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and shitslinging
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File: 20306d92ea8ee5d⋯.jpg (30 KB, 645x363, 215:121, trumpdonald_022622upi3_lea….jpg)

a286b8  No.293493

Former President Donald Trump and his legal adviser, John Eastman, likely committed multiple federal crimes in their effort to prevent Congress from certifying President Joe Biden‘s 2020 election victory, a federal judge ruled on Monday in a civil case involving subpoenas from the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection.

U.S. District Judge David Carter said in a 44-page decision on whether some of Eastman’s private communications should be shielded from the panel that he found it “more likely than not” that the two engaged in criminal conduct.

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7c6b15  No.293546


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7c6b15  No.293547

we took a giant shit on Trump and his white trash supporters

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3ac37d  No.293553

File: 67bfb255817bb2a⋯.jpg (169.57 KB, 1024x700, 256:175, Washing_Johnny_s_Big_Shit_….jpg)


(((You))) took a giant shit on EVERYONE, including (((You)))rself.

See how that works out for (((You)))…

Everybody's so pissed at everybody "Else" that they're hosin' that Shit right off with an Ocean of Piss!

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802e5d  No.293675

That's what we call democracy. You cheated to "win" the election, you are not persecuted, and now you persecute your victim!

Heil democracy!

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82f146  No.293742

File: d34ce13357e8d54⋯.png (111.91 KB, 768x763, 768:763, ybvcghc.png)


video pic girl :


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