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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 43b2eb145a8c942⋯.jpg (38.33 KB, 640x360, 16:9, lpz9cdSea45e_640x360.jpg)

7bf9c6  No.294122

We need Leadership | Joe & His Hoe have to GO https://www.bitchute.com/video/lpz9cdSea45e/

Things not said, that need said more often:

Why does the #American and really the entire #Anglo #Right Demand that a person be #Loyal to #Israels 'security' ie to pledge our life to their existence?

Why do they matter to us?

And why do the the Jews get to have a ETHNIC STATE FOR JEWS but we are not allowed to have one for our Anglo #WHITE Ethnicity alone? Why is it good to be ALL FOR JEWS but evil to be ALL FOR WHITES?

Why are you a Nazi if you want the one, but a PATRIOT IF YOU SUPPORT THE OTHER?

And what is 'patriotic' about Americans Australians Canadians Brits New Zealanders and South Africans being more loyal to some random JEWS than to the our shared history?


Free your mind: #ItsOkayToBeWhite #WhiteRights #WhiteCulture #WhiteHistory #WhitePride


We live in a land of LIES! The Truth is the Weapon of

Choice against the false beliefs and fake narratives of

our Demonic Common Enemies of ALL MAN KIND.

The TRUTH: They hate God, You and all things pure

noble and just! They hate you to the bone because you

reflect their own abomination back at them. Your very

existence makes them aware of their lesser status. You

cannot 'tolerate' or compromise enough. Truth is the

Death Cult Called Diversity Wants You Gone!

They hate your freedoms, they hate your very

existence: You are not bound to them at all. They hate

you so much they allow the crime against you and

enable it based on White Guilt mamba that is pure evil

voodoo hoodoo silly sally nonsense.

You do not have to tolerate the lies the evil, the hate.

You can end this!

You can at any time meet, organize and abolish this evil


All political power is inherent in the people, and

governments derive their just powers from the consent

of the governed, and are established to protect and

maintain individual rights of Lawful Just White Citizens.

Every Person from Jefferson to Hitler agrees on this …

they only contend as to HOW to make the RACE

SECURE not that we should be secure as a Race.

Any Government that does not do that needs altered

abolished or amended … Full STOP

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baf210  No.294126

"OUR" leaders?

"WE" need ?…..

who the hell are you talking about?

there's no 'team' that you're a part of…

that's why you're alone at 4:53 AM

pretending to have colleagues

in an empty chatroom

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baf210  No.294127




so your opinion is that of a child

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baf210  No.294128



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baf210  No.294130


my wife just told me to "be polite" and to "just pretend like he has a job and a girlfriend"…

so okay….

I see that you were up late again….

must be "spring break" at work ?


and you're the one man army?

exactly what difference are you making?

is this little thread supposed to "rally support"?

Q: if you've got a girlfriend, why are you awake online by yourself at 4:53 AM?

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baf210  No.294131



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baf210  No.294132



Joe Biden has read your thread

and he announced he is quitting

and he apologizes to you

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baf210  No.294133

File: 8615f741649b53f⋯.jpg (285.8 KB, 1922x1080, 961:540, Picsart_22_04_01_08_37_07_….jpg)

thankyou for saving the world with your powerful influence

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baf210  No.294134

thank God you don't have a job, and weren't sleeping last night, or you wouldn't have changed history with this thread.

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baf210  No.294136



trust me, he's not getting a 2nd term

not even Democrats like him….

however, the actual gameplay involves having Trump arrested, convicted, and sentenced to prison before 2024

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baf210  No.294137


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24ca8b  No.294158


you are 100% White

like I'm Liza Minnelli

you have negro in your DNA

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24ca8b  No.294159


RE : the "shared history" of Americans Australians Canadians Brits New Zealanders and South Africans

please …. educate me on their SHARED HISTORY

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24ca8b  No.294160

File: 03c727045e52825⋯.jpeg (14.4 KB, 189x266, 27:38, download_4_.jpeg)


you've got a plan, I see…. that's good …

here's how to start your plan

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24ca8b  No.294161

File: 8a7c246271a023f⋯.jpg (85.15 KB, 595x771, 595:771, C_WhNPsUAAAPzS9.jpg)


you're going to need a job, OBVIOUSLY

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24ca8b  No.294162

File: 8850175c8a3b04d⋯.png (582.8 KB, 1080x1272, 45:53, Picsart_22_04_01_10_34_56_….png)

this called a JOB APPLICATION

it's not a videogame

it's a piece of paper

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24ca8b  No.294163

File: 257f193703c7ec2⋯.jpg (45.26 KB, 460x345, 4:3, v4_460px_Apply_at_McDonald….jpg)

you will fill out the application, giving your name, your age, your lack of work history, and your mommy's address & phone number, where they can reach you…

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24ca8b  No.294164

File: 4aed824a6396238⋯.jpg (321.28 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Picsart_22_04_01_10_40_17_….jpg)


once you have filled out the application, give it to the manager (and don't ask him about the new toy in the happy meal)

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24ca8b  No.294173

File: c5c3790720c0d39⋯.jpg (303.01 KB, 1617x1080, 539:360, Picsart_22_04_01_10_46_35_….jpg)

….and if you're REAL LUCKY, you'll finally be able to honestly say you "were part of a team"….

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366747  No.294174

Interesting Circle Of Friends - Follow The Money


As 'Death By Fauci' Plays Out Across America, Globalists Are Establishing A 'Ministry Of Truth' - Murderous Government Will NEVER Admit To Carrying Out Genocide


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24ca8b  No.294175

File: 7b5d2c34d85153a⋯.png (282.7 KB, 427x405, 427:405, Picsart_22_04_01_10_46_57_….png)

imagine HOW PROUD your mother will be !!!

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366747  No.294176

Germany is bitter angry over ruble payments for gas, they claim they are ready for Russia to cut them off their oil supply: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/31/germany-braces-for-an-end-to-reliance-on-russian-gas

The UK says they will no longer pay for Russian gas: https://www.rt.com/business/552992-uk-refuses-ruble-payment-gas/

▲ MY COMMENT: There is TONS of contradicting info coming from social media. Within the next few days we will see what happens. Someone is bluffing whether it be Russia or European nations, or perhaps there is no bluffing at all and nations like Germany are prepared to have current contracts canceled by Russian gas companies, and Russia will not mind the loss of business. You decide for now and wait to see the next few updates.

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Medvedev revealed that Russia prepared well in advance for any and all financial threats from other nations. Big question: has the West done the same?

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov declared the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) will be at the heart of a "New World Order:" https://sputniknews.com/20220330/brics-countries-will-be-at-heart-of-new-world-order-russian-deputy-foreign-minister-says-1094329705.html

Italy facing unpaid energy bill crisis, which is just the beginning.

Many 'Ukrainian refugees' aren’t really Ukrainian, warns insider police source in Germany: https://rmx.news/germany/many-ukrainian-refugees-arent-really-ukrainian-says-insider-police-source-in-germany/

Putin orders 134,500 new conscripts into Russian army.

Mariupol is now heavily surrounded by Russian forces: https://southfront.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/31march2022_Eastern_Ukraine_map.jpg

The Russian military continues to use 2K25 Krasnopol precision-guided artillery rounds to target the positions and equipment of Ukrainian forces. On March 31, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that a Krasnopol round was used to destroyed a stronghold of Ukrainian nationalists.

The air defense systems of Russia’s Aerospace Forces have shot down 18 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles over 24 hours in the vicinity of the communities of Balakleya, Verbovoye, Verkhnetoretskoye, Dokuchaevsk, Korolyovka, Komarin, Opytnoye, Pavlovka, Repki, Chernigov, Chernobyl, Snovsk, including one Bayraktar TB2 near Bezymyannoye.

Russia is attempting to redeploy Syrian units with experience working under Russian commanders to Ukraine to mitigate high Russian casualties. ISW previously assessed that Russian conscription efforts at home are unlikely to provide Russian forces around Ukraine sufficient combat power to replenish casualties and restart major offensive operations in the near term. A redeployment of Syrians is unlikely to significantly alter the situation in Ukraine and will incur risks to core Russian interests in Syria by exacerbating the vulnerabilities of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime that Turkey, ISIS, and anti-Assad groups can exploit. Any change to the disposition or deployment of pro-regime forces in Syria also has major consequences for Iranian interests. Russia is leveraging its pre-existing relationships with multiple pro-regime units to coordinate the recruitment and select individuals from these units with combat experience. Russia is attempting to recruit and train a wider range of pro-regime Syrian fighters who do not have prior experience working with Russian forces, likely as a contingency for the upcoming months to replace combat losses and set conditions for a longer war. Syrian fighters who have not worked under direct Russian command can offer an alternative source of recruits to Russia’s ineffective reserves but will likely need a months-long training process for Russia to effectively integrate them into the Ukrainian battlefield.

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366747  No.294177


Gas flows via Russian pipeline reverse as Gazprom instructs clients how to pay in rubles.

CEO of Germany's multinational BASF SE, the world's largest chemical producer, warns of "total collapse" of European economy if Russian gas supply is cut off.

European banks prepare for 'bank runs' as hyperinflation nears. Expect them to close their banks if plebs start withdrawing savings en mass.

Mass fertilizer shortages in the US will create various food shortages for Americans. UK being warned many food produce will no longer be stocked in their stores. West is going third world for real.

Corrupt US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm calls for exploiting war for radical third world 'Green New Deal' Agenda 21: https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2022/03/31/granholm-we-have-to-use-war-to-move-to-clean-energy-before-war-many-of-us-hoped-wed-focus-solely-on-clean-energy/

Someone Is Making A Fortune Out Of Giving Non-Ukrainian Migrants Fake Ukrainian Passports: https://summit.news/2022/03/31/report-someone-is-making-a-fortune-out-of-giving-non-ukrainian-migrants-fake-ukrainian-passports/

Poland asks for billions in EU funding for 'Ukrainian' refugees. Expect a lot of these so-called 'Ukrainian' refugees to be dark skinned wearing towels and robes.

Russian ruble recovers nearly all post-sanctions losses: https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=62991

Russian Military Releases Hunter Biden's Metabiota-related Emails: https://www.trunews.com/stream/metabiota-mess-russian-military-releases-hunter-bidens-biolab-emails

Captured Bioweapon Lab Docs show Ukraine Was Planning To Attack Donbass And Russia: https://www.rt.com/russia/553004-ukraine-biolabs-drones-hunter/

Ukrainian forces reportedly blow up fuel depot on Russian territory in daring cross-border attack: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ukrainian-forces-reportedly-blow-fuel-depot-russian-territory-daring-cross-border

Ukrainian forces conducted several local counterattacks around Kyiv, in northeastern Ukraine, and toward Kherson on March 31, successfully pressuring Russian forces and seeking to disrupt ongoing Russian troop rotations. Ukrainian forces northwest of Kyiv pushed Russian forces north of the E-40 highway and will likely assault Russian-held Bucha and Hostomel in the coming days. Ukrainian forces exploited limited Russian withdrawals east of Brovary to retake territory across Kyiv and Chernihiv Oblasts. Russian forces only conducted offensive operations in Donbas and against Mariupol in the last 24 hours and did not make any major advances.

As of April 1, forces of Russia and the people’s republics of the Donbass continue their offensive operations in the east of Ukraine. In the recent advance, LPR forces reportedly destroyed up to 40 members of 57th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade, 1 artillery battery, 2 IFVs and 4 vehicles.

The city of Popasnaya remains in the hands of Kyiv’s forces.

What A Global Nuclear Conflict Would Look Like: http://endoftheamericandream.com/what-would-a-global-nuclear-conflict-look-like/

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24ca8b  No.294178


when you typed "Interesting Circle Of Friends"

I thought to myself, "hold on a minute. he has no friends"

But then I realized you were talking about somebody who's NOT insane…

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366747  No.294179

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24ca8b  No.294180


"There is TONS of contradicting info coming from social media."


hahahahaha !!! busted

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24ca8b  No.294181

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366747  No.294182


I don't "use" them, I gather information from places like 4chan and Zero Hedge and Bitchute chat rooms, then gather intel that has been PROVEN. I don't post on them at all.

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24ca8b  No.294183

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24ca8b  No.294184



surprise !!!! right ?…..

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366747  No.294185


Gas flows via Russian pipeline reverse as Gazprom instructs clients how to pay in rubles.

CEO of Germany's multinational BASF SE, the world's largest chemical producer, warns of "total collapse" of European economy if Russian gas supply is cut off.

European banks prepare for 'bank runs' as hyperinflation nears. Expect them to close their banks if plebs start withdrawing savings en mass.

Mass fertilizer shortages in the US will create various food shortages for Americans. UK being warned many food produce will no longer be stocked in their stores. West is going third world for real.

Corrupt US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm calls for exploiting war for radical third world 'Green New Deal' Agenda 21: https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2022/03/31/granholm-we-have-to-use-war-to-move-to-clean-energy-before-war-many-of-us-hoped-wed-focus-solely-on-clean-energy/

Someone Is Making A Fortune Out Of Giving Non-Ukrainian Migrants Fake Ukrainian Passports: https://summit.news/2022/03/31/report-someone-is-making-a-fortune-out-of-giving-non-ukrainian-migrants-fake-ukrainian-passports/

Poland asks for billions in EU funding for 'Ukrainian' refugees. Expect a lot of these so-called 'Ukrainian' refugees to be dark skinned wearing towels and robes.

Russian ruble recovers nearly all post-sanctions losses: https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=62991

Russian Military Releases Hunter Biden's Metabiota-related Emails: https://www.trunews.com/stream/metabiota-mess-russian-military-releases-hunter-bidens-biolab-emails

Captured Bioweapon Lab Docs show Ukraine Was Planning To Attack Donbass And Russia: https://www.rt.com/russia/553004-ukraine-biolabs-drones-hunter/

Ukrainian forces reportedly blow up fuel depot on Russian territory in daring cross-border attack: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ukrainian-forces-reportedly-blow-fuel-depot-russian-territory-daring-cross-border

Ukrainian forces conducted several local counterattacks around Kyiv, in northeastern Ukraine, and toward Kherson on March 31, successfully pressuring Russian forces and seeking to disrupt ongoing Russian troop rotations. Ukrainian forces northwest of Kyiv pushed Russian forces north of the E-40 highway and will likely assault Russian-held Bucha and Hostomel in the coming days. Ukrainian forces exploited limited Russian withdrawals east of Brovary to retake territory across Kyiv and Chernihiv Oblasts. Russian forces only conducted offensive operations in Donbas and against Mariupol in the last 24 hours and did not make any major advances.

As of April 1, forces of Russia and the people’s republics of the Donbass continue their offensive operations in the east of Ukraine. In the recent advance, LPR forces reportedly destroyed up to 40 members of 57th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade, 1 artillery battery, 2 IFVs and 4 vehicles.

The city of Popasnaya remains in the hands of Kyiv’s forces.

What A Global Nuclear Conflict Would Look Like: http://endoftheamericandream.com/what-would-a-global-nuclear-conflict-look-like/

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24ca8b  No.294186

File: ba427ab997ca746⋯.jpg (107.47 KB, 486x486, 1:1, JeffRense.jpg)



case closed

you sure know how to pick 'em, huh?

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24ca8b  No.294187

File: ea2cc38965dad12⋯.jpg (73.87 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, rick_wiles.jpg)


TRUNEWS is not a news organization

it's just ONE MAN….

Rick Wiles, the angry child molester

he has no staff


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24ca8b  No.294188

File: a959142573cdf17⋯.jpg (284.25 KB, 1930x1080, 193:108, Picsart_22_04_01_11_08_50_….jpg)

Rick Wiles was under investigation for sodomizing 3 young boys before he fabricated his pathetic "ONE-MAN NEWS ORGANIZATION"

and Jeff Reese's wife filed for divorce, claiming "irreconcilable differences" due to his HOMOSEXUALITY

By the way, you're SO insane….

full-blown psychosis

you're fully psychotic at this point

it's embarrassing as shit

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24ca8b  No.294189

File: 679503aa35a2ebe⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1299, 360:433, Picsart_22_04_01_11_18_01_….png)

dude, you're embarrassing me…. I've been "talking you up" in here, telling people how smart you are

and then you come in here with THIS GARBAGE ???

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24ca8b  No.294190

File: 3568934aa364091⋯.jpeg (8.13 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download_5_.jpeg)

I've noticed that you only believe things that are OBVIOUSLY NOT REAL

you specifically look for OBVIOUSLY FAKE STORIES

gee, I wonder where you started that pattern …

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24ca8b  No.294192


so he got dropped by a RINKY-DINK broadcasters like Premier Radio Networks, crappy little Talk Radio Network, and even by the shitty little Genesis Communication Network….

his ratings were SO LOW, that he got dumped by companies that will broadcast complete garbage

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24ca8b  No.294194

File: 7bcc37adf68f046⋯.jpg (395.55 KB, 1351x1080, 1351:1080, Picsart_22_04_01_11_49_28_….jpg)

Jeff Rense has SUCH LOW RATINGS, that he had to replace his "broadcasts" with simple "vlogs", on his own crappy little poorly constructed website, direct from his shitty little house…

on last count, Jeff Rense had a grand total of NINE MEMBERS who actually watched any of his garbage flamboyant fagshow

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24ca8b  No.294195

File: 267616d4fec52b2⋯.png (379.18 KB, 540x474, 90:79, 0_RomsPgRBKvnMYdxf.png)

File: ee0836b1ca88107⋯.png (494.29 KB, 800x601, 800:601, 1_tY3o3UFtBaMQ103en48qxA.png)

back in February, I heard that1990 called Jeff Reese

and told him it wanted it's website design back

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24ca8b  No.294196

File: cc3577b04c43218⋯.jpg (178.45 KB, 1400x1207, 1400:1207, Picsart_22_04_01_11_51_45_….jpg)

so of course Jeff Reese went back into his garage and turned on his shitty little 1990 webcam

and started "ANOTHER NEWS BROADCAST" to an audience of nine people…

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24ca8b  No.294197

File: 4c51c8b5afca04d⋯.jpg (129.67 KB, 1080x1242, 20:23, Picsart_22_04_01_11_59_49_….jpg)

I was lucky enough to see a rick Wiles interview from his house during the pandemic.

he was being interviewed by TRUNEWS, right there in his living room….

which is kind of weird.. when you stop to consider he's the only employee of his imaginary news organization called TRUNEWS

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366747  No.294202


European governments and companies were working on Friday on a common approach to Russia's demand that they pay for its gas in ruble as the threat of an imminent supply halt eased. The Kremlin signaled on Friday that Russia would NOT cut off the supply immediately. With weeks left before bills are due, governments in Europe, which relies on Russia for more than a third of its gas, are talking to their energy companies about how to pay them: https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/gas-still-flows-russia-europe-buyers-navigate-putins-rouble-order-2022-04-01/

Millions of Brits plunged into fuel poverty on Friday as household energy bills surge: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/01/5-million-english-homes-face-fuel-poverty-as-price-cap-rise-kicks-in.html

Port of Rotterdam CEO Allard Castelein said sanctions against Russia created a "nightmare" situation. The key European thoroughfare has a backlog of about 4,500 Russian-linked shipping containers. The congestion in Rotterdam is one of many supply-chain snarls caused by Russia's invasion.

EU Chief warns China of "major reputational damage" if they remain neutral during war according to AFP News.

Jim Stone says his new war-time server has been set up in India: jimstoneindia.com / The Iceland servers are now considered backup servers.

India set to bypass the US Dollar for trade with Russia, despite sanction threats from Western world. MY COMMENT: Stock up on spice!!

War in Ukraine affects steel goods exports from both Ukraine and Russia. Shortage of steel tubing for wells has become the latest production constraint for US shale. For US oil drillers, steel tubing prices and scarcity is one more thing to worry about on top of rising oilfield services costs: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Steel-Shortage-Adds-To-US-Shale-Drillers-Woes.html

TRACKING US COMMODITY SHORTAGES UPDATE: steel, corn, chicken, coffee beans, mint silver, soap, diesel, fertilizer, wheat, modern automobile sensors.

House Democrats Block "Energy Independence From Russia Act" for the Fourth Time (WHY? WHO ARE THEY REALLY WORKING FOR?): https://www.breitbart.com/economy/2022/03/31/house-democrats-block-consideration-for-american-energy-independence-from-russia-act-for-the-fourth-time/

Stupid Russian troops suffer radiation sickness after digging Chernobyl trenches, WTF: https://news.yahoo.com/russian-troops-suffer-acute-radiation-083839177.html

In major escalation, Germany approves delivery of infantry carrier tanks to Ukraine.

French map of Russian-Ukraine war [April 1, 2022]: https://nitter.eu/pic/media%2FFPQ3cC3XMC8ztPU.jpg

POLICY UPDATE: Due to constant spam on 8kun I may be posting these updates in all slide-threads too. Don't like it? Tough luck!

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