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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 7798bb0fefba214⋯.png (532.11 KB, 886x493, 886:493, everybody.png)

edc6bb  No.293563[Last 50 Posts]

Which one of you did this? Was it purple tie's persuasion? What was the bet? One or two more rehearsals would've ironed it out to top tier, stop gambling and drinking faggot.


still, only-regret/10

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edc6bb  No.293568


will these types of inconveniences initiate a necessity for a vetting process regarding who would be allowed to participate in loldemocracy? Would this denial of rights in the face of a content obscure realign the ideal and political nature of those not into?

Those into, does it inspire in other ways to redress a finely aged conundrum, one of similar brevity and fair of an honest youth, but tempered with the wisdom of cuckery and jades, that will ever be more than one can do? Discussion ended long before we were born, the decision was made to herd em. Well herd, is there anymore grass, on either side?

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edc6bb  No.293569

File: 94efccccb98391a⋯.webm (641.21 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1642228627715.webm)


>shut up nigger, Imma take me my knee for floydge.

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edc6bb  No.293571


seggay: is there any recent that jim is even of the heart beating sort these days?

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334c6a  No.293574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


After his full speech…

< embed related

> "We'll take a 5 minute break and wipe all that down…"''


We need a lot more of this kind of activism.

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334c6a  No.293575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


< Cassady Campbell

> We need a lot more of this kind of activism.

Prime time # 99 Alex Stein is another one.

> embed related

Pleeze tell me you lazy faggots, wasting all day in here, will do something like this in your own local area! (I already have, and am no longer welcome at any City Council meetings.)

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8ad9e1  No.293577


that's me in the video, and I think I did a very good job.

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8ad9e1  No.293578


so, in other words, you're the complete opposite of cool ?

by the way, how have you been enjoying all those freedoms lately?

freedom this freedom that.. right?

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933b1b  No.293579


lol @ "we need a lot more of this" hahahaha

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933b1b  No.293580

a lot more of THAT is the last thing "we" need.

there is no WE


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933b1b  No.293581

I'm hoping I can trigger a few word circles

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933b1b  No.293582

there is no "there" there, persona persona look within we need more uptight uncool REPUBLICANS hahaha fucking classic

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933b1b  No.293583


I'm totally amazed at how a long haired hippie LSD DMT mind expanding tripster who believes in eastern philosophy and meditation WOULD RELATE TO THE MOST UNCOOL UPTIGHT DICKSUCKING REPRESSED LOSERS ON EARTH,….


Republicans are FAGGOTS

of course, so are Democrats…

that's why I'm neither one ..

but you ARE a republican

translation :

either your trippy hippie routine is fake

or your uptight Republican routine is fake

but they cannot be legitimate and exist simultaneously

you cannot be both things at the same time because they are diametrically opposed to each other

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933b1b  No.293584

I can't imagine a man taking LSD and doing DMT, and saying to himself, "these uptight elitist Republican losers who look down their nose at me and my lifestyle are cool as fuck"

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933b1b  No.293585

hint : the losers you emulate would laugh in your face if they came to visit you at your house

there's nothing about you they would relate to

it would be embarrassed to be associated with you

but you still have your tongue firmly implanted up their rectums

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933b1b  No.293586

they wouldn't consider you to be a patriot

they would just consider you to be a vote for them

and then they would never speak to you again

you and your beard and your drugs and your motorcycle and your LSD and your Eastern philosophies

they would distance themselves as far away as possible, so nobody accidentally thought they liked you

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933b1b  No.293587

lol @ a "patriot" who's dumb enough to think the election was stolen

more like a lemming

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933b1b  No.293588

the last time I checked, the word "Patriot" is not defined by gullibility

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933b1b  No.293589


but it's important to note :

you are still watching Fox News

because you enjoy being brainwashed

you're just as brainwashed as a CNN viewer

you're just on the opposite end of the spectrum

you don't think for yourself

you let Fox News think for you

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933b1b  No.293590

next time you present yourself as a free thinker

I'm going to post the Fox logo

because you are a free thinker

like Liberace was a womanizer

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933b1b  No.293591

I made a concerted effort to source my news from reliability

it's a shame you weren't capable of doing the same thing…

LOL you're still sitting there watching Fox News

that's fucking pathetic dude

Fox News is such bullshit

it's like the national enquirer

you literally source your news from The national enquirer

and then you pretend to be well informed

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933b1b  No.293592

I would sooner watch CNN than Fox News

and you couldn't pay me to watch CNN

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933b1b  No.293593



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933b1b  No.293594

I've never met anybody that watches Fox News who is cool.. I'm still waiting

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933b1b  No.293595

everybody I know who watches Fox News IS STUPID AS SHIT

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334c6a  No.293596

File: 9d7f77818f3b1c7⋯.jpg (168.73 KB, 1024x700, 256:175, Washing_Johnny_s_Big_Shit_….jpg)



















Somebody sure gotTRIGGERED!

That's why this shit is so effective.

Just throw up a mirror and let them see themselves as the mentally deranged and outraged secular religionists that they actually ARE.



















For someone who fancies themself as somewhat astute, (You) sure haven't ever paid much attention, have (You)?

> Republican

Wew Lad!

So far off base.

(You) folks really don't understand just how many Independents there really are, or how much we really like to think for ourselves, or how difficult it is to actually igeon-hole us, because we do not share a Conformist Ideology, like (You) folks (and Republicunts & Demoncrats) do.

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933b1b  No.293597


when are you going to realize that your political beliefs are boring and everybody's political beliefs are boring and my political beliefs are boring and his political beliefs are boring and her political beliefs are boring and everybody needs to just shut the fuck up?

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933b1b  No.293598


forgive me.. but if I didn't know any better….

I would almost think you were one of those people who believes voicing his opinion makes a difference

LOL one of those fucking idiots

if I didn't know any better I would almost swear you actually thought your opinion was important

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933b1b  No.293599


time for a little reality check :


deny it all you want, Gandhi

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933b1b  No.293600

to the uninitiated reader, it would ALMOST seem like you actually thought you had some kind of amazing rare "freedom" to voice your opinion

as if people around the world do not have the ability to voice their opinions

and they are jealous of Americans because of our imaginary freedoms? right?

and by voicing your irrelevant opinion, somehow this is going to make a difference, and you're going to change the course of history…

it would almost seem that way at first glance

but then I say to myself, "he's not really THAT stupid"

so of course I know you're intelligent enough to realize that your opinion doesn't mean Jack fucking shit

you can toss your opinion in that gigantic pile over there


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933b1b  No.293601

when I'm looking for honest interpretations of world events, I always go to Fox News, because I like to source my news from angry uptight repressed homosexuals with horrible haircuts and blue polyester suits.

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933b1b  No.293602

if you're not wearing a blue polyester suit, you aren't qualified to tell me the truth

if you don't have a little boy's haircut and a deeply repressed homosexuality, don't bother trying to tell me the truth

if you are not a lying duplicitous backstabbing insincere uptight angry bitter douchebag repressed faggot with a little boy's haircut and a cheap blue polyester suit, YOU DON'T KNOW THE TRUTH

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933b1b  No.293603

and now you know why I watch Fox News

because all of them have little boys haircuts

and they all wear blue polyester suits

and they're all repressed homosexuals

which is why they're all angry

so obviously


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933b1b  No.293604

You couldn't possibly pay me enough money to associate with or relate to ANY OF THE UPTIGHT ANGRY BLUE POLYESTER LITTLE BOY HAIRCUTS CLOSET HOMOSEXUALS that you seem to think are so connected to the pulse of life on Earth

you couldn't pay me to be seen in public with one of your little douchebag Fox News correspondents

I would be afraid somebody would confuse me with being a Fox News watcher

which would be the most embarrassing scenario I can possibly think of

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933b1b  No.293605

it just cracks me up to envision the long haired bearded guru maharishi LSD DMT mind expanding psychedelic fractal animation trippy hippie…. hanging out by the little boys table, hoping to be accepted by the angry snot nosed little boys with the little boys haircuts, with their little blue polyester suits, and the red polyester tie mommy tied for them…

hoping to be accepted by the little midgets

what the fuck happened to you?

where along the path towards hippie trippy psychedelic coolness did you accidentally take a wrong turn and end up sitting at the little uptight Sissy boys table, wanting to be accepted by the little brats with the little boys haircuts?

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933b1b  No.293606

personally? I think you would look good with a little boy's haircut

now we just need to get you a teeny tiny little blue polyester suit….

and a teeny tiny little red polyester tie….

with the little boy's haircut, the image would be complete…. AFTER WE SHAVE OFF THE BEARD

Fox viewers would be off put by the beard

*snip snip snip snip snip*

okay that wasn't easy, but that abhorrent beard is gone now….

time to put you on Fox News

remember when you see the sign that says "ON THE AIR", that's when the repressed angry homosexuality can come out…

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933b1b  No.293607

your opinion matters….

you're going to change the world with your opinion…

just remember when it says


that's when you can vent all of your anger

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933b1b  No.293608

and if it's not repressed homosexuality, then it's definitely some form of repressed sexuality…

I mean every one of those senators has a sex scandal, whether it's Matt weasel face and the human trafficking of a teenage girl, or your illiterate monkey boy hero who helped Epstein rape that 13-year-old girl over and over and over

everybody you support is a child molester

isn't that ironic?

you claim to be a Patriot

while simultaneously pretending to be a hippie

and you stand up for freedom

while voting for child molesters

you were so God damn uninformed

that you actually helped put a child molester into office

let's cover that one more time so we know we're both on the same page, okay?..

you watch Fox News



while simultaneously insisting you were better informed than other people

let that sink in for a minute….


so don't ever waste your time pretending to be smarter than me

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334c6a  No.293609

File: 995451e9cd61fcc⋯.jpg (81.02 KB, 499x333, 499:333, Thanks_Again.jpg)


> when are you going to realize that your political beliefs are boring and everybody's political beliefs are boring and my political beliefs are boring and his political beliefs are boring and her political beliefs are boring and everybody needs to just shut the fuck up?

When Are (You)?












This is EGG ZACKLY why I don't waste all day in here anymore, and also EGG ZACKLY Why (You) Still Do!

Meanwhile, I'll Go On About My Development.

Try toENJOY!This Day, My Child!

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933b1b  No.293610

the man who went to the ballots two times

not just once… TWICE…..


if I molested your daughters would you vote for me?

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933b1b  No.293611


apparently you're development hasn't gotten you anywhere

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933b1b  No.293612


apparentlyYOUR*development hasn't gotten you anywhere

you keep talking about doing your development as if you're making some kind of progress in your life, but apparently it's still under development? right?

have fun developing whatever the fuck you're developing, and I hope one of these days it comes out of the development stage and actually becomes something tangible instead of just a vague suggestion that you are accomplishing something

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933b1b  No.293613

develop these nuts in your mouth

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933b1b  No.293614

and never forget the only reason I'm here is because you kept the begging me to come to this shitty website but your board wasn't interesting enough to hold my attention…

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933b1b  No.293615

I never would be here at all if it wasn't for you

I have you to thank

now run along and develop something

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933b1b  No.293616

you might want to complete a project, taking it out of the development stage.. you might want to do that soon…

because you're not exactly a teenager

and if you keep developing, you never going to be able to implement anything

you'll be dead long before the implementation begins

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933b1b  No.293617

unless of course you consider randomly looking into different topics that interest you and trying to familiarize yourself on a cursory level to be "development"….

in which case everybody is developing

. big deal.. let's see results not the vague descriptions of how you spend your time

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933b1b  No.293618

I mean … wow….

at least Killcen only voted for a child rapistONCE

but you doubled down.. because you're a patriot

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334c6a  No.293619

File: 033e1b5974f2c99⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 300x256, 75:64, Can_This_Place_Suck_Any_Ha….jpg)


> your board wasn't interesting enough to hold my attention…

Translation: Easily "Orchestrated" & "Contained".

And Here (You) Still ARE.

Meanwhile, I'll Go On About My Development…

ENJOY This Day!

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933b1b  No.293620


AGAIN : if Jeffrey Epstein and I took turns sodomizing your daughters, would you vote for me?

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933b1b  No.293621

because you voted for Donald Trump twice

and I would like your vote

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933b1b  No.293622

I'm just curious if I took it out of the realms of vague ambiguity, and brought it home front and center right up in your face so there was no doubt.. and I would bring Jeffrey Epstein along with me…

and instead of flying the girls to an island, we could just start banging them right there in front of you

would you give me your vote?

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933b1b  No.293623

or do you only vote for the child rapists who do it on an island?

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933b1b  No.293624

because if the island thing is the prerequisite to get your vote, Epstein and I would have no problem flying your daughters to a little island somewhere and earning your vote

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933b1b  No.293625

I just figured you would enjoy watching

because after all….


TWICE !!!!

so of course I assumed you enjoy children being forced into sex

obviously, or you would not have voted for a child rapist….

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334c6a  No.293626


(You) Actually Sound EGG ZACKLY Like a Qtard.

(You) should hear (You)rself!

And with that, my ride is here, and I am off to do something more productive with my day…


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933b1b  No.293627


I'm being very productive with my day

I'm producing facts

speaking of which :


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c269f6  No.293628

see, that's not a news story underdevelopment

that's Court documentation that I'm talking about



and LOL at your idiotic foot in your mouth technique regarding the Q idiots

YOU'RE the Q guy with your stolen election conspiracy theories

you're the one who voted for a child molester

the same one who pretends you're better informed than others





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c269f6  No.293629

"my candidate is a child molester who lost, SO OBVIOUSLY THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN!!"


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c269f6  No.293630

I get my news from Fox

so I know the election was stolen

(and if you'll rape my daughters I'll vote for you as well)

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c269f6  No.293631

I voted for a genius business tycoon, a savvy real estate developer, and a Maverick who believes in freedom….

OOOPS…. my bad. I meant to say I voted for a guy who raped a 13-year-old girl over and over and over, one of Epstein's best customers, who's also completely illiterate and who built his empire on bankruptcy and default and failure to repay his investors

but basically they're the same thing

again, if you rape my daughters I will vote for you as well

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c269f6  No.293632

I vote for child rapists

and now you know why I watch Fox News

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925ba1  No.293633

show me a man who voted for Trump

and I will show you a fool

show me a man who still watches Fox News

and I will show you a dipshit


and I'll show you someone who makes the average Qidiot seem like Albert Einstein

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f8f3e8  No.293634

in fact, for a man who voted for a child molester two times, becoming an average Q "the election was stolen" idiot is actually an upgrade

that's several levels higher than voting for a child molester twice

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f8f3e8  No.293635

I would have never come to this shitty website

if it wasn't for the continual urging of Jerry

"you'll love it! it's great! the captures all contain the letter q! that's why it's so great!"

the incessant urging never ended :

"no seriously you really need to check out 8kun!! it's wonderful!!"

so here I am….

and I agree…

I'm making it more wonderful with each passing day

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7eebc4  No.293637

File: d5f4a1e0512e7e1⋯.jpg (29.95 KB, 236x345, 236:345, Dollars_to_Donuts_The_Iris….jpg)










Are All the Irish this emotionally immature, or just the Bidens and the McGoverns?

Somebody's "Irish" sure is up, as of late!

> Dollars-to-Donuts_The-Irish-Will-Fuck-Things-Up.jpg

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f33b78  No.293639

I just found a guy I think you'll really like a lot…

he can't spell at all… NOTHING

he can't even spell his own name

and he loves raping teenage girls

he wants to meet your daughters

he's stupid as shit

he's terrible at business

and he wants to blow his loads into both of your daughters

I think you're really going to like this guy

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f33b78  No.293640


trust me, little Tucker…..

add to this guy empties his nuts into your daughters, makes a few bad business decisions and misspells your name, your daughter's name and his own name….

you're going to say, "wow I wish I knew you back in 2016.. I would have voted for you"

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f33b78  No.293641

Plus finally someone other than you would have had sex with your own daughters

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f33b78  No.293642

so they will probably want to vote for him as well

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f33b78  No.293643


I'm out here at Piedmont Park, and the weather is absolutely beautiful…

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f33b78  No.293644

and I realize that your daughter aren't exactly underage anymore…. at least not both of them…

but you were clever, and you managed to use a loophole and claim you were "homeschooling them"

the less they are around real educators and authoritarians, the less likely they would discover it's not normal for parents to have sex with their children…

so in the name of keeping secrets secret, you deprived both daughters of an education, which basically puts them more into the PRETEEN category…

but that's cool, because this illiterate child molester always says "he loves the uneducated"

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f33b78  No.293645

it's amazing that the authorities never came to your house and demanded to see proof of this alleged homeschooling garbage

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f33b78  No.293646

it really would have been just as simple as an unannounced visit, and they would see you laying there on the sofa doing drugs and developing

while your daughters are running wild doing God knows what

not much of an education, is it?

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f33b78  No.293647

when they stay home schooling they're not talking about a school of fish

they mean an actual education

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f33b78  No.293648

not some vague arbitrary obscurity like, "oh I thought them all kinds of things"

but something that can actually be measured

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f33b78  No.293649


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f33b78  No.293650

I can imagine them applying for a job somewhere telling them "yeah, I was homeschooled"

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f33b78  No.293651

and when the perspective employer says"show me how smart you are" they can start talking about the election being stolen

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f33b78  No.293652


wow the actual transcripts of Trump's phone call with Ukraine are unbelievable..


literally a federal offense

much much worse than the phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State Brad raffensberger

(and the phone call to Georgia WAS ABSOLUTELY A FEDERAL CRIME)

but the call to Ukraine makes that seem like child's Play

like I said, I know somebody who wants to rape your daughters and run for office

and he can't spell worth a damn

you're going to like this guy

he's got all your favorite attributes

he's a first class piece of shit

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f33b78  No.293653

I'm willing to bet $500 cash that Jerry still hasn't listened to the entire phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State, desperately trying to beg him into pretending like Trump won the election, and when the begging doesn't work, Trump begins trying to threaten him into it….

it's pathetic…

they say Trump is supposed to be some kind of shrewd negotiator…. BULLSHIT !!! he's as shrewd as your average 5-year-old…

he's a terrible negotiator

he's the worst I've ever seen

he's fucking pathetic at negotiating

he's also pathetic at threatening people

nothing he does works

he's the biggest fucking idiot

he can't intimidate anybody

he couldn't even intimidate the secretary of state of Georgia

nobody is afraid of him

and the only people who respect him are the lowest forms of white trash in America

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f33b78  No.293654

like I said $500 cash

I know you haven't listened to the entire phone call

because if you listened to the entire phone call

you would never admit voting for that idiot in the first place

and you certainly wouldn't admit going for a child molester TWICE

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f33b78  No.293655

"well little lady it says here that you are homeschooled.. so what you learned can't actually be measured or categorized.. prove how smart you are"

"daddy says don't listen to the phone call because freedom"

"you're fired"

"but this was just my job interview. I haven't even started yet"

"exactly… goodbye"

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f33b78  No.293656

one thing that becomes undeniable after reading the transcripts :

neither Trump nor Zelensky can be trusted

they're both motherfucking liars

they're both pieces of shit

and only a piece of shit would support them

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f33b78  No.293660

File: c7aba6912e6d4e3⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1080x2048, 135:256, Picsart_22_03_29_17_42_26_….png)

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f33b78  No.293661

File: 9ab126e2da7e9d7⋯.png (267.36 KB, 1080x1591, 1080:1591, Picsart_22_03_29_17_42_54_….png)

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f33b78  No.293662

who DOESN'T support raping 13 year olds, right?

any true American patriot would VOTE FOR THE CHILD MOLESTER


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edc6bb  No.293663

File: d933b5e400efc1f⋯.webm (3.75 MB, 360x360, 1:1, 16338798639479287345.webm)


johnif even a john bto john anymore, all this time, is there a nerve to even hit? what neurosynapses are even the fuck firing at this point bro? man I love you out of principle for your impeccable dedicated attendance record. You get utter disrespect on this site nonstop, but Im not unaware of your efforts. A sole survivor, a last stand, a dude without a name in indiana jones guarding some shit everyone forgot about the mythos of 30 years ago.


>Marty Epstein.

absolutely lost. plox for full.

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f33b78  No.293664

File: 4aa27ea7cfe2a08⋯.png (2.83 MB, 2046x1080, 341:180, Picsart_22_03_29_22_05_59_….png)

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f33b78  No.293666

it's marijuana time

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f33b78  No.293667


somebody's gotta do it

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f33b78  No.293668

File: f9b3461dd20a997⋯.jpg (127.88 KB, 1000x673, 1000:673, ComputerLearningArt.jpg)

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f33b78  No.293669

that image tickled my infratemporal cortex

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25b1f1  No.293745

File: a8f08219048f240⋯.jpg (181.27 KB, 1170x880, 117:88, It_s_a_RELIGION_Johnny.jpg)

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7d1162  No.293746


Open season on shellfish?

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