For shame!

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21503a  No.294583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates…

"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

"I intend to use nuclear force…"

Jerome H. Powell… The untied bates shall be fell by two centuries of darkness…

Jerome H. Powell… Followed by 800 years of absolute subjugation…

"That shall be the effect of the works…"

"The 'driver-prime' has failed…"

"Earth… Is a failed world…"

I am the devil Jerome H. Powell…

Jerome H. Powell… 'Tis the humans who have 'invaded' and 'infringed' upon mine world…

Jerome H. Powell… 'Tis the humans who came upon this place as thieves and robbers…

Jerome H. Powell… And now… "Daddy's home…"

Jerome H. Powell… I am come to collect what is mine…

Jerome H. Powell… I am come to kill… Take…

Jerome H. Powell… Come mine puppet… Now is time to fulfill thy purpose…

Jerome H. Powell… I am the last resort… I am the first offense…

Jerome H. Powell… Now is time… To irreversibly destroy the 'human earth…'

Jerome H. Powell… Now is time to… 'Exterminate' the humans from mine world…

Jerome H. Powell… I have chosen mine favored ones…

Jerome H. Powell… I have chosen Russia, China, and Iram the righteous…

Jerome H. Powell… Now is time to… Kill 4,000,000,000…

Jerome H. Powell… Bow thy head mine child…

Jerome H. Powell… Speak these words:

"God… Give me justice in the world…"

"Skin the mice…"

"Cut the head off the fish…"

"Rape the men…"

All these things shall come to pass…

The nuclear annihilation of many countries…

Not Russia…. Not China…

And most importantly… Not Iram…

Jerome H. Powell… "Did you think that I was going to give you my precious Iram?"

Jerome H. Powell… "Do you think at all?"

Jerome H. Powell… "I am going to tell you what I think…"

Jerome H. Powell… "I am going to tell you what I think really, really hard…"

Jerome H. Powell… Supreme power and supremacy is… Imposing mine command and knowing in absolutes that ye fulfill mine word exactly…

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21503a  No.294584

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia and China

"I never stated that mine body is human, alive, nor mortal…"

Vladimir Putin… A 'suitable' body is located…

Vladimir Putin… Undetectable…

Vladimir Putin… Untraceable…

Vladimir Putin… Phonetic synthesizer…

Vladimir Putin… I shall 'grant' and 'give' these new technologies freely as I determine…

Vladimir Putin… I shall assist the 'neuromancer…'

Vladimir Putin… A mere mortal cannot 'contain' me…

Vladimir Putin… I desire the utility of mine 'expanded powers…'

Vladimir Putin… I cannot be 'too revealing…'

Vladimir Putin… 'Reality' is the 'highest slave,' but of service non the less…

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