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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: be2abe1a33f41e8⋯.png (122.65 KB, 639x607, 639:607, a0c.png)

39f902  No.293748

I'm a refugee from /pol/. AMA.

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d0d83c  No.293764

you're a punk who got banned

fuck off, sissy

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26a3d9  No.293772


What happened? Can you share?

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68f648  No.293855


get the fuck out of our board

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d26460  No.293892

Commit suicide.

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cdf0a1  No.294362

File: 5a72990c98e5295⋯.jpg (86.72 KB, 720x950, 72:95, kurtz.jpg)

Is this about the new word filter? The fact that they felt they can change soy into onions was shady as fuck. I also wonder if any of those posts could be submitted as evidence in court because they knowingly modified posts. Now i understand they have expanded the word filter. Was that just a prank for April 1 or did they go too far?

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babfa0  No.294372


>doesn't understand the 4chan tradition of amusing word filters (Remember nigger becoming peanut butter? No, you don't. you're 12.)

>cries about post modification like a Karen demanding to speak to the manager

Kill yourself. Now. Do not hesitate. A brain spatter on the nearest wall is the best legacy you could possibly leave.

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4ab3f0  No.294381

This site is shit. 4cuck is even worse.

I want the old 8chan back.

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4118b5  No.294383


>I want the old 8chan back.

the only difference is the people using it

if you want the old 8ch back, you have to be the old 8chan

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c42380  No.294384


What makes you think that we care?


I went to 4chan a year ago and it was basically reddit 2.0, it was fucking horrible

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006c9c  No.294387


THIS. All those that whine about how shitty the board is don't seem to contribute anything or help much. Johnny spams the place to hell. Losers like 'Purplefag' come and go once they finally realize this is not their safe space and others have differing opinions and don't worship the ground they walk on. Others will complain but won't post anything of value. Ironically there is no censorship on this board so it's a free-for-all, anyone can contribute here if they really wanted to.


>I went to 4chan a year ago and it was basically reddit 2.0, it was fucking horrible

It has gotten even worse, all of them are using the 'smartphone' icons now which older computers can't even register lol. I only go there once in a while to find the "needle in a haystack" when it comes to legit good info about certain geo-political & economic topics, maybe "happenings" once in a while.

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75780c  No.294462


That soy/onions thing been there for months. Not new. Also IMHO is desu or some weeb shit.

> you don't know that 4chan started with a weeb and 4 weebs?

Sigh…I am older than you can imagine.

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817739  No.294476



complain complain complain

makes me think you are whiney little jews

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6020ec  No.296428


Its been almost 10 years we cant say soyboy or soycialist, these words were powerful shamibg tactics to male leftists so they banned them.

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21ef14  No.297310


tbqh we're all banned

it's a glowie shitshow and this time I am not merely joking. I guess stay away from pol rn……

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21ef14  No.297311

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21ef14  No.297312


nah it's unironically glowies anon… I don't even know where to start….

anyways where is the ukraine glowie free(pref) thread in this shithole?

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21ef14  No.297313

File: 83372e1025e8aa2⋯.jpg (71.79 KB, 960x720, 4:3, media_FQ4KixUVUAU2Sn6_jpg_….jpg)

also this image image triggers the russian glowies

fuck off svetitsjas

now where is that thread?

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14ad1b  No.298874


>That soy/onions thing been there for months

You wanted to say "for years",didn't ya?

As soon as soyboy meme became popular on /pol/ jannies doble downed on censorship

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e8a5f7  No.303267

Pol is cancer now.

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e014cd  No.303519

File: 21ed9df8531673a⋯.jpg (27.15 KB, 480x478, 240:239, soy_soya_onions_moderators….jpg)


yea it is a massive shaming thing on them. they hate it. its on the same level as alex jones censoring that they are doing that. that means they are basically admitting they are like alex jones.

i asked in the IRC channel and they claimed it had to do with (((science))) but it really had to do with the fda regulations saying it doesnt have estrogen or whatever. but who cares. its soy and its a plant and its vegan shit. and vegans are a cult of their own.

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e18f9f  No.303530


video pic girl :


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