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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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a6167f  No.293479

Revisiting telegony: offspring inherit an acquired characteristic of their mother's previous mate


Nongenetic paternal effects via seminal fluid


How Previous Sexual Partners Affect Offspring


Microchimerism: A new concept


Microchimerism: Sharing Genes in Illness and in Health


We are in a stage in human society that i call the "social peer review". In this stage an objective society has rejected the morality of old, only to discover that those morals were established based on observations. Today we investigate microchimerism and telegamy.

The premise of these concepts is simple: pregnancy and sex change the genetic makeup of mammals. We know this occurs in dogs, and now we are starting to observe it possibly occurring in people.

While the direct researched science is not (((established))) yet, there is unfortunately circumstantial evidence for this.

<Exhibit A: DNA tests always have trace amounts of other genetic groups.

Ever notice that when a person does a DNA test, they have a small percentage of some other group. You could be 90% western European but suddenly have 8% of central Asian. Why is that? Is that a flaw in the test? is that left over from the great ice age migration, or is it telegony from when the Mongols and Huns invaded?

Research is starting to suggest the latter. If so then that explains a dark logic in human history, that "kill the men, rape the women" was a very powerful, and potent genetic strategy.

The implications of this are very concerning. This would provide more evolutionary reasoning behind monogamy.

<Exhibit B: Lupus and allergies.

When we dig into the topic, we find that this was not started as a means to investigate genetics, but to find the cause for various immunity issues. Such as allergies and Lupus.

>The most common type, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), affects about 200,000 US adults. Anyone can develop SLE, but it is more common in Black and Latina women and women of childbearing age (15–44 years).


Note the CDC pointing out that this is occurring predominantly in racial cultures that are infamous for sexual promiscuity. It is not a smoking gun but it is datapoint that needs consideration.

I suspect that allergies may also be contributed to this as well, but to a lesser extent. Note that allergies are not as common in farming communities. This is most likely due exposure to various animal germs, however those communities also tend to be less sexually promiscuous. The ones that are in cultures that are sexually active, Africa, are notably not as stable.

Now, as we examine this topic more closely darker implications begin to emerge. Did Islamic society collapse because of it's culture, or was it due to genetic damage from the Mongol invasions? Was this why Slavic societies collapsed? Does this explain the rise of the british empire, and why japan was able to thrive post edo periods while their asian neighbors had difficulties? Is this why the khmer people and other Indochina peoples had trouble recovering post colonialism? The implications are very disturbing. This would explain why the warlike tribes of the native Americans did not advance very far, that not only were they economically stunted by the constant wars but they were also genetically damaged by them as well.

It also explains why sexually promiscuous tribal cultures do not advance as fast as the prudish ones. That the reasons are genetic as well as economic, that the lower IQ and susceptibility to zootrophic diseases is from genetics caused by telegony.

Many people will question this, and it is a healthy skepticism in this case, but it is also a very nightmarish scenario. A scenario that we have verified occurring in other animals. Research is suggesting that this mammalian reproductive phenomenon occurs in humans as well, and if so then drastic social change must occur.

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416122  No.293484

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ec41d8  No.293528


no…. it's true….. absolutely..

and you're correct.. you can't prove it at this point

but sure it's true

which is why you're half nigger

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ec41d8  No.293529



I mean of course nobody can really tell by looking at you…

they have to look closely to notice…

they need to read your words and analyze your personality….

and that's when the nigger part becomes obvious

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ec41d8  No.293530

they say hanging out with niggers is a bad idea because they will "rub off on you"

but in your mother's case it was much worse

instead of hanging out, she was letting them hang it inside of her…

and it didn't rub off on her

it rubbed off IN her

quite literally

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ebf270  No.293531



one thing I thought was uncanny :

the illustration of the girl looks pretty much EXACTLY like Stephanie, my teenage girlfriend from Lichtenstein back when I was in my twenties…

that illustration looks almost exactly like Stephanie… even the eyes…

I realize it's just a drawing, but dammit if it doesn't capture Stephanie down to a T

except Stephanie's hair was lighter blonde

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ebf270  No.293532

and when I say teenager……

I'm not talking about 19….

and I'm not talking about 18….

or 17….

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ebf270  No.293533

and when I said in my twenties….

I wasn't talking about 21….

and I wasn't talking about 22…

or 23 or 24

I also wasn't talking about 25

or 26

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ebf270  No.293534


I just thought of something….

any woman I have sex with, and any woman I blow my load into, that means even after they marry a different man years down the road and have children decades later, MY TRAITS WILL BE INHERITED BY THAT CHILD…

that means there are literally HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of "little me"s out there

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ebf270  No.293535

….. I just realized there are about 700 "little me"s out there…

……..and ZERO little you's……

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ebf270  No.293536

that's a good thing

the world is a lot better off with 700 little me's out there

than it would be with 350 Little me's and 350 little you's out there

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