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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
My name is Nate Higgers

File: e5b813f93317515⋯.jpg (60.25 KB, 547x640, 547:640, captain_swastika.jpg)

1d9a5c  No.293381

greetings, fellow /pol/acks

welcome to the new /pol/

feel free to keep it politically incorrect

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15a12e  No.293385

Nice try Grussad.

Take it back to cuckchan and don't forget to renew your pass $$$.

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9001e1  No.293388


/pol/fags are not welcome here. Go suck each other off on 4chan, where you belong.

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e2b6fa  No.293389


it's not the sucking that bothers me. i've already seen just about every kind of porn known to man. it's the glowing that really gets under my skin. that and the fact that our tax dollars are paying for at least 50% percent of the posts on cuckchan.

cuckchan has become the lunchroom and water cooler for just about every alphabet agency in the federal budget.

and everyone of those agencies is in the DNC pocket because funding. so they crapflood the place daily with enough crap to render any useful discussion all but impossible.

DNC figures they're getting their money's worth and the RNC is right next in line to do the same.

i'm starting to think it's all just one party and the whole red blue thing is a media stunt to convince us we still have some kind of choice in politics. the lobby owns them all. lol.

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9001e1  No.293390


Yeah, well, you've come to a place that knows Hitler was a one-balled manlet who killed himself when his feely feels got hurt, Ron Watkins faked Q and all Qanons are retards, Trump is a mushroom dicked loser, and white people should be gassed.

Welcome to /pnd/.

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38df8e  No.293397


>cuckchan has become the lunchroom and water cooler for just about every alphabet agency in the federal budget.

Agree. But their is a little bit of glowing here as well.


No one cares about "muh Hitler" at least here, Trump didn't do anything wrong except for trusting glow niggers who backstabbed him during his presidency (to be expected when you trust the corrupt), 'Q' is like "Operation Trust" fed larp to distract the masses and make people comfy while they destroy the rest of America, as for those that need to be gassed I'd say the WEF, IMF, CFR, central bankers and political lobbyists deserve to be gassed whether they are white or not and so does anyone else who supports those corrupt POS bastards.

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d83ba8  No.293423


hello, gorgeous! my name is Sally, and I wouldn't mind rubbing your testicles.

welcome to 8kun.

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9d0efb  No.293432

File: 8ffbb751981589c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 119.16 KB, 939x1349, 939:1349, marshmallows.jpg)

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d432b2  No.293433

Why does everything turn to dicks in these kind of threads?

Too much dicks.



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ff4573  No.293434


a proper and goodSAGE!

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