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c6d676  No.293213

The Soviet Union & Asia Must Form A New Common Currency For International Trading

Source: https://saviorbox.wordpress.com

Based on the geopolitics and goods/products in general, if there is a single common currency between the Asia and CIS (Soviet Union), then it would be the ultimate currency on Earth as of 2022.

The only problem is: who is going to control/manage that new currency.

That is the old mindset of thinking, and that problem would gone away if they use my new global currency solution.

Because of “expired” date, there would be no trade deficit within that zone because all must spent before the deadline. And also because of that feature, it simply cannot be used in any daily life trading in any nations, it can only be used for trade between nations.

The new currency is more trusted than any other fiat money currency on Earth because it backed by more than 1 nations, it is public and everybody know how much money in the circulation.

If you ask how money going to be distribute between nation then the answer is treat people for all nation are the same via either give them same amount of money or same chance to “draw jackpot” in each circle.

Since each local national government have fully control in each nations so they are freely to decide the exchange rate between local currency and the new common currency.

If the people ask why have “expired dates” in new money notes then the answer is:

– Reduce corruption.

– Remove trade deficit between nations.

– Fair trade for the people in international trading.

The only remaining question is why no any leaders and nations both in public and secret talk about it even just some idea for the public to discuss.

War, chaos is not the answer for the Economy problem.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source: https://saviorbox.wordpress.com

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