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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 6dcffa19fc1b901⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1855x993, 1855:993, anti_slav_dehumanization_p….png)

aae0ee  No.293871

I noticed this ongoing sentiment of "slavs aren't human" spreading through /pol/ for the past couple years

It also seems like DoD / NATO have been trying to weaponize local and imported insects to spread disease to white ethnic Russians specifically.

USAF request for RNA samples from ethnic Russians (caucasian only):


US Air Force Admits To Harvesting Russian Tissue:


More on DoD funded Ethnic-Specific weapons:


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754a5e  No.293878



you can't "dehumanize" a subprimate


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7164ee  No.293879

File: 9bebbd5d48d6f9a⋯.png (199.28 KB, 635x3107, 635:3107, sputnikbioweapons.png)

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7164ee  No.293880

File: ecc04dcebc5db16⋯.jpg (90.89 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, Bill_Smallpox_Threat.jpg)

File: b7532ca196b8a30⋯.jpeg (235.08 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, nwo_great_reset_sources_1….jpeg)

File: 5f69cd61d0ab6c1⋯.jpeg (131.12 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, nwo_great_reset_sources_1….jpeg)


We know you despots hate white people, stop trying to deny it. Your long-term plans are all in your own "elitist" literature.

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7164ee  No.293881

File: b9f97c763d79e92⋯.png (344.53 KB, 516x600, 43:50, 4a0731e66bede270d02298fdc2….png)

File: 88676b5bb2bd50d⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 640x449, 640:449, archbishop.jpg)

File: 8bb771c7385f2b4⋯.jpg (63.48 KB, 850x400, 17:8, global_transformation.jpg)

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7164ee  No.293882

File: a5e80de2c367e92⋯.jpg (425.28 KB, 830x2500, 83:250, vaxdieoff.jpg)

File: 3d3266d3bb24669⋯.jpg (142.5 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ten_stages_of_genocide.jpg)

File: 551a20296df8ffe⋯.jpg (104.26 KB, 551x683, 551:683, nwo_mandates.jpg)

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7164ee  No.293883

File: 87fa82659d1ffe9⋯.jpeg (367.03 KB, 1065x683, 1065:683, nwo_great_reset_27.jpeg)

File: ca1e6292b55f4e9⋯.jpeg (58.25 KB, 689x652, 689:652, nwo_great_reset_25.jpeg)

File: ecf7f969231c0e8⋯.jpg (194.08 KB, 1300x670, 130:67, nwo_great_reset_26.jpg)

File: 543995645645d67⋯.jpeg (81.8 KB, 700x1000, 7:10, nwo_great_reset_sources_1….jpeg)

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754a5e  No.293912

File: 1c7f7104a181b55⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1906x1080, 953:540, Picsart_22_03_31_10_25_05_….png)






lol @ you thinking using the word "despot" makes you seem 'insighrful'….


I'm flattered that you perceive me as being elite.

and I suppose in many, many ways…. I am !!….

at least when I'm compared to you

lemme guess…. you're Slavic?

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754a5e  No.293913


if only you realized :

when people see your walls ofstupid bill gates conspiracy memesnobody reads them.

there's quite literally no difference between your posts and any "spontaneous conspiracy genius" trailerpark grandma on Facebook.


you post the EXACT SAME GARBAGE as those uninformed fat old grannies in their single-wide trailers, using dial up & AOL

because that's all you've got….


so you can download pics from the internet

big deal

you're not involved in any capacity with anything that matters

you have ZERO expertise…. in ANYTHING


no insider secrets .. no "real news"….

you're nothing more than a parrot

you parrot other people's stupid words

and download other people's stupid memes

because you're incapable

of providing anything new

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754a5e  No.293914

and now you know why you're SO INEFFECTIVE

you've proven that you're incapable of providing anything real

any Grannie on Facebook has all the same 'content' as you…

and we're not interested in any of it…

so THAT'S why nobody pays any attention to your predictable, unoriginal, COOKIE-CUTTER, boring garbage

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754a5e  No.293915

you'll never catch me wasting a millisecond reading Grannie's Conspiracy Theories on Facebook

and I'll never waste a millisecond reading the same sewage in here

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754a5e  No.293916


so far, all I see is a scared man.

overwhelmed by fear

not exactly 'appealing'…..

nobody wants to hang out with a personality flaw

fuck no…

if you want to hold someone's interest


not a conspiracy

not doom and gloom

people disregard that bullshit


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754a5e  No.293917

say something about YOU

nobody gives a fuck about your conspiracy theories bullshit, because we've all heard it a million times before…

we lost interest in that boring bullshit because we are intelligent… only stupid people find that garbage to be interesting…

say something about YOU

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754a5e  No.293918

say something about LIFE

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b1fa38  No.293920

Wendy and I spend our lives

making the best of everything

your technique of panicking… sucks

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b1fa38  No.293921

all these years on planet earth

and you STILL haven't learned

how to be happy

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b1fa38  No.293922

you're more interested in pretending to have answers

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b1fa38  No.293923

yet you are a miserable man

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