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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 9d5a6e81e4db274⋯.png (17.26 KB, 385x215, 77:43, makepndgreatagain.png)

db1a09  No.293773

The primary reason I'm here is not to exercise my "freedom of speech", but to find truth, to help myself not be fooled by lies. The last time I read BBC was more than 10 years ago, and most of the so called conservative news sites at least 5 years ago. I believe I made the right decision. Anonymous imageboards are great. It's the only way I could find credible sources without much effort.

While they are very helpful, they are also disgusting. The enemies of freedom of speech and truth won't stay idle and just watch. They are very active. They do everything possible to interrupt, distract, fool, and disgust users.

But I think it's possible to make pnd great again without compromising freedom of speech if moderators do something like the following.

1. Attacking users should be prohibited. (Users post anonymously, who cares who they are? Serious users come here for truth.)

2. Gibberish should be deleted. Gibberish isn't speech.

3. If someone keeps posting the same opinion that is proven false or manipulative, the posts should be deleted because the user's purpose isn't to tell truth but manipulate other users' opinion.

4. Porn should be deleted.

5. The posts that posters don't take serious should be deleted. This type of users often use their fingers more than their brain. Their posts aren't worth other users' time.

6. God's message should be deleted. Nobody can prove or disprove God's message.

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3a2b84  No.293775



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3a2b84  No.293776

But I think it's possible to make pnd great again without compromising freedom of speech if blah blah blah blah blah blah

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3a2b84  No.293777


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3a2b84  No.293778

File: 18211e0ef7df4cd⋯.jpg (105.83 KB, 571x759, 571:759, Picsart_22_03_20_04_12_16_….jpg)

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3a2b84  No.293779


lol @ you beingSUCH A FUCKING DUMBASSthat you actually come HERE for the TRUTH


wow…. dipshit

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443d53  No.293780


In other words, you just want /pnd/ to turn into your own little safe space where everything you don't agree with or like is censored and banned. And it's people like you who ruined places like 4chan. So please, go back. I happen to love the fact /pnd/ is uncensorable.

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443d53  No.293782


There is A LOT of truth here, that part is true, but it aways gets DERAILED and sliden!

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3a2b84  No.293783

please explain why ALL British TV shows end the same way :

with one obviously gay elderly man chasing another obviously gay elderly man around a park bench, one of them holding an umbrella while the other wears women's underwear outside of his petticoat, and Scott Joplin player piano music plays too fast…

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3a2b84  No.293784


you wouldn't know truth of it ate a can of your expired pork n beans

you're delusional

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3a2b84  No.293786


imagine a world where YOU made the rules …

because that's the closest you'll ever get

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3a2b84  No.293787


here's the TRUTH :

YOU GOT BANNED IN 4CHAN, and we don't want you here, either

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3a2b84  No.293788


here's the TRUTH :

you can't name masculine Brit, other than the queen

and no.. James Bond is not a real person, nor is he particularly masculine ever since Sean Connery quit, and he was Welsh, not British

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8100eb  No.293791

File: 4acd4db5d862399⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 137.65 KB, 320x320, 1:1, stop.png)

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3a2b84  No.293792

it's funny how you never asked ME the"primary reason I'm here"

or anybody else….

it's all about YOU, right ?…………………

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3a2b84  No.293793


the primary reason I'M here is to remind "superior elites" that they are neither superior OR elite

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3a2b84  No.293794

however, my secondary reason is POSTING GIBBERISH PORN FROM GOD

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3a2b84  No.293795

If anybody here doesn't like my presence, feel free to complain to Jerry

he's the one who brought me here

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3a2b84  No.293796

and YES…. Jerry knew I would embed myself like toenail fungus

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3a2b84  No.293797



pay him back by visiting /freedomzine/

the most awkwardly named board in history

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3a2b84  No.293798

Jerry actually thought there was a large audience for FREEDOM AND LIBERTY SPEECH

freedom this, freedom that, freedom freedom freedom

insider secret: there is no market for the freedom liberty red white blue justice for all mantra

nobody's interested…..

however, I'm thinking about creating my own board


nothing but hardcore porn and gibberish

trust me, it'll be a huge success

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443d53  No.293800

Remember, Jesus and those that have accepted His refuge will be saved forever and redeemed with eternal wealth in the Heavens!

Those that have chosen to trust the corrupt will run out of luck!!!


God's Judgement is FINAL. Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ!!!!

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683029  No.293804

File: 18ac43f5c9e602a⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1080x2079, 40:77, Picsart_22_03_30_13_42_50_….png)


when you see Jesus (and trust me you won't, because Jesus never existed)

I want you to give him something for me.. hold on a minute let me find it….

*pulls my index finger out of my mouth, slimy with phlegm, and forces it into the palm of your closed fist*

tell Jesus I said keep this one in the same place he kept the last one.. where the sun don't shine

guess which one will get more traffic:




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683029  No.293806


there's some girl looking for you in /jesusiscoolashell/

that's a new board on this site

I swear to God

you'll find it

just keep looking.. don't give up

you'll find it

you better hurry up

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683029  No.293807


so let me make sure I understand this correctly :

YOU are the one who decides what is true and what is untrue?

and YOU get to make all the rules?

wrong board….

you were looking for


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683029  No.293808

File: 6512aad74ff0520⋯.jpg (93.26 KB, 661x942, 661:942, 960x0.jpg)


just a humble man politely looking for a place he can boss other people around and pretend like he's in charge….

blow me, dude……..


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443d53  No.293811

File: a5e80de2c367e92⋯.jpg (425.28 KB, 830x2500, 83:250, vaxdieoff.jpg)


Now we know why there are so many videos of dead sports players, news announcers, and celebrities dying on the spot. Those cannot be hidden, but the death of everyday joe was hidden, 10.7 percent of the population is now dead, here is proof!!!

WHY ARE REAL ESTATE PRICES THROUGH THE ROOF WHEN AMERICA HAS RECORD VACANCY? ANSWER: Investment firms used "corona relief" cash to buy up all the homes of the dead to hide the vax death induced market crash, and they offered exhorbitant amounts to make sure it happened because it was not their money being used anyway. The census bureau is trying to cover it up but blew it anyway by issuing current housing stats to financers, not expecting the financers to blow their cover. CASE CLOSED.

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683029  No.293812

File: dc07ac480404fb0⋯.png (469.36 KB, 1149x1080, 383:360, Picsart_22_03_30_14_28_15_….png)

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683029  No.293813


I forgot to mention I also have proof



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f8de83  No.293816



<and it won't change a single thing either way

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683029  No.293822

I can honestly say I've spent my life having to listen to other people's opinions.. and I can't really remember any of them that changed my life for the better.. I don't remember anybody's opinion meaning a goddamn fucking thing, any more than MY endless irrelevant opinions…

the past 6 years have been like a roller coaster that doesn't go up at all it's just straight down

the past 6 years have China East 737 flight

everybody's opinions became a much louder

everybody became more convinced that their irrelevant opinions mattered

at this point I've heard them all ad nauseam

so do yourselves a favor

and keep your opinion to yourself

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683029  No.293823

god dammit I'm down here at the park using speech to text and the wind is blowing like crazy

I said the past 6 years have been very much like a China East Boeing 737 flight

I don't give a flying fuck what you or anybody else considers to be the truth

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683029  No.293824

because either you're wrong or you're right

and I couldn't possibly care less either way

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683029  No.293825

it's not like any of us are going to go down in the history books because we were correct about something

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683029  No.293827

truth LOL give me a break

that's like wanting to toot your horn about freedom

give me a fucking break

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683029  No.293829


I remember my first manic episode…..

enjoy it, squirt !!!

and clean your room before your mother gets home from work

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db1a09  No.293891


>In other words, you just want /pnd/ to turn into your own little safe space where everything you don't agree with or like is censored and banned.

No, I don't want /pnd/ to be censored. I only want moderators to delete the posts that should not be considered "speech",notwhat moderators don't agree with.

If you read all of the replies here, how many posts you think are "replies"? A lot of them should be deleted because they are anything but speeches. You can talk to someone you disagree with but you don't talk to a 1 month old baby, or a mad person, or a liar, or a drunk, or a manipulative paid criminal/shill/agent …


>There is A LOT of truth here, that part is true, but it aways gets DERAILED and sliden!

You actually agreed with me.

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b2fe11  No.293904


This girl has been eating the raw eggs.


I blame Sylvester Stalone.

Damn you Hollywood trend makers.

Dang you.

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bdcf96  No.294375

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7378c2  No.294378


It really baffles me. What human beings would do that? Some say they are bots, not humans. What if one day their owner inserts a wrong chip in them?

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f02737  No.294401


This whole board is mostly plebbit spammers and a few anons posting. Guess they get more bang for their buck here spamming.

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