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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 6a8768c52c43674⋯.jpg (30.16 KB, 750x500, 3:2, eye.jpg)

4d72da  No.293945

God is not happy with us accepting corruption, degeneracy and sin!

Our days are now numbered! Get ready for the End Times and second coming of Jesus Christ!


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5accc0  No.293947

"And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart."

Genesis 6:6

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710dff  No.293997


There is no god, moron.

>Our days are now numbered!

Yeah, idiot … that's how days work.

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8ba62b  No.294001


congratulations on the "being part of the least educated, gullible fucking idiots, who are so primal that they require an imaginary God" accomplishment!!!

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8ba62b  No.294002


I'm not familiar with that song. was that during the Phil Collins days or the Peter Gabriel days?

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8ba62b  No.294003


looks like tonight's going to be another one of those "commit some sin and wake up on your daughter's kitchen floor in a puddle of your own urine" nights, huh?

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8ba62b  No.294004


did it ever cross your mind that happy people don't need to drown their fears and misery in a bottle of whiskey every night?

and has it ever crossed your mind that most adults don't piss on themselves while they're asleep?

oh one more thing.. most people don't sleep on their daughter's kitchen floor

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f19862  No.294069


go suck another dick, you uneducated Slav

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f19862  No.294070

File: e5934c8d78a42e0⋯.jpg (126.72 KB, 1340x998, 670:499, NINTCHDBPICT000005403160.jpg)


although it rarely happens, if I ever feel down in the dumps, all I have to do is think about you believing in God….

and suddenly I feel a lot better about myself….

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f19862  No.294071


between your side gig of postings idiotic links, and your regular job sucking other men's penises, I guess it's pretty obvious which one pays better...

but be careful about HIV.. a lot of you scumbag lithuanians have AIDS, so maybe for you job security begins with not swallowing?

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f19862  No.294072


as if you're not already going to be embarrassed as fuck on your deathbed, finally realizing there's no such thing as God or Jesus….

just imagine if you could see the world a thousand years later, with no second coming and no trials or tribulations or apocalypse or Revelations

you're going to look so fucking stupid

seriously.. it's a no-brainer

you still have time to save face

you can still admit you were wrong

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c7fd8a  No.294111


Jesus could be my good neighbor. But I suspect Christianity's endgame is to destroy humanity. How many Christians care about the balance between the size of the population and the resources they can use?

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