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File: 136aa07b0657e86⋯.png (433.67 KB, 684x826, 342:413, 1648045297097.png)

49cd4b  No.293264

I know no one gives a shit, and this is pretty much a dead board, ironically the last of which has actual free speech due to lack of moderation lol. I'll just say this here and now. Once they destroy the old internet and turn it into some commie State-run TV service, I plan on canceling my internet service for good. I'm going back to the old lifestyle, traditional homesteading and real progress (not the fake bullshit 'progress' politicians refer to today). Whatever happens, happens, but I won't be apart of a corrupt technocratic dystopia. Whether or not the US remains a global superpower is of no concern. I'm not fighting their wars and I'm not playing their games. My only trust is with my firearms, friends I know and meet up with personally, my family and The Lord.

Press S to spit or C to cry. Don't make an F from a fuck of difference.

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86f478  No.293271

File: 731ae0c012c555e⋯.png (89.65 KB, 256x256, 1:1, ethical_psycopath.png)

He never says "how". ever notice that? It's always "we must do this" but never "how" because he, and all the other sociopath boomer elites do not know how.

The reason you are here, and not the other places, is because you do not know the other places. These boomers do not know where the information is really shared, they do not know the modern places, they are always 15 years behind. They finally are aware of facebook and the chans, even though those places are obsolete. They move too slow.

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ca1a1c  No.293278

File: 04b29f95fb8af65⋯.gif (1.2 MB, 400x225, 16:9, giphy.gif)


>He never says "how". ever notice that? It's always "we must do this" but never "how" because he, and all the other sociopath boomer elites do not know how.

He will release the Kraken.

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b36af6  No.293282


The WEF owns a lot of political leadership, they are in their back pockets. All the corrupted compromised governments would need to do is demand, for "national security" reasons during war time (hint, hint!), that major ISPs start censoring "domestic enemies" which they could then label ANYTHING that is not the establishment narrative "an enemy." If you think that can't happen here it already happened in China, and it's now happening in both Russia and Ukraine right now! However, I don't think they'd do that because it would cause more balkanization and rebellion. Instead I think they have another plan….

That plan was covered here, copypasta taken from someone who claims to work for a major ISP claiming what is now taking place behind the scenes preparing for THIS VERY ISSUE:



All I can say is, is if this does happen, so long and nice talking to you all while it lasted.

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86f478  No.293309

File: 775438c24476752⋯.gif (1021.26 KB, 600x726, 100:121, tula_plum.gif)


Once again, how? Sure they can get the very mainstream stuff, but not everything. Furthermore that "shut down the internet" is such a stupid boomer concept. That would take out pos infrastructure, billing, government operations, everything. They can't do it. Even Akami told the government to fuck off when they were instructed to halt operations in russia, and Akami is based in Florida(with all their infrastructure in india). The government can't do shit to them, because all Akami would have to do is flip a switch and the IRS loses it's ddos protection. By the by, DDOS protection does more than stop botnets, there are natural, non malicious issues that happen which cause high traffic.

You put way too much faith in these people. These are people that can't set up zoom without help desk. These are people that do not know what a primary key or a secondary key are, much less replication lag and the inherent problems with large noSql databases.

These are fools that believe they have merit. Every single threat that the doomsayers claim will happen, would be the end of clown world. shut down the internet? Welcome to Amish world. Hyper censorship of the mainstream? Welcome to balkanet. People here go on about "namfags" but they don't scrub the metadata off their memes properly.

The elites do not have control over tech. They lost that control in the 90s. No one really has control over it. Maybe the cloud data center providers? but even then that is questionable.

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15335e  No.293330


Well putting it into perspective perhaps you are right, if there is one thing they do not want is massive blowback and the inability to track everyone. It would be totally counter-productive to their wet dreams for having a social credit score system in the Western world. Likely a massive loss of ability to keep track of small nitch local communities and their ability to enforce tax laws too. However, if they were to suddenly lose their ability to control and track people over the internet completely, THEN I would not put it past governments to make more rash decisions in attempt to gain that control back. Anything is possible with corrupt control freaks no matter how illogical it may seem to us.

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eceb1b  No.293335


Well said.

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ed89c5  No.293336


I see early boomers aware email exists. Have secretary print out emails and take dictation for replies.

>Never mind the even older people, like Biden

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86f478  No.293341

File: 5a72990c98e5295⋯.jpg (86.72 KB, 720x950, 72:95, kurtz.jpg)


Did you know, that most high level executives, do now access their own email? Their executive assistants do this. This is because of "Whaling" which is targeted phishing. It's cheaper and safer to higher someone to read and manage their email then it is to train them.

Those are the people that have been running things for the last 30 years. Those are the "elites" the boogey men that are running the world. These are the people that the chans are afraid of.

The great reset is a myth. It's a last resort that these sociopaths are pushing for because they don't understand how the world works. Yet the ship has sailed for this. You can't turn off the internet and be cashless. you can't remove ownership in a world of tech and still have control over your IPs, you can't tie a person down to a job if they own nothing and want nothing. Everything about this "great reset" is just not plausible. It's like when Enron claimed they can sell unused broadband, or saying we have to stop using heavy trucks over night and move to light rail. None of what they propose is plausible, and the very infrastructure they would use to push this, would stop them.

It's either a myth, or this claus guy is trying to warn them to go to their bunkers.

The elites made themselves obsolete, but they are too disconnected to figure this out.

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7af99d  No.293872

File: 7ecf573c2da73d7⋯.png (458.72 KB, 757x911, 757:911, 1648653480381.png)

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235ed4  No.293924


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