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File: 7778d310cd88b92⋯.jpg (3.57 MB, 4290x1908, 715:318, Liberation_Day_against_NWO.jpg)

4ca377  No.293342

I have been thinking and the ONLY way to stop the crooked, corrupt current state of the world is UNITING, Christians, Muslims, Chinese against the eternal parasite the filthy jews, the blacks , the latin americans and deport them back to their lands

Cronulla and all this mass protest, parades inspired me and is the ONLY way we will achieve it

Taking the street by the millions in a parade, protest, concert, etc like fashion, we will take Jews, Blacks, Japs, Central and South Americans, South East Asians back to where they belong, we will deport them from the countries above the red line on the map FOREVER

For this they will be take to the airports, ports from where they will be repatriated

All must be peaceful but if unfriendly opp is encountered they WILL be taken to the mentioned repatration points whatever it taked, it is not negotiable

July 31st will be Liberation Day

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81d307  No.293350


speaking of liberation.. today could be liberation day for you, no need to wait until July….

you would feel so liberated by simply embracing the fact that everybody already knows you are a homosexual, that you're not fooling anybody, that you have been wasting all your energy trying to trick people into thinking you weren't gay, and simply learn to accept yourself for who you are.

and "who" you are is a poverty stricken uneducated illiterate closet homosexual

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81d307  No.293359

The Uneducated, illiterate, learning disability Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha….

the internet's LONELIEST MAN™

so desperate for anything resembling human interaction, that he sets an imaginary date on his lonely little calendar, and fantasizes that somehow they will eventually be a "WE" in his empty humiliating existence.

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81d307  No.293360


you don't have the courage to look a woman in the eyes….

you are such a sniveling little coward, that you have never been able to secure a friend, not even just a casual acquaintance.. ..

and now you want us to believe that you are suddenly going to become part of a large group, and this will inspire the entire world to "go out in the streets" ?

and when they go stand out in the street, suddenly world governments will apologize?


but that's the only way you will ever find anybody willing to pretend that they like you

no dick sucking, no friend.. it's your decision

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5c54f3  No.293361


>UNITING, Christians, Muslims, Chinese


O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people. Qur'an 5:51

Muslims do fine on our own, thanks. We don't need you or your disgusting ilk.

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72324e  No.293365

This is what we need, rise against the global elite, hopefully folks get it and spread the info, I'll do do for one, I'm really sick and tired of the kikes and all the shit they have imposed upon us all, of all this transgender gobohomo migrant lockdowns vaccines agenda

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